以下是 9款不同jquery背景导航切换特效代码 的示例演示效果:
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<meta name="description" content="Sliding Background Image Menu with jQuery" />
<meta name="keywords" content="jquery, background image, image, menu, navigation, panels" />
<meta name="author" content="Codrops" />
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<h1>Sliding Background Image Menu<span>with jQuery</span></h1>
<h2>Default - Show/hide</h2>
<div class="content">
<div id="sbi_container" class="sbi_container">
<div class="sbi_panel" data-bg="images/1.jpg">
<a href="#" class="sbi_label">About</a>
<div class="sbi_content">
<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
<div class="sbi_panel" data-bg="images/2.jpg">
<a href="#" class="sbi_label">Menu</a>
<div class="sbi_content">
<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
<div class="sbi_panel" data-bg="images/3.jpg">
<a href="#" class="sbi_label">Location</a>
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<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Subitem</a></li>
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<li>More examples:</li>
<li class="selected"><a href="example1.html">Show/hide</a></li>
<li><a href="example2.html">Fade</a></li>
<li><a href="example3.html">Sequential fade</a></li>
<li><a href="example4.html">Side slide</a></li>
<li><a href="example4_1.html">Side slide (bounce)</a></li>
<li><a href="example5.html">Sequential slide</a></li>
<li><a href="example6.html">Up/down</a></li>
<li><a href="example7.html">Sequential up/down</a></li>
<li><a href="example8.html">Alternating up/down</a></li>
<li><a href="example8_1.html">Alternating up/down (2)</a></li>
<li><a href="example9.html">Seq. alt. up/down</a></li>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.bgImageMenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
jQuery.fn.reverse = Array.prototype.reverse;
var temp={
// sets the panels bg image & positionsetPanelBackground:function( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth ){
'background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
$(this).css('background-position',( - i * panelWidth ) + 'px 0px');
,preloadImages:function( $panels,nmbPanels ){
var cnt= 0;
var $panel= $(this),bgimage= $panel.data('bg');
$('<img/>').attr( 'src',bgimage );
,setup:function( $panels,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$content,settings ){
var $el= $(this);
// save each content's height (where the menu items are)// and hide them by setting the height to 0px$el.data( 'height',$el.outerHeight(true) ).css( 'height','0px' ).show();
// set the width for the panels;
$panels.css( 'width',panelWidth + 'px' );
// set the width of the panelBgs$panelBg.css( 'width',panelWidth + 'px' );
// set the width,height and background image of the main container$el.css({
'width':panelWidth * nmbPanels + 'px','height':settings.height + 'px'}
// if defaultBg is passed then defaultBg is set as background,// otherwise we set the image of the default opened panelif( settings.defaultBg )aux.setPanelBackground( settings.defaultBg,$panels,panelWidth );
elseaux.setPanelBackground( temp.currentBgImage,$panels,panelWidth );
// apply a margin right of settings.border pixels for all the panels except the last one$panels.not( $panels.eq( nmbPanels - 1 ) ).css( 'margin-right',settings.border + 'px' );
var spaces= (nmbPanels - 1) * settings.border;
// adjust the sbi_container's width given the margins$el.css( 'width',$el.width() + spaces + 'px' );
,// animation typesanim={
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var $panel= $label.closest('div.sbi_panel'),panelIdx= $panel.index(),bgimage= $panel.data('bg'),dir;
if( temp.current === panelIdx ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
return false;
temp.current= $panel.index();
anim[settings.type.mode].slideAux( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0;
// set the correct left to the $panelBg// and also the bg image$panelBg.css({
'left':'0px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
$(this).css('background-position',( - i * panelWidth ) + 'px 0px');
$el.data( 'anim',false );
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
// same like def modeanim['def'].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0;
// set the correct left to the $panelBg// and also the bg image$panelBg.css({
'left':'0px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
$(this).hide() .css('background-position',( - i * panelWidth ) + 'px 0px') .fadeIn(settings.type.speed,settings.type.easing,function(){
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bgaux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var $panel= $label.closest('div.sbi_panel'),panelIdx= $panel.index(),bgimage= $panel.data('bg'),dir;
if( temp.current < panelIdx )dir= 1;
else if( temp.current > panelIdx )dir= -1;
$el.data( 'anim',false );
return false;
temp.current= $panel.index();
anim[settings.type.mode].slideAux( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0,seq_t= settings.type.seqfactor,$elems= $el.find('div.sbi_panel_img');
if( dir === -1 )$elems = $elems.reverse();
// set the correct left to the $panelBg// and also the bg image$elems.css({
