
版权:原创 更新时间:1年以上

以下是 jquery点击文本框提示标签自动补全js代码 的示例演示效果:

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>jquery点击文本框提示标签自动补全 </title>
<link href="css/custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.7.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="css/jquery.taghandler.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.taghandler.js"></script>


<div style="width:620px;margin:40px auto 0 auto;text-align:center;">

	<ul id="tags"></ul>
	<input id="btnConfirm" type="button" value="提交" />


	var origtags = '最ACG,漫画,动漫,acg';
	var newstags = origtags.split(',');
	var arr = new Array(); //将标签放入arr 数组中
	for (var i = 0; i < newstags.length; i++) {
		arr[i] = newstags[i];
	jQuery(document).ready(function () {
			assignedTags: arr, //原有标签,若没有,可以直接写 []
			availableTags: ['动漫', '音乐', '素材', '代码'],//用于自动补全的数据,可从后台获取
			autocomplete: true, //自动补全功能,true为有提示,false则反之
			onAdd: function (tag) {
				var addflag = true, tags = $('#tags').tagHandler("getTags");
				jQuery.each(tags, function (i, e) {
					if (tag.toUpperCase() === e.toUpperCase()) {
						$('#tags').find('.tagItem').each(function () {
							if ($(this).html().toLocaleUpperCase() === tag.toLocaleUpperCase()) {
								$(this).animate({ opacity: 0.55 }).delay(20).animate({ opacity: 1 }).animate({ opacity: 0.55 }).delay(20).animate({ opacity: 1 });
						addflag = false;
				return addflag;

			onDelete: function (tag) { //删除操作

				var addflag = false;
				var answer = confirm("您确定删除此标签?");
				if (answer) {
					addflag = true;
				return addflag;

	$(function () {
		$("#btnConfirm").click(function () { //提交按钮操作
			var getTag = $('#tags').tagHandler("getTags");



