以下是 html5+css3页面布局特效代码 的示例演示效果:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/component.css" />
<script src="js/modernizr.custom.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<div id="bl-main" class="bl-main">
<div class="bl-box">
<h2 class="bl-icon bl-icon-about">About</h2>
<div class="bl-content">
<h2>About this layout</h2>
<p>This responsive layout is based on an initial grid of
four boxes. Once a box is clicked, it gets resized to
fullscreen and the other boxes scale down and fade out.
In the work section we experiment with another
transition which is to show a panel by making it appear
from the bottom while scaling the current one down. To
see it in action, open the work section and click on one
of the portfolio items and navigate through them.</p>
<span class="bl-icon bl-icon-close"></span>
<section id="bl-work-section">
<div class="bl-box">
<h2 class="bl-icon bl-icon-works">Works</h2>
<div class="bl-content">
<h2>My Works</h2>
<p>Mung bean maize dandelion sea lettuce catsear bunya
nuts ricebean tatsoi caulie horseradish pea.</p>
<ul id="bl-work-items">
<li data-panel="panel-1"><a href="#"><img src="images/1.jpg" /></a></li>
<li data-panel="panel-2"><a href="#"><img src="images/2.jpg" /></a></li>
<li data-panel="panel-3"><a href="#"><img src="images/3.jpg" /></a></li>
<li data-panel="panel-4"><a href="#"><img src="images/4.jpg" /></a></li>
<span class="bl-icon bl-icon-close"></span>
<div class="bl-box">
<h2 class="bl-icon bl-icon-blog">Blog</h2>
<div class="bl-content">
<h2>My Musings</h2>
<h3>Being a Freelance Designer</h3>
<p>Stumptown helvetica cardigan, odd future seitan
tattooed flannel. Kale chips direct trade cray
beard. 8-bit etsy butcher post-ironic blog lo-fi
mcsweeney's, sustainable pickled umami flexitarian
DIY ethical plaid trust fund. Wolf cred organic,
terry richardson aesthetic four loko occupy vegan
chillwave readymade deep... <a href="#">Read more</a></p>
<h3>Working with Photoshop</h3>
<p>Cosby sweater odd future gluten-free actually
dreamcatcher. Fixie cray vice sriracha disrupt,
lo-fi pitchfork mcsweeney's swag YOLO meh chambray
etsy. Keytar sriracha fanny pack church-key hashtag
vice blog. 3 wolf moon VHS helvetica, raw denim deep
v shoreditch seitan twee... <a href="#">Read more</a></p>
<h3>Making use of Icon Fonts</h3>
<p>Locavore irony gastropub chillwave, butcher
meggings flexitarian pinterest master cleanse
godard. Intelligentsia pop-up neutra, williamsburg
gastropub godard pinterest swag deep v umami lomo.
Butcher next level 90's wolf bushwick, narwhal photo
booth YOLO kale chips whatever small batch. Meh
viral ethical hella cardigan portland, street art
mlkshk meggings mixtape kale chips cliche messenger
bag pitchfork... <a href="#">Read more</a></p>
<h3>Being a Freelance Designer</h3>
<p>Stumptown helvetica cardigan, odd future seitan
tattooed flannel. Kale chips direct trade cray
beard. 8-bit etsy butcher post-ironic blog lo-fi
mcsweeney's, sustainable pickled umami flexitarian
DIY ethical plaid trust fund. Wolf cred organic,
terry richardson aesthetic four loko occupy vegan
chillwave readymade deep... <a href="#">Read more</a></p>
<h3>Working with Photoshop</h3>
<p>Cosby sweater odd future gluten-free actually
dreamcatcher. Fixie cray vice sriracha disrupt,
lo-fi pitchfork mcsweeney's swag YOLO meh chambray
etsy. Keytar sriracha fanny pack church-key hashtag
vice blog. 3 wolf moon VHS helvetica, raw denim deep
v shoreditch seitan twee... <a href="#">Read more</a></p>
<h3>Making use of Icon Fonts</h3>
<p>Locavore irony gastropub chillwave, butcher
meggings flexitarian pinterest master cleanse
godard. Intelligentsia pop-up neutra, williamsburg
gastropub godard pinterest swag deep v umami lomo.
