
版权:原创 更新时间:1年以上

以下是 jQuery电子游戏积分增加减少特效 的示例演示效果:

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<section class="main-content">
		  <p>基本的+1 / -1动画效果</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <span id='basic_1'></span> - 
			  <button id='incrementBtn' class="btn2">increment</button> - 
			  <button id='decrementBtn' class="btn2">decrement</button>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">$('#basic_1').levelup('increment', 1);</pre>
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_1').levelup({'start' : 0});

				  $('#incrementBtn').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_1').levelup('increment', 1);
				  $('#decrementBtn').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_1').levelup('decrement', 1);

		  <p>The increment and decrement methods allow for other values.</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <span id='basic_2'></span> - 
			  <button id='incrementBtn_2' class="btn2">increment</button> - 
			  <button id='decrementBtn_2' class="btn2">decrement</button>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
	$('#basic_2').levelup('increment', 10);
	$('#basic_2').levelup('decrement', 7);</pre>
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_2').levelup({'start' : 0});

				  $('#incrementBtn_2').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_2').levelup('increment', 10);
				  $('#decrementBtn_2').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_2').levelup('decrement', 7);

		  <h4>Non-bold option</h4>
		  <p>The incrementer and decrementer are bold by default, but you can turn that off</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <span id='basic_3'></span> - 
			  <button id='incrementBtn_3' class="btn2">increment</button> - 
			  <button id='decrementBtn_3' class="btn2">decrement</button>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
	$('#basic_3').levelup({'start' : 0, 'incrementer' : {'bold' : false}});
	$('#basic_3').levelup('increment', 10);
	$('#basic_3').levelup('decrement', 7);</pre>
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_3').levelup({'start' : 0,
										 'incrementer' : {'bold' : false}});

				  $('#incrementBtn_3').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_3').levelup('increment', 10);
				  $('#decrementBtn_3').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_3').levelup('decrement', 7);

		  <p>You can specify the text color.  This can be done via a class as well, but
		  this is for those who simply wish to control one aspect of it.</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <span id='basic_4'></span> - 
			  <button id='incrementBtn_4' class="btn2">increment</button>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
	$('#basic_4').levelup({'start' : 0, 'incrementer' : {'color' : 'red'}});
	$('#basic_4').levelup('increment', 10);
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_4').levelup({'start' : 0,
										 'incrementer' : {'color' : 'red'}});

				  $('#incrementBtn_4').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_4').levelup('increment', 10);

		  <p>You can style the incrementer/decrementer however you like via a class.</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <span id='basic_5'></span> - 
			  <button id='incrementBtn_5' class="btn2">increment</button>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-css">
		.fun_times {
		  background-color: lightblue;
		  color: #FFA500;
		  box-shadow: 0 0 10px 10px #fff;
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
	$('#basic_5').levelup({'start' : 0, 'incrementer' : {'class' : 'fun_times'}});
	$('#basic_5').levelup('increment', 10);
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_5').levelup({'start' : 0,
										 'incrementer' : {'class' : 'fun_times'}});

				  $('#incrementBtn_5').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_5').levelup('increment', 10);

		  <p>You can set the thousands separator as anything you want.  It is off by default.</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <span id='basic_6'></span> - 
			  <button id='incrementBtn_6' class="btn2">increment</button>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
	$('#basic_6').levelup({'start' : 1111, 'showThousands' : true});
	$('#basic_6').levelup('increment', 5555);
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_6').levelup({'start' : 1111, 'showThousands' : true});

				  $('#incrementBtn_6').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_6').levelup('increment', 5555);

		  <h4>Accumulator is not span - still must be inline display type</h4>
		  <p>If you don't use a span, which is inlined, you'll need to manually inline the type.  This is 
		  a temporary fix that relates to where it lines up the animation.</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <h3 id='basic_7' style='display:inline'></h3> 
			  <button id='incrementBtn_7' class="btn2">increment</button>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">
	$('#basic_7').levelup({'start' : 1111, 'showThousands' : true});
	$('#basic_7').levelup('increment', 5555);
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_7').levelup({'start' : 1111, 'showThousands' : true});

				  $('#incrementBtn_7').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_7').levelup('increment', 5555);

		  <h4>Value Accessor</h4>
		  <p>You'll want to use this to get the value instead of reading the text,
		  because the text could be out of date.</p>
		  <div class="btn-area">
			  <span id='basic_8'></span> - 
			  <button id='incrementBtn_8' class="btn2">increment</button> - 
			  <button id='readBtn_8' class="btn2">Get Value</button> : 
			  <span id='valueResult_8'></span>
		  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js">$('#basic_8').levelup('get');</pre>
			  $(function() {
				  $('#basic_8').levelup({'start' : 0});

				  $('#incrementBtn_8').on('click', function(event) {
					  $('#basic_8').levelup('increment', 1);
				  $('#readBtn_8').on('click', function(event) {
					  var value = $('#basic_8').levelup('get');