/*jQuery Tag Handler v1.3.0Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mark JubenvilleMark Jubenville - ioncache@gmail.comhttp://ioncache.github.com/Tag-HandlerDevelopment time supported by:Raybec Communicationshttp://www.raybec.comhttp://www.mysaleslink.comModified by Javier Fernandez Escribano - fesjav@gmail.comAdded autocomplete queries as the user writesDevelopment time supported by:Tourist Eyehttp://www.touristeye.comBased heavily on:Tag it! by Levy Carneiro Jr (http://levycarneiro.com/)http://levycarneiro.com/projects/tag-it/example.htmlhttp://github.com/levycarneiro/tag-ithttp://plugins.jquery.com/project/tag-itTag icons/cursors converted from:From the famfamfam.com Silk icon set:http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/Loader image created at:Preloaders.nethttp://preloaders.net/------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tag Handler is a jQuery plugin used for managing tag-type metadata.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Basic Usage Instructions------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Tag Handler must be attached to one or more <ul> tags in your HTML.* To add a tag,click on the tag box,type in a name,and hit enter or comma.* Tags may be removed from the tag box by hitting backspace inside the box orby clicking on the tag.* The list of tags may be initialized in 1 of 3 ways:1. By passing arrays of tag names as options to the plugin("availableTags" and "assignedTags");
	or,2. By supplying a "getURL" for the tags to be retrieved via AJAX.When using this method,the server must supply a JSON formatted arraynamed "availableTags" and optionally an additional array named"assignedTags".3. By supplying a "getURL" and initLoad:false.When using this method,it will get the "assignedTags" from the array as inmethod 1. When the user writes a tag,it will query the server searching forsimilar tags.Either way,the information from these 3 methods will be used in thefollowing manner:availableTags:each item in this array will populate the autocompletedrop-down listassignedTags:each item this array will become a tag in the tag box* Tags may be sent back to the server by supplying an "updateURL". In this case,an array will be sent back to the server named "tags".* You can define whether the user can create new tags or select tags only.* You can define if the user can edit the tags.* A sample CSS file is included that can be used to help with formatting tags.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plugin Examples------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example 1:The Tag Handler will be initialized with no options and no defaulttags:$("#basic_tag_handler").tagHandler();
	Example 2:The Tag Handler will be initialized with preset tags from theassignedTags and availableTags arrays,and autocomplete witll beturned on:$("#array_tag_handler").tagHandler({
	assignedTags:[ 'Perl' ],availableTags:[ 'C','C++','C#','Java','Perl','PHP','Python' ],autocomplete:true}
	See http://ioncache.github.com/Tag-Handler for more examples------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plugin Options------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tag data specific options:--------------------------Option Description Default Value-------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------------assignedTags array to pass a list of already assigned tags []availableTags array to pass a list of all available tags []getData data field with info for getURL ''getURL URL for retrieving tag lists via ajax{
initLoad indicates if all tags should be loaded on init trueupdateData data field with additional info for updtateURL{
updateURL URL for saving tags via ajax ''Callback options:-----------------Option Description Default Value-------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------------onAdd function to be called when a new tag is added{
onDelete function to be called when a tag is deleted{
afterAdd function to be called after a new tag is added{
afterDelete function to be called after a tag is deleted{
Miscellaneous options:----------------------Option Description Default Value-------------- ---------------------------------------------- --------------allowAdd indicates whether the user can add new tags trueallowEdit indicates whether the tag list is editable trueautocomplete requires jqueryui autocomplete plugin falseautoUpdate indicates whether updating occurs automatically falsewhenever a tag is added/deleted - if set true,the save button will not be shownclassName base class name that will be added to the tag 'tagHandler'containerdebug will turn on some console logging debug info falsedelimiter extra delimiter to use to separate tags ''note 'enter' and 'comma' are always allowedmaxTags sets a limit to the number of allowed tags,set 0to 0 to allow unlimitedminChars minimum number of chars to type before starting 0autocompletemsgError message shown when there is an error loading 'There was anthe tags error gettingthe tag list.'msgNoNewTag message shown when the user cannot add a new 'You don't havetag permission tocreate a newtag.'queryname query term used to send user typed data 'q'sortTags sets sorting of tag names alphabetically trueMethods----------------------Name Description Usage----------------- ----------------------- --------------------------------getTags returns an array of tags .tagHandler("getTags")getSerializedTags returns comma separated .tagHandler("getSerializedTags")string of tags------------------------------------------------------------------------------License------------------------------------------------------------------------------This program is free software:you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation,either version 3 of the License,or(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
	without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theLesser GNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public Licensealong with this program. If not,see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >.*/
(function ($){
	// some helper methods var methods ={
	getSerializedTags:function (){
	var currentTags = [];
	$(this).find("li.tagItem").each(function (i,e){
	return currentTags.join(',');
,getTags:function (){
	var currentTags = [];
	$(this).find("li.tagItem").each(function (i,e){
	return currentTags;
,version:function (){
	return "1.3.0";
	// main plugin initialization $.fn.tagHandler = function (options){
	if (typeof(options) == 'object' || typeof(options) == 'undefined'){
	var opts = $.extend({
	// processes each specified object and adds a tag handler to each return this.each(function (){
	// checks to make sure the supplied element is a <ul> if (!$(this).is('ul')){
	return true;
// caches the container to avoid scope issues. var tagContainer = this;
	var tagContainerObject = $(tagContainer);
	// adds an id to the tagContainer in case it doesn't have one if (!tagContainer.id){
	var d = new Date();
	tagContainer.id = d.getTime();
// wraps the <ul> element in a div mainly for use in positioning // the save button and loader image. tagContainerObject.wrap('<div class="' + opts.className + '" />');
	// adds the the tag class to the tagContainer and creates the tag // input field tagContainerObject.addClass(opts.className + "Container");
	if (opts.allowEdit){
	tagContainerObject.html('<li class="tagInput"><input class="tagInputField" type="text" /></li>');
var inputField = tagContainerObject.find(".tagInputField");
	// master tag list,will contain 3 arrays of tags var tags = [];
	tags.availableTags = [];
	tags.originalTags = [];
	tags.assignedTags = [];
	// adds save/loader divs to the tagContainer if needed if (opts.updateURL !== ''){
	if (!opts.autoUpdate){
	$("<div />").attr({
	id:tagContainer.id + "_save",title:"Save Tags"}
).addClass("tagUpdate").click(function (){
$("<div />").attr({
	id:tagContainer.id + "_loader",title:"Saving Tags"}
// initializes the tag lists // tag lists will be pulled from a URL if (opts.getURL !== '' && opts.initLoad){
	url:opts.getURL,cache:false,data:opts.getData,dataType:'json',success:function (data,text,xhr){
