
版权:原创 更新时间:1年以上

以下是 jquery+html5图片打开关闭动画特效代码 的示例演示效果:

  • 平台:




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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>jquery+html5图片打开关闭动画特效 </title>
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.t-container .t-content{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:400px;height:225px;}
.t-container .t-content img{position:absolute;width:400px;height:225px;}
.t-container .t-content .cover{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);width:400px;height:225px;}
.container .btn{z-index:9999;}


<div class="t-container">

	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img00.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img01.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img02.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img03.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img04.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img05.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img06.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img07.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img08.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img09.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img10.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>
	<div class="t-content">
		<img class="t-img" src="img/img11.jpg" alt="" />
		<div class="cover"></div>

<div class="container">
	<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="toggle">打开/关闭</button>

<script type="text/javascript" src='js/jquery.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='js/PerspectiveTransform.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='js/TweenMax.min.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function createGrid(transform, xx, yy, isHorizon) {
	var elemWidth, elemHeight;

	if (isHorizon) {
		elemWidth = window.innerWidth / 4;
		elemHeight = window.innerHeight / 3;
	} else {
		elemWidth = window.innerWidth / 3;
		elemHeight = window.innerHeight / 4;

	var xPos = elemWidth * xx;
	var yPos = elemHeight * yy;

	var curTopLeft = { x: transform.topLeft.x, y: transform.topLeft.y };
	var curTopRight = { x: transform.topRight.x, y: transform.topRight.y };
	var curBotLeft = { x: transform.bottomLeft.x, y: transform.bottomLeft.y };
	var curBotRight = { x: transform.bottomRight.x, y: transform.bottomRight.y };

	var targetTopLeft = { x: xPos, y: yPos };
	var targetTopRight = { x: xPos + elemWidth, y: yPos };
	var targetBotLeft = { x: xPos, y: yPos + elemHeight };
	var targetBotRight = { x: xPos + elemWidth, y: yPos + elemHeight };

	var curObject = { rate0: 1, rate1: 1, rate2: 1, rate3: 1, rate4: 1 };

	function onUpdateGridHandler() {
		var tempTopLeftX = curTopLeft.x * curObject.rate + targetTopLeft.x * (1 - curObject.rate);
		var tempTopLeftY = curTopLeft.y * curObject.rate + targetTopLeft.y * (1 - curObject.rate);

		var tempTopRightX = curTopRight.x * curObject.rate + targetTopRight.x * (1 - curObject.rate);
		var tempTopRightY = curTopRight.y * curObject.rate + targetTopRight.y * (1 - curObject.rate);

		var tempBotLeftX = curBotLeft.x * curObject.rate + targetBotLeft.x * (1 - curObject.rate);
		var tempBotLeftY = curBotLeft.y * curObject.rate + targetBotLeft.y * (1 - curObject.rate);

		var tempBotRightX = curBotRight.x * curObject.rate + targetBotRight.x * (1 - curObject.rate);
		var tempBotRightY = curBotRight.y * curObject.rate + targetBotRight.y * (1 - curObject.rate);

		transform.topLeft.x = tempTopLeftX;
		transform.topLeft.y = tempTopLeftY;

		transform.topRight.x = tempTopRightX;
		transform.topRight.y = tempTopRightY;

		transform.bottomLeft.x = tempBotLeftX;
		transform.bottomLeft.y = tempBotLeftY;

		transform.bottomRight.x = tempBotRightX;
		transform.bottomRight.y = tempBotRightY;


	function onUpdate0GridHandler() {

		var tempTopLeftX = curTopLeft.x * curObject.rate0 + targetTopLeft.x * (1 - curObject.rate0);
		var tempTopLeftY = curTopLeft.y * curObject.rate0 + targetTopLeft.y * (1 - curObject.rate0);

		transform.topLeft.x = tempTopLeftX;
		transform.topLeft.y = tempTopLeftY;

	function onUpdate1GridHandler() {

		var tempTopRightX = curTopRight.x * curObject.rate1 + targetTopRight.x * (1 - curObject.rate1);
		var tempTopRightY = curTopRight.y * curObject.rate1 + targetTopRight.y * (1 - curObject.rate1);

		transform.topRight.x = tempTopRightX;
		transform.topRight.y = tempTopRightY;