/** * jquery-levelup - jQuery Plugin to draw animated increment and decrement to a * number styled from video games. * URL:http://pstrinkle.github.com/jquery-levelup * Author:Patrick Trinkle <https://github.com/pstrinkle> * Version:1.0.2 * Copyright 2016 Patrick Trinkle * * Licensed under the Apache License,Version 2.0 (the "License");
	* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
(function ($){
	function LevelUp(config){
LevelUp.prototype ={
	/** * This is the only required option. * @type{
 start:0,/** * This is the current value. * @type{
 value:0,/** * Whether we separate numbers in thousands. * @type{
 showThousands:false,/** * The thousands separator to use. * @tyep{
 thousandSep:',',/** * These are the settings for the incrementer. * @type{
,/** * These are the settings for the decrementer * @type{
,//----------------------- protected properties and methods ------------- /** * @protected */
 constructor:LevelUp,/** * Container element. Should be passed into constructor config * @protected * @type{
 el:null,/** * Init/re-init the object * @param{
config - Config */
	return this.value;
	this.value = newValue;
,dataName:'levelup',animateUpdate:function (update){
	var instance = this;
	/* transition to this */
 var $tw = instance.el;
	var p = $tw.position();
	var h = $tw.height();
	var w = $tw.width();
	// start it all the way to the left,then figure out its width var nl = p.left + w;
	if (update >= 0){
	/* * They have the same height,so just position it above by the * height. */
 if (instance.showThousands){
	update = numberWithCommas(update,instance.thousandSep);
var nt = p.top - h;
	var s = getStyle(nt,nl,instance.incrementer);
	var $x = $('<span>',{
	text:"+" + update,style:s}
	if (instance.incrementer.class){
	/* * They have the same height,so just position it at the same * place. */
 if (instance.showThousands){
	update = numberWithCommas(update,instance.thousandSep);
var nt = p.top;
	var s = getStyle(nt,nl,instance.decrementer);
	var $x = $('<span>',{
	if (instance.decrementer.class){
// width is 0 until it's rendered. $tw.parent().append($x);
	var realWidth = $x.width();
	var newerLeft = nl - realWidth;
	$x.css('left',newerLeft + 'px');
	// lower if after ~1/4th of a second. setTimeout(function(){
	var e = nt + (h);
	$x.css('top',e + 'px');
	/* equivalent to a volatile pointer read */
 var value = $tw.data(instance.dataName).getValue();
	if (instance.showThousands){
	value = numberWithCommas(value,instance.thousandSep);
var trans ={
	'-webkit-transition':'all 0.25s','-moz-transition':'all 0.25s','-o-transition':'all 0.25s','transition':'all 0.25s'}
	function numberWithCommas(x,sep){
	return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{
/* * Should it always be bold? or is that incorrect,I can't recall yet. * I should have it check if the thing beneath it is bold? */
 function getStyle(top,left,settings){
	/* * Yes it's less optimal,why am I building it every time? * I was already technically just building a giant string... */
 var styles = ["position:absolute","top:" + top + "px","left:" + left + "px","z-index:999" ];
	if (settings.bold){
if (settings.color){
	styles.push("color:" + settings.color);
return styles.join(";
//----------------------- Initiating jQuery plugin ------------------------- /** * Set up an animated incrementer/decrementer. * * @param configOrCommand - Config object or command name * Example:{
	* you may set any public property (see above);
	* you may use .levelup('increment',incrementWith) to increment the * value * you may use .levelup('decrement',decrementWith) to decrement the * value * * @param commandArgument - Some commands (like 'increment') may require an * argument */
 $.fn.levelup = function(configOrCommand,commandArgument){
	/* It is possible that the text will be updated out of sequence * because of the timeouts,that you might not end up with the * right value,so the right value is basically always in data. */
var dataName = LevelUp.prototype.dataName;
	if (typeof configOrCommand == 'string'){
	commandArgument = parseInt(commandArgument);
	/* just in case. */
 if (configOrCommand === 'increment'){
	/* you want to update this here in case they call it a lot. */
 return this.each(function(){
	var instance = $(this).data(dataName);
	instance.setValue(instance.getValue() + commandArgument);
else if (configOrCommand === 'decrement'){
	return this.each(function(){
	var instance = $(this).data(dataName);
	instance.setValue(instance.getValue() - commandArgument);
	instance.animateUpdate(-1 * commandArgument);
else if (configOrCommand === 'reset'){
	return this.each(function(){
	var instance = $(this).data(dataName);
else if (configOrCommand === 'get'){
	var instance = $(this).data(dataName);
	return instance.getValue();
/* handle init here,I later plan to use other options,such as formatting. */
 return this.each(function(){
	var el = $(this),instance = el.data(dataName),config = $.isPlainObject(configOrCommand) ? configOrCommand:{
	if (instance){
	/* they've set up some data values for us already to use. */
	var initialConfig = $.extend({
	config = $.extend(initialConfig,config);
	config.el = el;
	/* We don't want a true deep copy of the whole prototype. */
 if (config.incrementer){
	var inc = $.extend(true,{
if (config.decrementer){
	var dec = $.extend(true,{
instance = new LevelUp(config);
	if (instance.showThousands){
	instance.start = numberWithCommas(instance.start,instance.thousandSep);


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