
版权:原创 更新时间:1年以上

以下是 CSS3鼠标悬停图片文字动画效果代码 的示例演示效果:

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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-lily">
				<img src="img/12.jpg" alt="img12"/>
						<h2>Nice <span>Lily</span></h2>
						<p>Lily likes to play with crayons and pencils</p>
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			<figure class="effect-lily">
				<img src="img/1.jpg" alt="img1"/>
						<h2>Nice <span>Lily</span></h2>
						<p>Lily likes to play with crayons and pencils</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-sadie">
				<img src="img/2.jpg" alt="img02"/>
					<h2>Holy <span>Sadie</span></h2>
					<p>Sadie never took her eyes off me. <br>She had a dark soul.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-sadie">
				<img src="img/14.jpg" alt="img14"/>
					<h2>Holy <span>Sadie</span></h2>
					<p>Sadie never took her eyes off me. <br>She had a dark soul.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-honey">
				<img src="img/4.jpg" alt="img04"/>
					<h2>Dreamy <span>Honey</span> <i>Now</i></h2>
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			<figure class="effect-honey">
				<img src="img/5.jpg" alt="img05"/>
					<h2>Dreamy <span>Honey</span> <i>Now</i></h2>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-layla">
				<img src="img/6.jpg" alt="img06"/>
					<h2>Crazy <span>Layla</span></h2>
					<p>When Layla appears, she brings an eternal summer along.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-layla">
				<img src="img/3.jpg" alt="img03"/>
					<h2>Crazy <span>Layla</span></h2>
					<p>When Layla appears, she brings an eternal summer along.</p>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-zoe">
				<img src="img/25.jpg" alt="img25"/>
					<h2>Creative <span>Zoe</span></h2>
					<p class="icon-links">
						<a href="#"><span class="icon-heart"></span></a>
						<a href="#"><span class="icon-eye"></span></a>
						<a href="#"><span class="icon-paper-clip"></span></a>
					<p class="description">Zoe never had the patience of her sisters. She deliberately punched the bear in his face.</p>
			<figure class="effect-zoe">
				<img src="img/26.jpg" alt="img26"/>
					<h2>Creative <span>Zoe</span></h2>
					<p class="icon-links">
						<a href="#"><span class="icon-heart"></span></a>
						<a href="#"><span class="icon-eye"></span></a>
						<a href="#"><span class="icon-paper-clip"></span></a>
					<p class="description">Zoe never had the patience of her sisters. She deliberately punched the bear in his face.</p>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-oscar">
				<img src="img/9.jpg" alt="img09"/>
					<h2>Warm <span>Oscar</span></h2>
					<p>Oscar is a decent man. He used to clean porches with pleasure.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-oscar">
				<img src="img/10.jpg" alt="img10"/>
					<h2>Warm <span>Oscar</span></h2>
					<p>Oscar is a decent man. He used to clean porches with pleasure.</p>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-marley">
				<img src="img/11.jpg" alt="img11"/>
					<h2>Sweet <span>Marley</span></h2>
					<p>Marley tried to convince her but she was not interested.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-marley">
				<img src="img/12.jpg" alt="img12"/>
					<h2>Sweet <span>Marley</span></h2>
					<p>Marley tried to convince her but she was not interested.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-ruby">
				<img src="img/13.jpg" alt="img13"/>
					<h2>Glowing <span>Ruby</span></h2>
					<p>Ruby did not need any help. Everybody knew that.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-ruby">
				<img src="img/14.jpg" alt="img14"/>
					<h2>Glowing <span>Ruby</span></h2>
					<p>Ruby did not need any help. Everybody knew that.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-roxy">
				<img src="img/15.jpg" alt="img15"/>
					<h2>Charming <span>Roxy</span></h2>
					<p>Roxy was my best friend. She'd cross any border for me.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-roxy">
				<img src="img/1.jpg" alt="img01"/>
					<h2>Charming <span>Roxy</span></h2>
					<p>Roxy was my best friend. She'd cross any border for me.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-bubba">
				<img src="img/2.jpg" alt="img02"/>
					<h2>Fresh <span>Bubba</span></h2>
					<p>Bubba likes to appear out of thin air.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-bubba">
				<img src="img/16.jpg" alt="img16"/>
					<h2>Fresh <span>Bubba</span></h2>