	function onUpdate2GridHandler() {

		var tempBotLeftX = curBotLeft.x * curObject.rate2 + targetBotLeft.x * (1 - curObject.rate2);
		var tempBotLeftY = curBotLeft.y * curObject.rate2 + targetBotLeft.y * (1 - curObject.rate2);

		transform.bottomLeft.x = tempBotLeftX;
		transform.bottomLeft.y = tempBotLeftY;


	function onUpdate3GridHandler() {

		var tempBotRightX = curBotRight.x * curObject.rate3 + targetBotRight.x * (1 - curObject.rate3);
		var tempBotRightY = curBotRight.y * curObject.rate3 + targetBotRight.y * (1 - curObject.rate3);

		transform.bottomRight.x = tempBotRightX;
		transform.bottomRight.y = tempBotRightY;


	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate0: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate0GridHandler, ease: "Power2.easeOut" });
	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate1: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate1GridHandler, ease: "Power1.easeOut" });
	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate2: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate2GridHandler, ease: "Power4.easeOut" });
	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate3: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate3GridHandler, ease: "Power3.easeOut" });

	var cover = $(transform.element).find(".cover")[0]
	TweenLite.to(cover, .4, { opacity: 0, ease: "Power1.easeOut" });
function pileElement(transform, num, maxNumber) {
	var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
	var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;

	// -----------------------------

	var camera = {
		focus: 400,
		self: {
			x: 0,
			y: 0,
			z: 0
		rotate: {
			x: 0,
			y: 0,
			z: 0
		up: {
			x: 0,
			y: 1,
			z: 0
		zoom: 1,
		display: {
			x: width / 2,
			y: height / 2,
			z: 0

	// ================================

	var y = -10 * (num + 1) + window.innerHeight / 2 * .8;
	var width = 400;
	var height = 400 * 9 / 16;
	var topLeftPos = { x: -width / 2, z: -height };
	var topRightPos = { x: width / 2, z: -height };
	var botLeftPos = { x: -width / 2, z: 0 };
	var botRightPos = { x: width / 2, z: 0 };

	var topScale = ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) / ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) - topLeftPos.z)) * camera.zoom;
	var botScale = ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) / ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) - botLeftPos.z)) * camera.zoom; //console.log("topScale: " + topScale); //console.log("BotScale: " + botScale);

	var targetTopLeftX = topScale * topLeftPos.x;
	var targetTopLeftY = topScale * y;

	var targetTopRightX = topScale * topRightPos.x;
	var targetTopRightY = topScale * y;

	var targetBotLeftX = botScale * botLeftPos.x;
	var targetBotLeftY = botScale * y;

	var targetBotRightX = botScale * botRightPos.x;
	var targetBotRightY = botScale * y;

	var halfWidth = window.innerWidth / 2;
	var halfHeight = window.innerHeight / 2;

	// --------------------------------------

	transform.topLeft.x = targetTopLeftX + halfWidth;
	transform.topLeft.y = targetTopLeftY + halfHeight;

	transform.topRight.x = targetTopRightX + halfWidth;
	transform.topRight.y = targetTopRightY + halfHeight;

	transform.bottomLeft.x = targetBotLeftX + halfWidth;
	transform.bottomLeft.y = targetBotLeftY + halfHeight;

	transform.bottomRight.x = targetBotRightX + halfWidth;
	transform.bottomRight.y = targetBotRightY + halfHeight;


function createPile(transform, num) {
	var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
	var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;

	// -----------------------------

	var camera = {
		focus: 400,
		self: {
			x: 0,
			y: 0,
			z: 0
		rotate: {
			x: 0,
			y: 0,
			z: 0
		up: {
			x: 0,
			y: 1,
			z: 0
		zoom: 1,
		display: {
			x: width / 2,
			y: height / 2,
			z: 0