Butcher next level 90's wolf bushwick, narwhal photo
booth YOLO kale chips whatever small batch. Meh
viral ethical hella cardigan portland, street art
mlkshk meggings mixtape kale chips cliche messenger
bag pitchfork... <a href="#">Read more</a></p>
<span class="bl-icon bl-icon-close"></span>
<div class="bl-box">
<h2 class="bl-icon bl-icon-contact">Contact</h2>
<div class="bl-content">
<h2>Get in touch</h2>
<p>Pinterest semiotics single-origin coffee craft beer
thundercats irony, tumblr bushwick intelligentsia
pickled. Narwhal mustache godard master cleanse street
art, occupy ugh selfies put a bird on it cray salvia
four loko gluten-free shoreditch. Occupy american
apparel freegan cliche. Mustache trust fund 8-bit jean
shorts mumblecore thundercats. Pour-over small batch
forage cray, banjo post-ironic flannel keffiyeh cred
ethnic semiotics next level tousled fashion axe.
Sustainable cardigan keytar fap bushwick bespoke.</p>
<span class="bl-icon bl-icon-close"></span>
<!-- Panel items for the works -->
<div class="bl-panel-items" id="bl-panel-work-items">
<div data-panel="panel-1">
<img src="images/1.jpg" />
<h3>Fixie bespoke</h3>
<p>Iphone artisan direct trade ethical Austin. Fixie
bespoke banh mi ugh, deep v vinyl hashtag. Tumblr
gentrify keffiyeh pop-up iphone twee biodiesel.
Occupy american apparel freegan cliche. Mustache
trust fund 8-bit jean shorts mumblecore thundercats.
Pour-over small batch forage cray, banjo post-ironic
flannel keffiyeh cred ethnic semiotics next level
tousled fashion axe. Sustainable cardigan keytar fap
bushwick bespoke.</p>
<div data-panel="panel-2">
<img src="images/2.jpg" />
<h3>Chillwave mustache</h3>
<p>Squid vinyl scenester literally pug, hashtag tofu
try-hard typewriter polaroid craft beer mlkshk
cardigan photo booth PBR. Chillwave 90's gentrify
american apparel carles disrupt. Pinterest semiotics
single-origin coffee craft beer thundercats irony,
tumblr bushwick intelligentsia pickled. Narwhal
mustache godard master cleanse street art, occupy
ugh selfies put a bird on it cray salvia four loko
gluten-free shoreditch.</p>
<div data-panel="panel-3">
<img src="images/3.jpg" />
<h3>Austin hella</h3>
<p>Ethical cray wayfarers leggings vice, seitan
banksy small batch ethnic master cleanse. Pug
chillwave etsy, scenester meh occupy blue bottle
tousled blog tonx pinterest selvage mixtape swag
cosby sweater. Synth tousled direct trade, hella
Austin craft beer ugh chambray.</p>
<div data-panel="panel-4">
<img src="images/4.jpg" />
<h3>Brooklyn dreamcatcher</h3>
<p>Fashion axe 90's pug fap. Blog wayfarers brooklyn
dreamcatcher, bicycle rights retro YOLO. Wes
anderson lomo 90's food truck 3 wolf moon, twee jean
shorts. Iphone small batch twee wolf yr before they
sold out. Brooklyn echo park cred, portland pug
selvage flannel seitan tousled mcsweeney's.</p>
<span class="bl-next-work">> Next Project</span>
<span class="bl-icon bl-icon-close"></span>
</div><!-- /container -->
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="js/boxlayout.js"></script>
$(function() {
/** * boxlayout.js v1.0.0 * http://www.codrops.com * * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Copyright 2013,Codrops * http://www.codrops.com */
var Boxlayout = (function(){
var $el = $( '#bl-main' ),$sections = $el.children( 'section' ),// works section$sectionWork = $( '#bl-work-section' ),// work items$workItems = $( '#bl-work-items > li' ),// work panels$workPanelsContainer = $( '#bl-panel-work-items' ),$workPanels = $workPanelsContainer.children( 'div' ),totalWorkPanels = $workPanels.length,// navigating the work panels$nextWorkItem = $workPanelsContainer.find( 'nav > span.bl-next-work' ),// if currently navigating the work itemsisAnimating = false,// close work panel trigger$closeWorkItem = $workPanelsContainer.find( 'nav > span.bl-icon-close' ),transEndEventNames ={
,// transition end event nametransEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ],// support css transitionssupportTransitions = Modernizr.csstransitions;
function init(){
function initEvents(){
$sections.each( function(){
var $section = $( this );
// expand the clicked section and scale down the others$section.on( 'click',function(){
if( !$section.data( 'open' ) ){
$section.data( 'open',true ).addClass( 'bl-expand bl-expand-top' );