					<p>Bubba likes to appear out of thin air.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-romeo">
				<img src="img/17.jpg" alt="img17"/>
					<h2>Wild <span>Romeo</span></h2>
					<p>Romeo never knows what he wants. He seemed to be very cross about something.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-romeo">
				<img src="img/18.jpg" alt="img18"/>
					<h2>Wild <span>Romeo</span></h2>
					<p>Romeo never knows what he wants. He seemed to be very cross about something.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-dexter">
				<img src="img/19.jpg" alt="img19"/>
					<h2>Strange <span>Dexter</span></h2>
					<p>Dexter had his own strange way. You could watch him training ants.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-dexter">
				<img src="img/12.jpg" alt="img12"/>
					<h2>Strange <span>Dexter</span></h2>
					<p>Dexter had his own strange way. You could watch him training ants.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-sarah">
				<img src="img/13.jpg" alt="img13"/>
					<h2>Free <span>Sarah</span></h2>
					<p>Sarah likes to watch clouds. She's quite depressed.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-sarah">
				<img src="img/20.jpg" alt="img20"/>
					<h2>Free <span>Sarah</span></h2>
					<p>Sarah likes to watch clouds. She's quite depressed.</p>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-chico">
				<img src="img/15.jpg" alt="img15"/>
					<h2>Silly <span>Chico</span></h2>
					<p>Chico's main fear was missing the morning bus.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-chico">
				<img src="img/4.jpg" alt="img04"/>
					<h2>Silly <span>Chico</span></h2>
					<p>Chico's main fear was missing the morning bus.</p>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-milo">
				<img src="img/11.jpg" alt="img11"/>
					<h2>Faithful <span>Milo</span></h2>
					<p>Milo went to the woods. He took a fun ride and never came back.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-milo">
				<img src="img/3.jpg" alt="img03"/>
					<h2>Faithful <span>Milo</span></h2>
					<p>Milo went to the woods. He took a fun ride and never came back.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
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			<figure class="effect-julia">
				<img src="img/21.jpg" alt="img21"/>
					<h2>Passionate <span>Julia</span></h2>
						<p>Julia dances in the deep dark</p>
						<p>She loves the smell of the ocean</p>
						<p>And dives into the morning light</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-julia">
				<img src="img/22.jpg" alt="img22"/>
					<h2>Passionate <span>Julia</span></h2>
						<p>Julia dances in the deep dark</p>
						<p>She loves the smell of the ocean</p>
						<p>And dives into the morning light</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-goliath">
				<img src="img/23.jpg" alt="img23"/>
					<h2>Thoughtful <span>Goliath</span></h2>
					<p>When Goliath comes out, you should run.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-goliath">
				<img src="img/24.jpg" alt="img24"/>
					<h2>Thoughtful <span>Goliath</span></h2>
					<p>When Goliath comes out, you should run.</p>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-hera">
				<img src="img/17.jpg" alt="img17"/>
					<h2>Tender <span>Hera</span></h2>
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			<figure class="effect-hera">
				<img src="img/25.jpg" alt="img25"/>
					<h2>Tender <span>Hera</span></h2>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-winston">
				<img src="img/30.jpg" alt="img30"/>
					<h2>Jolly <span>Winston</span></h2>
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			<figure class="effect-winston">
				<img src="img/1.jpg" alt="img01"/>
					<h2>Jolly <span>Winston</span></h2>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-star-o"></i></a>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-comments-o"></i></a>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-selena">
				<img src="img/10.jpg" alt="img10"/>
					<h2>Happy <span>Selena</span></h2>
					<p>Selena is a tiny-winged bird.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-selena">
				<img src="img/31.jpg" alt="img31"/>
					<h2>Happy <span>Selena</span></h2>
					<p>Selena is a tiny-winged bird.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-terry">
				<img src="img/16.jpg" alt="img16"/>
					<h2>Noisy <span>Terry</span></h2>
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			<figure class="effect-terry">
				<img src="img/26.jpg" alt="img26"/>