	// ================================
	var halfWidth = window.innerWidth / 2;
	var halfHeight = window.innerHeight / 2;

	var y = -10 * (num + 1) + window.innerHeight / 2 * .8;
	var width = 400;
	var height = 400 * 9 / 16;
	var topLeftPos = { x: -width / 2, z: -height };
	var topRightPos = { x: width / 2, z: -height };
	var botLeftPos = { x: -width / 2, z: 0 };
	var botRightPos = { x: width / 2, z: 0 };

	var topScale = ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) / ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) - topLeftPos.z)) * camera.zoom;
	var botScale = ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) / ((camera.focus - camera.self.z) - botLeftPos.z)) * camera.zoom; //console.log("topScale: " + topScale); //console.log("BotScale: " + botScale);

	var targetTopLeftX = topScale * topLeftPos.x + halfWidth;
	var targetTopLeftY = topScale * y + halfHeight;

	var targetTopRightX = topScale * topRightPos.x + halfWidth;
	var targetTopRightY = topScale * y + halfHeight;

	var targetBotLeftX = botScale * botLeftPos.x + halfWidth;
	var targetBotLeftY = botScale * y + halfHeight;

	var targetBotRightX = botScale * botRightPos.x + halfWidth;
	var targetBotRightY = botScale * y + halfHeight;

	var curTopLeft = { x: transform.topLeft.x, y: transform.topLeft.y };
	var curTopRight = { x: transform.topRight.x, y: transform.topRight.y };
	var curBotLeft = { x: transform.bottomLeft.x, y: transform.bottomLeft.y };
	var curBotRight = { x: transform.bottomRight.x, y: transform.bottomRight.y };

	var targetTopLeft = { x: targetTopLeftX, y: targetTopLeftY };
	var targetTopRight = { x: targetTopRightX, y: targetTopRightY };
	var targetBotLeft = { x: targetBotLeftX, y: targetBotLeftY };
	var targetBotRight = { x: targetBotRightX, y: targetBotRightY };

	var curObject = { rate0: 1, rate1: 1, rate2: 1, rate3: 1, rate4: 1 };

	function onUpdate0GridHandler() {

		var tempTopLeftX = curTopLeft.x * curObject.rate0 + targetTopLeft.x * (1 - curObject.rate0);
		var tempTopLeftY = curTopLeft.y * curObject.rate0 + targetTopLeft.y * (1 - curObject.rate0);

		transform.topLeft.x = tempTopLeftX;
		transform.topLeft.y = tempTopLeftY;

	function onUpdate1GridHandler() {

		var tempTopRightX = curTopRight.x * curObject.rate1 + targetTopRight.x * (1 - curObject.rate1);
		var tempTopRightY = curTopRight.y * curObject.rate1 + targetTopRight.y * (1 - curObject.rate1);

		transform.topRight.x = tempTopRightX;
		transform.topRight.y = tempTopRightY;


	function onUpdate2GridHandler() {

		var tempBotLeftX = curBotLeft.x * curObject.rate2 + targetBotLeft.x * (1 - curObject.rate2);
		var tempBotLeftY = curBotLeft.y * curObject.rate2 + targetBotLeft.y * (1 - curObject.rate2);

		transform.bottomLeft.x = tempBotLeftX;
		transform.bottomLeft.y = tempBotLeftY;


	function onUpdate3GridHandler() {

		var tempBotRightX = curBotRight.x * curObject.rate3 + targetBotRight.x * (1 - curObject.rate3);
		var tempBotRightY = curBotRight.y * curObject.rate3 + targetBotRight.y * (1 - curObject.rate3);

		transform.bottomRight.x = tempBotRightX;
		transform.bottomRight.y = tempBotRightY;


	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate0: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate0GridHandler, ease: "Power1.easeOut" });
	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate1: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate1GridHandler, ease: "Power1.easeOut" });
	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate2: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate2GridHandler, ease: "Power3.easeOut" });
	TweenLite.to(curObject, .4, { rate3: 0, onUpdate: onUpdate3GridHandler, ease: "Power3.easeOut" });

	var cover = $(transform.element).find(".cover")[0];
	TweenLite.to(cover, .4, { opacity: 1, ease: "Power1.easeIn" });

	// --------------------------------------

	transform.topLeft.x = targetTopLeftX + halfWidth;
	transform.topLeft.y = targetTopLeftY + halfHeight;

	transform.topRight.x = targetTopRightX + halfWidth;
	transform.topRight.y = targetTopRightY + halfHeight;

	transform.bottomLeft.x = targetBotLeftX + halfWidth;
	transform.bottomLeft.y = targetBotLeftY + halfHeight;

	transform.bottomRight.x = targetBotRightX + halfWidth;
	transform.bottomRight.y = targetBotRightY + halfHeight;*/