	if (data.availableTags.length){
	tags.availableTags = data.availableTags.slice();
	tags.originalTags = tags.availableTags.slice();
if (opts.sortTags){
	tags = sortTags(tags);
if (data.assignedTags.length){
	tags.assignedTags = data.assignedTags.slice();
	if (opts.sortTags){
	tags = sortTags(tags);
tags = addAssignedTags(opts,tags,inputField,tagContainer);
if (opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function' && opts.allowEdit){
,error:function (xhr,text,error){
	// show assigned tags only if we load the data as we write}
else if (opts.getURL !== ''){
	tags.assignedTags = opts.assignedTags.slice();
	if (opts.sortTags){
	tags = sortTags(tags);
tags = addAssignedTags(opts,tags,inputField,tagContainer);
	// or load the lists of tags}
	if (opts.availableTags.length){
	tags.availableTags = opts.availableTags.slice();
	tags.originalTags = tags.availableTags.slice();
if (opts.sortTags){
	tags = sortTags(tags);
if (opts.assignedTags.length){
	tags.assignedTags = opts.assignedTags.slice();
	if (opts.sortTags){
	tags = sortTags(tags);
tags = addAssignedTags(opts,tags,inputField,tagContainer);
if (opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function' && opts.allowEdit && opts.initLoad){
// all tag editing functionality only activated if set in options if (opts.allowEdit){
	// delegates a click event function to all future <li> elements with // the tagItem class that will remove the tag upon click tagContainerObject.delegate("li.tagItem","click",function (){
	var $el = $(this);
	var rc = 1;
	if (typeof(opts.onDelete) == "function"){
	rc = opts.onDelete.call(this,$.trim($el.text()));
if (rc){
	tags = removeTag($el,tags,opts.sortTags);
	if (opts.updateURL !== '' && opts.autoUpdate){
if (typeof(opts.afterDelete) == "function"){
if (opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function' && opts.initLoad){
	// checks the keypress event for enter or comma,and adds a new tag // when either of those keys are pressed $(inputField).keypress(function (e){
	var $el = $(this);
	if (e.which === 13 || e.which === 44 || e.which === opts.delimiter.charCodeAt(0)){
	/*if ($el.val() !== "" && !checkTag($.trim($el.val()),tags.assignedTags)){
if ($el.val() !== ""){
	// check if the tag is in availableTags if (!opts.allowAdd && !checkTag($.trim($el.val()),tags.availableTags)){
if (opts.maxTags > 0 && tags.assignedTags.length >= opts.maxTags){
	alert('Maximum tags allowed:' + opts.maxTags);
	var newTag = $.trim($el.val());
	// allow addition onAdd return code to control whether // addition is allowed to go through var rc = 1;
	if (typeof(opts.onAdd) == "function"){
	rc = opts.onAdd.call(this,newTag);
if (rc || typeof(rc) == "undefined"){
	tags = addTag(this,newTag,tags,opts.sorttags);
	if (opts.updateurl !== '' && opts.autoupdate){
if (opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function' && opts.initload){
if (typeof(opts.afterAdd) == "function"){
	// checks the keydown event for the backspace key as checking the // keypress event doesn't work in IE $(inputField).keydown(function (e){
	var $el = $(this);
	if (e.which === 8 && $el.val() === ""){
	var deleted_tag = tagContainerObject.find(".tagItem:last").text();
	if (typeof(opts.onDelete) == "function"){
tags = removeTag(tagContainerObject.find(".tagItem:last"),tags,opts.sortTags);
	if (opts.updateURL !== '' && opts.autoUpdate){
if (typeof(opts.afterDelete) == "function"){
if (opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function' && opts.initLoad){
	// adds autocomplete functionality for the tag names if (opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function' && opts.initLoad){
	source:tags.availableTags,select:function (event,ui){
	var $el = $(this);
	if (!checkTag($.trim(ui.item.value),tags.assignedTags)){
	if (opts.maxTags > 0 && tags.assignedTags.length >= opts.maxTags){
	alert('Maximum tags allowed:' + opts.maxTags);
	var newTag = $.trim(ui.item.value);
	var rc = 1;
	if (typeof(opts.onAdd) == "function"){
	rc = opts.onAdd.call(this,newTag);
if (rc || typeof(rc) == "undefined"){
	tags = addTag(this,newTag,tags,opts.sortTags);
	if (opts.updateURL !== '' && opts.autoUpdate){
	if (typeof(opts.afterAdd) == "function"){
	return false;
// Make an AJAX request to get the list of tags based on typed data else if (opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function'){
	source:function (request,response){
	opts.getData[opts.queryname] = request.term;
	var lastXhr = $.getJSON(opts.getURL,opts.getData,function (data,status,xhr){
,select:function (event,ui){
	var $el = $(this);
	if (!checkTag($.trim(ui.item.value),tags.assignedTags)){
	if (opts.maxTags > 0 && tags.assignedTags.length >= opts.maxTags){
	alert('Maximum tags allowed:' + opts.maxTags);
	var newTag = $.trim(ui.item.value);
	var rc = 1;
	if (typeof(opts.onAdd) == "function"){
if (rc || typeof(rc) == "undefined"){
	tags = addTag(this,$.trim(ui.item.value),tags,opts.sortTags);
	if (opts.updateURL !== '' && opts.autoUpdate){
if (typeof(opts.afterAdd) == "function"){
	return false;
// sets the input field to show the autocomplete list on focus // when there is no value $(inputField).focus(function (){
	if ($(inputField).val() === '' && opts.autocomplete && typeof($.fn.autocomplete) == 'function' && opts.initLoad){
	// sets the focus to the input field whenever the user clicks // anywhere on the tagContainer -- since the input field by default // has no border it isn't obvious where to click to access it tagContainerObject.click(function (){
this.getTags = function (){
	return tags.assignedTags;
	return 1;
else if (typeof(options) == "string" && methods[options]){
	return methods[options].apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1));
	// plugin option defaults $.fn.tagHandler.defaults ={
,getURL:'',initLoad:true,maxTags:0,minChars:0,msgNoNewTag:"You don't have permission to create a new tag.",msgError:"There was an error getting the tag list.",onAdd:{
	// checks to to see if a tag is already found in a list of tags function checkTag(value,tags){
	var check = false;
	jQuery.each(tags,function (i,e){
	if (e === value){
	check = true;
	return false;
	return check;
// removes a tag from a tag list function removeTagFromList(value,tags){
	jQuery.each(tags,function (i,e){
	if (e === value){
	return tags;
// adds a tag to the tag box and the assignedTags list function addTag(tagField,value,tags,sort){
	tags.availableTags = removeTagFromList(value,tags.availableTags);
	$("<li />").addClass("tagItem").text(value).insertBefore($(tagField).parent());
	if (sort){
	tags = sortTags(tags);
return tags;
// removes a tag from the tag box and the assignedTags list function removeTag(tag,tags,sort){
	var value = $(tag).text();
	tags.assignedTags = removeTagFromList(value,tags.assignedTags);
	if (checkTag(value,tags.originalTags)){
	if (sort){
	tags = sortTags(tags);
return tags;
// sorts each of the sets of tags function sortTags(tags){
	tags.availableTags = tags.availableTags.sort();
	tags.assignedTags = tags.assignedTags.sort();
	tags.originalTags = tags.originalTags.sort();
	return tags;
// saves the tags to the server via ajax function saveTags(tags,opts,tcID){
	var sendData ={
	type:'POST',url:opts.updateURL,cache:false,data:sendData,dataType:'json',beforeSend:function (){
	if ($("#" + tcID + "_save").length){
	$("#" + tcID + "_save").fadeOut(200,function (){
	$("#" + tcID + "_loader").fadeIn(200);
	$("#" + tcID + "_loader").fadeIn(200);
,complete:function (){
	$("#" + tcID + "_loader").fadeOut(200,function (){
	if ($("#" + tcID + "_save").length){
	$("#" + tcID + "_save").fadeIn(200);
// adds any already assigned tags to the tag box function addAssignedTags(opts,tags,inputField,tagContainer){
	$(tags.assignedTags).each(function (i,e){
	if (opts.allowEdit){
	$("<li />").addClass("tagItem").text(e).insertBefore($(inputField).parent());
	$("<li />").addClass("tagItem").css("cursor","default").text(e).appendTo($(tagContainer));
tags.availableTags = removeTagFromList(e,tags.availableTags);
	return tags;
// some debugging information function debug(tagContainer,options){
	if (options.debug && window.console && window.console.log){