					<h2>Noisy <span>Terry</span></h2>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-download"></i></a>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-phoebe">
				<img src="img/3.jpg" alt="img03"/>
					<h2>Plain <span>Phoebe</span></h2>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-user"></i></a>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-heart"></i></a>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-cog"></i></a>
			<figure class="effect-phoebe">
				<img src="img/7.jpg" alt="img07"/>
					<h2>Plain <span>Phoebe</span></h2>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-user"></i></a>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-heart"></i></a>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-cog"></i></a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-apollo">
				<img src="img/18.jpg" alt="img18"/>
					<h2>Strong <span>Apollo</span></h2>
					<p>Apollo's last game of pool was so strange.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-apollo">
				<img src="img/22.jpg" alt="img22"/>
					<h2>Strong <span>Apollo</span></h2>
					<p>Apollo's last game of pool was so strange.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-kira">
				<img src="img/17.jpg" alt="img17"/>
					<h2>Dark <span>Kira</span></h2>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-home"></i></a>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-download"></i></a>
						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-heart"></i></a>
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			<figure class="effect-kira">
				<img src="img/5.jpg" alt="img05"/>
					<h2>Dark <span>Kira</span></h2>
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						<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-download"></i></a>
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		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-steve">
				<img src="img/29.jpg" alt="img29"/>
					<h2>Lonely <span>Steve</span></h2>
					<p>Steve was afraid of the Boogieman.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-steve">
				<img src="img/33.jpg" alt="img33"/>
					<h2>Lonely <span>Steve</span></h2>
					<p>Steve was afraid of the Boogieman.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-moses">
				<img src="img/24.jpg" alt="img24"/>
					<h2>Cute <span>Moses</span></h2>
					<p>Moses loves to run after butterflies.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-moses">
				<img src="img/20.jpg" alt="img20"/>
					<h2>Cute <span>Moses</span></h2>
					<p>Moses loves to run after butterflies.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-jazz">
				<img src="img/25.jpg" alt="img25"/>
					<h2>Dynamic <span>Jazz</span></h2>
					<p>When Jazz starts to chase cars, the whole world stands still.</p>
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			<figure class="effect-jazz">
				<img src="img/6.jpg" alt="img06"/>
					<h2>Dynamic <span>Jazz</span></h2>
					<p>When Jazz starts to chase cars, the whole world stands still.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-ming">
				<img src="img/9.jpg" alt="img09"/>
					<h2>Funny <span>Ming</span></h2>
					<p>Ming sits in the corner the whole day. She's into crochet.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-ming">
				<img src="img/8.jpg" alt="img08"/>
					<h2>Funny <span>Ming</span></h2>
					<p>Ming sits in the corner the whole day. She's into crochet.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-lexi">
				<img src="img/12.jpg" alt="img12"/>
					<h2>Altruistic <span>Lexi</span></h2>
					<p>Each and every friend is special. Lexi won't hide a single cookie.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-lexi">
				<img src="img/3.jpg" alt="img03"/>
					<h2>Altruistic <span>Lexi</span></h2>
					<p>Each and every friend is special. Lexi won't hide a single cookie.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
		<div class="grid">
			<figure class="effect-duke">
				<img src="img/27.jpg" alt="img27"/>
					<h2>Messy <span>Duke</span></h2>
					<p>Duke is very bored. When he looks at the sky, he feels to run.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
			<figure class="effect-duke">
				<img src="img/17.jpg" alt="img17"/>
					<h2>Messy <span>Duke</span></h2>
					<p>Duke is very bored. When he looks at the sky, he feels to run.</p>
					<a href="#">View more</a>
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		<a class="current-demo" href="index2.html">Set 2</a>
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