(function () {
	// create PerspectiveTransfrom
	var elem = document.getElementById("t-content00");
	var width = 400;
	var height = 225;
	var useBackFacing = true;
	var curCount;
	var $elem = $(".t-content");
	var isHorizon = false;
	var isAnimation = true;
	var isOpen = true;
	if (window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight) isHorizon = true;

	var transformArr = [];

	//console.log(typeof $elem);
	$elem.each(function (index) {
		var transform = new PerspectiveTransform(this, width, height, true);

	curCount = transformArr.length - 1;


	$elem.each(function (index) {
		var transform = transformArr[index]
		pileElement(transform, index);

	function animation() {
		isAnimation = true;
		var transformCount = transformArr.length - curCount - 1;
		var xx, yy;

		if (isHorizon) {
			xx = transformCount % 4;
			yy = parseInt(transformCount / 4);
		} else {
			xx = transformCount % 3;
			yy = parseInt(transformCount / 3);

		createGrid(transformArr[curCount], xx, yy, isHorizon);

		if (curCount >= 0) {

			setTimeout(animation, 100);
		else isAnimation = false;

	function animation2() {
		isAnimation = true;

		createPile(transformArr[curCount], curCount)

		if (curCount <= transformArr.length - 1) setTimeout(animation2, 50);
		else isAnimation = false;

	function loop() {

		$elem.each(function (index) {



	setTimeout(animation, 500);

	$("#toggle").click(function (ev) {
		if (!isAnimation) {

			if (isOpen) {
				curCount = 0;
			else {
				curCount = transformArr.length - 1;

			isOpen = !isOpen;