'left':'0px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
var $thePanelBg= $(this).hide();
var factor= - i * panelWidth;
if( dir === -1 )factor= - (nmbPanels - 1 - i) * panelWidth;
$thePanelBg.css('background-position',factor + 'px 0px') .fadeIn(settings.type.speed,settings.type.easing,function(){
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bgaux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
,i * seq_t);
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
// same like seqFade modeanim['seqFade'].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0;
// set the correct left to the $panelBg depending on dir// and also the bg image$panelBg.css({
'left':dir * panelWidth + 'px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
$(this).css('background-position',( - i * panelWidth ) + 'px 0px') .stop() .animate({
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bg aux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
// same like seqFade modeanim['seqFade'].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0,seq_t= settings.type.seqfactor,$elems= $el.find('div.sbi_panel_img');
if( dir === 1 )$elems = $elems.reverse();
// set the correct left to the $panelBg depending on dir// and also the bg image$elems.css({
'left':dir * panelWidth + 'px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
var $thePanelBg= $(this);
var factor= - i * panelWidth;
if( dir === 1 )factor= - (nmbPanels - 1 - i) * panelWidth;
$thePanelBg.css('background-position',factor + 'px 0px') .stop() .animate({
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bg aux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
,i * seq_t);
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
// same like seqFade modeanim['seqFade'].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0;
// set the correct top to the $panelBg depending on dir// and also the bg image$panelBg.css({
'top':dir * settings.height + 'px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
$(this).css('background-position',( - i * panelWidth ) + 'px 0px') .stop() .animate({
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bg aux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
// same like seqFade modeanim['seqFade'].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0,seq_t= settings.type.seqfactor,$elems= $el.find('div.sbi_panel_img');
if( dir === 1 )$elems = $elems.reverse();
// set the correct top to the $panelBg depending on dir// and also the bg image$elems.css({
'top':dir * settings.height + 'px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
var $thePanelBg= $(this);
var factor= - i * panelWidth;
if( dir === 1 )factor= - (nmbPanels - 1 - i) * panelWidth;
$thePanelBg.css('background-position',factor + 'px 0px') .stop() .animate({
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bg aux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
,i * seq_t);
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
// same like seqFade modeanim['seqFade'].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0,j;
// set the correct top to the $panelBg// and also the bg image$panelBg.css({
'background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
if( i % 2 === 0 )j = 1;
elsej = -1;
$(this).css('top',j * settings.height + 'px') .css('background-position',( - i * panelWidth ) + 'px 0px') .stop() .animate({
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bg aux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
slide:function( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
// same like seqFade modeanim['seqFade'].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
,slideAux:function( bgimage,dir,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings ){
var cnt= 0,seq_t= settings.type.seqfactor,$elems= $el.find('div.sbi_panel_img'),j;
if( dir === 1 )$elems = $elems.reverse();
// set the correct top to the $panelBg depending on dir// and also the bg image$elems.css({
'top':dir * settings.height + 'px','background-image':'url(' + bgimage + ')'}
var $thePanelBg= $(this);
var factor= - i * panelWidth;
if( dir === 1 )factor= - (nmbPanels - 1 - i) * panelWidth;
if( i % 2 === 0 )j = 1;
elsej = -1;
$thePanelBg.css('top',j * settings.height + 'px') .css('background-position',factor + 'px 0px') .stop() .animate({
if( cnt === nmbPanels ){
$el.data( 'anim',false );
// set default bg aux.setPanelBackground( bgimage,$panels,panelWidth );
,i * seq_t);
,methods ={
init:function( options ){
if( this.length ){
var settings ={
/*by default the first item is openedif defaultBg is passed,then pos will be ignored*/
pos:0,// width of the sbi_container (image width)width:'900',// height of the sbi_container (image height)height:'510',// border / margin size (distance between panels)border:0,// time that the menu takes to expand / collapsemenuSpeed:450,// animation typetype:{
// name:use def | fade | seqFade | horizontalSlide |// seqHorizontalSlide | verticalSlide | seqVerticalSlide |// verticalSlideAlt | seqVerticalSlideAltmode:'def',// speed of the panel animationspeed:250,// easing type for the animationeasing:'jswing',// this is the interval between each panel's animation// used for seqFade & seqHorizontalSlide & seqVerticalSlide & seqVerticalSlideAltseqfactor:100}