input[type="text"]:focus,input[type="password"]:focus,textarea:focus{outline:0px !important;}
.tagHandler ul.tagHandlerContainer{-webkit-border-radius:7px;-moz-border-radius:7px;border:1px solid #DFDFDF;overflow:hidden;min-height:30px;line-height:30px;cursor:text;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;padding:0px 5px;margin:10px 0px;}
.tagHandler ul.tagHandlerContainer li{-webkit-border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px;height:14px;line-height:14px;display:block;float:left;font-size:14px;margin:5px 5px 5px 0;white-space:nowrap;}
.tagHandler ul.tagHandlerContainer li.tagItem{background-color:#303030;color:#FFF;padding:8px 15px;cursor:url('../images/tag_remove.cur'),pointer;}
.tagHandler ul.tagHandlerContainer li.tagItem:hover{background-color:#202020;}
.tagHandler ul.tagHandlerContainer li.tagInput{padding:3px 4px;}
.tagHandler ul.tagHandlerContainer input.tagInputField{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;border:none;width:inherit;background-color:#FFF;color:#666;font-size:14px;}
.tagHandler div.tagLoader{position:absolute;right:-24px;top:12px;display:none;background:url('../images/loader.gif') center center no-repeat;width:16px;height:18px;cursor:default;}
.tagHandler div.tagUpdate{position:absolute;right:-24px;top:14px;background:url('../images/tag_update.png') center center no-repeat;width:16px;height:16px;cursor:pointer;}
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