var _gsScope = "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports && "undefined" != typeof global ? global:this || window;
	(_gsScope._gsQueue || (_gsScope._gsQueue = [])).push(function (){
	"use strict";
	_gsScope._gsDefine("TweenMax",["core.Animation","core.SimpleTimeline","TweenLite"],function (t,e,i){
	var s = function (t){
	var e,i = [],s = t.length;
	for (e = 0;
	e !== s;
	return i}
,r = function (t,e,s){
	i.call(this,t,e,s),this._cycle = 0,this._yoyo = this.vars.yoyo === !0,this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0,this._repeatDelay = this.vars.repeatDelay || 0,this._dirty = !0,this.render = r.prototype.render}
,n = 1e-10,a = i._internals,o = a.isSelector,h = a.isArray,l = r.prototype = i.to({
),_ = [];
	r.version = "1.14.2",l.constructor = r,l.kill()._gc = !1,r.killTweensOf = r.killDelayedCallsTo = i.killTweensOf,r.getTweensOf = i.getTweensOf,r.lagSmoothing = i.lagSmoothing,r.ticker = i.ticker,r.render = i.render,l.invalidate = function (){
	return this._yoyo = this.vars.yoyo === !0,this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0,this._repeatDelay = this.vars.repeatDelay || 0,this._uncache(!0),i.prototype.invalidate.call(this)}
,l.updateTo = function (t,e){
	var s,r = this.ratio,n = this.vars.immediateRender || t.immediateRender;
	e && this._startTime < this._timeline._time && (this._startTime = this._timeline._time,this._uncache(!1),this._gc ? this._enabled(!0,!1):this._timeline.insert(this,this._startTime - this._delay));
	for (s in t) this.vars[s] = t[s];
	if (this._initted || n) if (e) this._initted = !1;
	else if (this._gc && this._enabled(!0,!1),this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled && this._firstPT && i._onPluginEvent("_onDisable",this),this._time / this._duration > .998){
	var a = this._time;
	this.render(0,!0,!1),this._initted = !1,this.render(a,!0,!1)}
else if (this._time > 0 || n){
	this._initted = !1,this._init();
	for (var o,h = 1 / (1 - r),l = this._firstPT;
	) o = l.s + l.c,l.c *= h,l.s = o - l.c,l = l._next}
return this}
,l.render = function (t,e,i){
	this._initted || 0 === this._duration && this.vars.repeat && this.invalidate();
	var s,r,o,h,l,u,p,c,f = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration():this._totalDuration,m = this._time,d = this._totalTime,g = this._cycle,v = this._duration,y = this._rawPrevTime;
	if (t >= f ? (this._totalTime = f,this._cycle = this._repeat,this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? (this._time = 0,this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(0):0):(this._time = v,this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(1):1),this._reversed || (s = !0,r = "onComplete"),0 === v && (this._initted || !this.vars.lazy || i) && (this._startTime === this._timeline._duration && (t = 0),(0 === t || 0 > y || y === n) && y !== t && (i = !0,y > n && (r = "onReverseComplete")),this._rawPrevTime = c = !e || t || y === t ? t:n)):1e-7 > t ? (this._totalTime = this._time = this._cycle = 0,this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(0):0,(0 !== d || 0 === v && y > 0 && y !== n) && (r = "onReverseComplete",s = this._reversed),0 > t && (this._active = !1,0 === v && (this._initted || !this.vars.lazy || i) && (y >= 0 && (i = !0),this._rawPrevTime = c = !e || t || y === t ? t:n)),this._initted || (i = !0)):(this._totalTime = this._time = t,0 !== this._repeat && (h = v + this._repeatDelay,this._cycle = this._totalTime / h >> 0,0 !== this._cycle && this._cycle === this._totalTime / h && this._cycle--,this._time = this._totalTime - this._cycle * h,this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) && (this._time = v - this._time),this._time > v ? this._time = v:0 > this._time && (this._time = 0)),this._easeType ? (l = this._time / v,u = this._easeType,p = this._easePower,(1 === u || 3 === u && l >= .5) && (l = 1 - l),3 === u && (l *= 2),1 === p ? l *= l:2 === p ? l *= l * l:3 === p ? l *= l * l * l:4 === p && (l *= l * l * l * l),this.ratio = 1 === u ? 1 - l:2 === u ? l:.5 > this._time / v ? l / 2:1 - l / 2):this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(this._time / v)),m === this._time && !i && g === this._cycle) return d !== this._totalTime && this._onUpdate && (e || this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this,this.vars.onUpdateParams || _)),void 0;
	if (!this._initted){
	if (this._init(),!this._initted || this._gc) return;