$el.addClass( 'bl-expand-item' );
).find( 'span.bl-icon-close' ).on( 'click',function(){
// close the expanded section and scale up the others$section.data( 'open',false ).removeClass( 'bl-expand' ).on( transEndEventName,function( event ){
if( !$( event.target ).is( 'section' ) ) return false;
$( this ).off( transEndEventName ).removeClass( 'bl-expand-top' );
if( !supportTransitions ){
$section.removeClass( 'bl-expand-top' );
$el.removeClass( 'bl-expand-item' );
return false;
// clicking on a work item:the current section scales down and the respective work panel slides up$workItems.on( 'click',function( event ){
// scale down main section$sectionWork.addClass( 'bl-scale-down' );
// show panel for this work item$workPanelsContainer.addClass( 'bl-panel-items-show' );
var $panel = $workPanelsContainer.find("[data-panel='" + $( this ).data( 'panel' ) + "']");
currentWorkPanel = $panel.index();
$panel.addClass( 'bl-show-work' );
return false;
// navigating the work items:current work panel scales down and the next work panel slides up$nextWorkItem.on( 'click',function( event ){
if( isAnimating ){
return false;
isAnimating = true;
var $currentPanel = $workPanels.eq( currentWorkPanel );
currentWorkPanel = currentWorkPanel < totalWorkPanels - 1 ? currentWorkPanel + 1:0;
var $nextPanel = $workPanels.eq( currentWorkPanel );
$currentPanel.removeClass( 'bl-show-work' ).addClass( 'bl-hide-current-work' ).on( transEndEventName,function( event ){
if( !$( event.target ).is( 'div' ) ) return false;
$( this ).off( transEndEventName ).removeClass( 'bl-hide-current-work' );
isAnimating = false;
if( !supportTransitions ){
$currentPanel.removeClass( 'bl-hide-current-work' );
isAnimating = false;
$nextPanel.addClass( 'bl-show-work' );
return false;
// clicking the work panels close button:the current work panel slides down and the section scales up again$closeWorkItem.on( 'click',function( event ){
// scale up main section$sectionWork.removeClass( 'bl-scale-down' );
$workPanelsContainer.removeClass( 'bl-panel-items-show' );
$workPanels.eq( currentWorkPanel ).removeClass( 'bl-show-work' );
return false;
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,400,700);@font-face{font-family:'icomoon';src:url('../fonts/icomoon.eot');src:url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),url('../fonts/icomoon.woff') format('woff'),url('../fonts/icomoon.ttf') format('truetype'),url('../fonts/icomoon.svg#icomoon') format('svg');font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;}
a{color:#f0f0f0;text-decoration:none;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:2px;padding:0 5px;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:80%;}
.bl-main > section{position:absolute;width:50%;height:50%;}
.bl-main > section:first-child{top:0;left:0;background:#F06060;}
.bl-main > section:nth-child(2){top:0;left:50%;background:#FA987D;}
.bl-main > section:nth-child(3){top:50%;left:0;background:#72CCA7;}
.bl-main > section:nth-child(4){top:50%;left:50%;background:#10A296;}
.bl-box{position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;cursor:pointer;opacity:1;/* Centering with flexbox */
.bl-box h2{text-align:center;margin:0;padding:20px;width:100%;font-size:1.8em;letter-spacing:2px;font-weight:700;text-transform:uppercase;}
.bl-main > section .bl-icon-close{position:absolute;top:20px;right:20px;cursor:pointer;z-index:100;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;}
.bl-content,div.bl-panel-items > div > div{opacity:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:60px;left:30px;right:30px;bottom:30px;padding:0 20px;overflow:hidden;overflow-y:auto;}
/* Custom content */
.bl-content p{margin:0 auto;padding-bottom:15px;font-size:1.7em;line-height:1.8;}
.bl-content h2{font-size:3em;font-weight:300;margin:0 0 20px 0;}
.bl-content article{padding:20px 40px 20px 0px;}
.bl-content article h3{font-weight:700;letter-spacing:2px;text-transform:uppercase;margin:0 0 10px 0;padding-top:20px;font-size:1.4em;}
.bl-content article a{color:rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}
.bl-content > ul{list-style:none;padding:0;margin:0;}
.bl-content > ul li{display:inline-block;width:20%;margin:1%;}
.bl-content > ul li a{display:block;padding:0;border:8px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);}