return this.each(function(){
// if options exist,lets merge them with our default settingsif ( options ){
$.extend( settings,options );
var $el= $(this),$panels= $el.children('div.sbi_panel'),nmbPanels= $panels.length,$labels= $el.find('a.sbi_label'),$content= $el.find('div.sbi_content'),animTime,// width for each panelpanelWidth= Math.floor( settings.width / nmbPanels );
// preload imagesaux.preloadImages( $panels,nmbPanels );
// current paneltemp.current= settings.pos;
if( settings.defaultBg )temp.current= -1;
var $defaultPanel= $panels.eq( settings.pos );
temp.currentBgImage= $defaultPanel.data('bg');
// prepend a bg image container for each one of the panels// this will have the right image as background$panels.prepend('<div class="sbi_panel_img"></div>');
// have a reference to those containers - $panelBgvar $panelBg= $el.find('div.sbi_panel_img');
// set this and that...aux.setup( $panels,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$content,settings );
// if defaultBg is not passed we show the menu of the default panelif( !settings.defaultBg ){
var $defContent= $defaultPanel.children('div.sbi_content');
$defContent.css( 'height',$content.data('height') + 'px' );
// mouseenter event on the labels:$labels.bind( 'mouseenter',function(e){
var $label= $(this),$content= $label.next();
animTime= setTimeout(function(){
if( $el.data( 'anim' ) ) return false;
$el.data( 'anim',true );
if( temp.current != -1 ){
$panels.eq( temp.current ) .find('div.sbi_content') .stop() .animate({
anim[settings.type.mode].slide( $label,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
height:$content.data('height') + 'px'}
)// mouseleave event on the main container (just if we have set a default bg image for the menu)// this will reset the menu to the original / default image$el.bind('mouseleave',function(e){
if( temp.current != -1 ){
$panels.eq( temp.current ) .find('div.sbi_content') .stop() .animate({
temp.current= -1;
if( settings.defaultBg ){
if( $el.data( 'anim' ) ) return false;
$el.data( 'anim',true );
anim[settings.type.mode].slideAux( settings.defaultBg,-1,nmbPanels,panelWidth,$panelBg,$el,$panels,settings );
return false;
$.fn.bgImageMenu = function(method){
if ( methods[method] ){
return methods[method].apply( this,Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments,1 ));
else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ){
return methods.init.apply( this,arguments );
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.bgImageMenu' );
/* CSS reset */
input{border:1px solid #b0b0b0;padding:3px 5px 4px;color:#979797;width:190px;}
.sbi_container{position:relative;margin:0 auto;overflow:hidden;padding:10px;background:#000;-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #000;-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #000;box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #000;-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px 4px 4px 4px;}
.sbi_label{display:block;width:100%;background:#000;text-align:center;font-size:20px;height:40px;line-height:40px;position:absolute;bottom:50px;left:0px;opacity:0.7;cursor:pointer;text-shadow:0px 0px 1px #000;text-decoration:none;color:#fff;outline:none;}
.sbi_content{position:absolute;border-top:2px solid #000;bottom:90px;left:0px;width:100%;background:transparent url(../images/pattern.png) repeat top left;display:none;overflow:hidden;}
.sbi_content ul{padding:10px;}
.sbi_content ul a{display:block;color:#f0f0f0;font-size:16px;padding:4px 6px 4px 14px;background:transparent url(../images/triangle.png) no-repeat 3px 50%;opacity:0.9;}
.sbi_content ul a:hover{background-color:#000;color:#fff;-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #000;-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #000;box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #000;}
@import url('reset.css');body{background:#555 url(../images/random_grey_variations.png) repeat top left;color:#000;font-family:'PT Sans Narrow',Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;overflow-y:scroll;}
.container{width:100%;margin:0 auto;}
.more ul{text-transform:uppercase;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;padding:20px 0px 30px 20px;height:30px;}
.more ul li{float:left;margin:0px 1px;}
.more ul li.selected a,.more ul li.selected a:hover{background:#000;color:#fff;text-shadow:none;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;border-radius:5px 5px 5px 5px;}
.more ul li a{text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000;color:#e3cbfe;padding:3px 6px;}
.more ul li a:hover{color:#bda2dc;}
h1{margin:0 0 13px 0;float:left;clear:both;font-size:34px;padding:12px;text-shadow:0px 0px 1px #000;color:#f8f8f8;font-family:'News Cycle',Georgia,serif;}
h1 span{color:#e3cbfe;text-align:right;font-size:25px;padding:0 10px;}
h2{float:right;color:#bda2dc;padding:30px 20px 0 0;}
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/* Footer Style */
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.topbar a:hover{color:#fff;}
.topbar a span{font-weight:bold;}
.topbar span.right_ab{position:absolute;right:4px;}