	if (!i && this._firstPT && (this.vars.lazy !== !1 && this._duration || this.vars.lazy && !this._duration)) return this._time = m,this._totalTime = d,this._rawPrevTime = y,this._cycle = g,a.lazyTweens.push(this),this._lazy = [t,e],void 0;
	this._time && !s ? this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(this._time / v):s && this._ease._calcEnd && (this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(0 === this._time ? 0:1))}
for (this._lazy !== !1 && (this._lazy = !1),this._active || !this._paused && this._time !== m && t >= 0 && (this._active = !0),0 === d && (2 === this._initted && t > 0 && this._init(),this._startAt && (t >= 0 ? this._startAt.render(t,e,i):r || (r = "_dummyGS")),this.vars.onStart && (0 !== this._totalTime || 0 === v) && (e || this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope || this,this.vars.onStartParams || _))),o = this._firstPT;
	) o.f ? o.t[o.p](o.c * this.ratio + o.s):o.t[o.p] = o.c * this.ratio + o.s,o = o._next;
	this._onUpdate && (0 > t && this._startAt && this._startTime && this._startAt.render(t,e,i),e || (this._totalTime !== d || s) && this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this,this.vars.onUpdateParams || _)),this._cycle !== g && (e || this._gc || this.vars.onRepeat && this.vars.onRepeat.apply(this.vars.onRepeatScope || this,this.vars.onRepeatParams || _)),r && (!this._gc || i) && (0 > t && this._startAt && !this._onUpdate && this._startTime && this._startAt.render(t,e,i),s && (this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren && this._enabled(!1,!1),this._active = !1),!e && this.vars[r] && this.vars[r].apply(this.vars[r + "Scope"] || this,this.vars[r + "Params"] || _),0 === v && this._rawPrevTime === n && c !== n && (this._rawPrevTime = 0))}
,r.to = function (t,e,i){
	return new r(t,e,i)}
,r.from = function (t,e,i){
	return i.runBackwards = !0,i.immediateRender = 0 != i.immediateRender,new r(t,e,i)}
,r.fromTo = function (t,e,i,s){
	return s.startAt = i,s.immediateRender = 0 != s.immediateRender && 0 != i.immediateRender,new r(t,e,s)}
,r.staggerTo = r.allTo = function (t,e,n,a,l,u,p){
	a = a || 0;
	var c,f,m,d,g = n.delay || 0,v = [],y = function (){
	n.onComplete && n.onComplete.apply(n.onCompleteScope || this,arguments),l.apply(p || this,u || _)}
	for (h(t) || ("string" == typeof t && (t = i.selector(t) || t),o(t) && (t = s(t))),t = t || [],0 > a && (t = s(t),t.reverse(),a *= -1),c = t.length - 1,m = 0;
	c >= m;
	f ={
	for (d in n) f[d] = n[d];
	f.delay = g,m === c && l && (f.onComplete = y),v[m] = new r(t[m],e,f),g += a}
return v}
,r.staggerFrom = r.allFrom = function (t,e,i,s,n,a,o){
	return i.runBackwards = !0,i.immediateRender = 0 != i.immediateRender,r.staggerTo(t,e,i,s,n,a,o)}
,r.staggerFromTo = r.allFromTo = function (t,e,i,s,n,a,o,h){
	return s.startAt = i,s.immediateRender = 0 != s.immediateRender && 0 != i.immediateRender,r.staggerTo(t,e,s,n,a,o,h)}
,r.delayedCall = function (t,e,i,s,n){
	return new r(e,0,{
,r.set = function (t,e){
	return new r(t,0,e)}
,r.isTweening = function (t){
	return i.getTweensOf(t,!0).length > 0}
	var u = function (t,e){
	for (var s = [],r = 0,n = t._first;
	) n instanceof i ? s[r++] = n:(e && (s[r++] = n),s = s.concat(u(n,e)),r = s.length),n = n._next;
	return s}
,p = r.getAllTweens = function (e){
	return u(t._rootTimeline,e).concat(u(t._rootFramesTimeline,e))}
	r.killAll = function (t,i,s,r){
	null == i && (i = !0),null == s && (s = !0);
	var n,a,o,h = p(0 != r),l = h.length,_ = i && s && r;
	for (o = 0;
	l > o;
	o++) a = h[o],(_ || a instanceof e || (n = a.target === a.vars.onComplete) && s || i && !n) && (t ? a.totalTime(a._reversed ? 0:a.totalDuration()):a._enabled(!1,!1))}
,r.killChildTweensOf = function (t,e){
	if (null != t){
	var n,l,_,u,p,c = a.tweenLookup;
	if ("string" == typeof t && (t = i.selector(t) || t),o(t) && (t = s(t)),h(t)) for (u = t.length;
	--u > -1;
	) r.killChildTweensOf(t[u],e);
	n = [];
	for (_ in c) for (l = c[_].target.parentNode;
	) l === t && (n = n.concat(c[_].tweens)),l = l.parentNode;
	for (p = n.length,u = 0;
	p > u;
	u++) e && n[u].totalTime(n[u].totalDuration()),n[u]._enabled(!1,!1)}
	var c = function (t,i,s,r){
	i = i !== !1,s = s !== !1,r = r !== !1;
	for (var n,a,o = p(r),h = i && s && r,l = o.length;
	--l > -1;
	) a = o[l],(h || a instanceof e || (n = a.target === a.vars.onComplete) && s || i && !n) && a.paused(t)}
	return r.pauseAll = function (t,e,i){
,r.resumeAll = function (t,e,i){
,r.globalTimeScale = function (e){