.bl-content > ul li a img{display:block;max-width:100%;}
/* Panel Items */
div.bl-panel-items,div.bl-panel-items > div{width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;position:absolute;}
div.bl-panel-items > div > div{width:60%;margin:0 auto;opacity:1;bottom:90px;top:90px;pointer-events:auto;}
div.bl-panel-items > div > div h3{font-size:2.4em;font-weight:300;margin:0 0 20px 0;}
div.bl-panel-items > div > div p{font-size:1.3em;}
div.bl-panel-items > div > div img{float:left;margin:0 20px 20px 0;max-width:100%;}
div.bl-panel-items > div{background:#3ba5db;z-index:0;opacity:0;-webkit-transform:translateY(0);-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0.5s ease-in-out,opacity 0s linear 0.5s;-moz-transform:translateY(0);-moz-transition:-moz-transform 0.5s ease-in-out,opacity 0s linear 0.5s;transform:translateY(0);transition:transform 0.5s ease-in-out,opacity 0s linear 0.5s;-ms-transform:translateY(0);}
div.bl-panel-items nav{position:absolute;z-index:9999;width:216px;left:50%;top:0px;margin-left:-108px;opacity:0;-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-in-out 0.5s;-moz-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-in-out 0.5s;transition:opacity 0.2s ease-in-out 0.5s;}
div.bl-panel-items.bl-panel-items-show nav span{float:left;margin:5px;}
div.bl-panel-items nav span.bl-next-work{font-weight:700;letter-spacing:2px;display:block;text-transform:uppercase;line-height:2em;cursor:pointer;margin-right:2em;}
div.bl-panel-items.bl-panel-items-show nav{opacity:1;top:-70px;}
div.bl-panel-items > div.bl-show-work{z-index:1000;opacity:1;-webkit-transform:translateY(-100%);-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transform:translateY(-100%);-moz-transition:-moz-transform 0.5s ease-in-out;transform:translateY(-100%);transition:transform 0.5s ease-in-out;-ms-transform:translateY(-100%);}
div.bl-panel-items > div.bl-hide-current-work{opacity:0;-webkit-transition:-webkit-transform 0.5s ease-in-out,opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;-webkit-transform:translateY(-100%) scale(0.5);-moz-transition:-moz-transform 0.5s ease-in-out,opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transform:translateY(-100%) scale(0.5);transition:transform 0.5s ease-in-out,opacity 0.5s ease-in-out;transform:translateY(-100%) scale(0.5);-ms-transform:translateY(-100%) scale(0.5);z-index:0;}
/* Transition classes and properties */
/* Separated for a better overview and control */
.bl-main > section{-webkit-transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.5s ease-in-out;}
.bl-main > section.bl-expand{width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;}
.bl-main > section.bl-expand-top{z-index:100;}
.bl-main > section:first-child.bl-expand{background:#EE4444;}
.bl-main > section:nth-child(2).bl-expand{background:#F98262;}
.bl-main > section:nth-child(3).bl-expand{background:#4BBE8E;}
.bl-main > section:nth-child(4).bl-expand{background:#0D8278;}
.bl-main.bl-expand-item > section:not(.bl-expand),.bl-main.bl-expand-item > section.bl-scale-down{-webkit-transform:scale(0.5);-moz-transform:scale(0.5);-ms-transform:scale(0.5);transform:scale(0.5);opacity:0;}
.bl-box{-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s linear 0.5s;-moz-transition:opacity 0.2s linear 0.5s;transition:opacity 0.2s linear 0.5s;}
section.bl-expand .bl-box{opacity:0;-webkit-transition:opacity 0s linear;-moz-transition:opacity 0s linear;transition:opacity 0s linear;}
.bl-box h2{-webkit-transition:all 0.2s ease-in-out;-moz-transition:all 0.2s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.2s ease-in-out;}
.no-touch section:not(.bl-expand) .bl-box:hover h2{-webkit-transform:translateY(-15px);-moz-transform:translateY(-15px);-ms-transform:translateY(-15px);transform:translateY(-15px);}
.bl-content,.bl-icon-close{-webkit-transition:opacity 0.1s linear 0s;-moz-transition:opacity 0.1s linear 0s;transition:opacity 0.1s linear 0s;}
section.bl-expand .bl-content,section.bl-expand .bl-icon-close{pointer-events:auto;opacity:1;-webkit-transition:opacity 0.3s linear 0.5s;-moz-transition:opacity 0.3s linear 0.5s;transition:opacity 0.3s linear 0.5s;}
@media screen and (max-width:46.5em){.bl-content,.bl-box{font-size:75%;}
.bl-expand .bl-box{height:130px;}
.bl-content > ul li{width:40%;}