	var s = t._rootTimeline,r = i.ticker.time;
	return arguments.length ? (e = e || n,s._startTime = r - (r - s._startTime) * s._timeScale / e,s = t._rootFramesTimeline,r = i.ticker.frame,s._startTime = r - (r - s._startTime) * s._timeScale / e,s._timeScale = t._rootTimeline._timeScale = e,e):s._timeScale}
,l.progress = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? 1 - t:t) + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatDelay),!1):this._time / this.duration()}
,l.totalProgress = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * t,!1):this._totalTime / this.totalDuration()}
,l.time = function (t,e){
	return arguments.length ? (this._dirty && this.totalDuration(),t > this._duration && (t = this._duration),this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? t = this._duration - t + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatDelay):0 !== this._repeat && (t += this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatDelay)),this.totalTime(t,e)):this._time}
,l.duration = function (e){
	return arguments.length ? t.prototype.duration.call(this,e):this._duration}
,l.totalDuration = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? -1 === this._repeat ? this:this.duration((t - this._repeat * this._repeatDelay) / (this._repeat + 1)):(this._dirty && (this._totalDuration = -1 === this._repeat ? 999999999999:this._duration * (this._repeat + 1) + this._repeatDelay * this._repeat,this._dirty = !1),this._totalDuration)}
,l.repeat = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._repeat = t,this._uncache(!0)):this._repeat}
,l.repeatDelay = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._repeatDelay = t,this._uncache(!0)):this._repeatDelay}
,l.yoyo = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._yoyo = t,this):this._yoyo}
,!0),_gsScope._gsDefine("TimelineLite",["core.Animation","core.SimpleTimeline","TweenLite"],function (t,e,i){
	var s = function (t){
	e.call(this,t),this._labels ={
,this.autoRemoveChildren = this.vars.autoRemoveChildren === !0,this.smoothChildTiming = this.vars.smoothChildTiming === !0,this._sortChildren = !0,this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate;
	var i,s,r = this.vars;
	for (s in r) i = r[s],o(i) && -1 !== i.join("").indexOf("{
") && (r[s] = this._swapSelfInParams(i));
	o(r.tweens) && this.add(r.tweens,0,r.align,r.stagger)}
,r = 1e-10,n = i._internals,a = n.isSelector,o = n.isArray,h = n.lazyTweens,l = n.lazyRender,_ = [],u = _gsScope._gsDefine.globals,p = function (t){
	var e,i ={
	for (e in t) i[e] = t[e];
	return i}
,c = function (t,e,i,s){
	var r = t._timeline._totalTime;
	(e || !this._forcingPlayhead) && (t._timeline.pause(t._startTime),e && e.apply(s || t._timeline,i || _),this._forcingPlayhead && t._timeline.seek(r))}
,f = function (t){
	var e,i = [],s = t.length;
	for (e = 0;
	e !== s;
	return i}
,m = s.prototype = new e;
	return s.version = "1.14.2",m.constructor = s,m.kill()._gc = m._forcingPlayhead = !1,m.to = function (t,e,s,r){
	var n = s.repeat && u.TweenMax || i;
	return e ? this.add(new n(t,e,s),r):this.set(t,s,r)}
,m.from = function (t,e,s,r){
	return this.add((s.repeat && u.TweenMax || i).from(t,e,s),r)}
,m.fromTo = function (t,e,s,r,n){
	var a = r.repeat && u.TweenMax || i;
	return e ? this.add(a.fromTo(t,e,s,r),n):this.set(t,r,n)}
,m.staggerTo = function (t,e,r,n,o,h,l,_){
	var u,c = new s({
	for ("string" == typeof t && (t = i.selector(t) || t),t = t || [],a(t) && (t = f(t)),n = n || 0,0 > n && (t = f(t),t.reverse(),n *= -1),u = 0;
	t.length > u;
	u++) r.startAt && (r.startAt = p(r.startAt)),c.to(t[u],e,p(r),u * n);
	return this.add(c,o)}
,m.staggerFrom = function (t,e,i,s,r,n,a,o){
	return i.immediateRender = 0 != i.immediateRender,i.runBackwards = !0,this.staggerTo(t,e,i,s,r,n,a,o)}
,m.staggerFromTo = function (t,e,i,s,r,n,a,o,h){
	return s.startAt = i,s.immediateRender = 0 != s.immediateRender && 0 != i.immediateRender,this.staggerTo(t,e,s,r,n,a,o,h)}
,m.call = function (t,e,s,r){
	return this.add(i.delayedCall(0,t,e,s),r)}
,m.set = function (t,e,s){
	return s = this._parseTimeOrLabel(s,0,!0),null == e.immediateRender && (e.immediateRender = s === this._time && !this._paused),this.add(new i(t,0,e),s)}
,s.exportRoot = function (t,e){
	t = t ||{
,null == t.smoothChildTiming && (t.smoothChildTiming = !0);
	var r,n,a = new s(t),o = a._timeline;
	for (null == e && (e = !0),o._remove(a,!0),a._startTime = 0,a._rawPrevTime = a._time = a._totalTime = o._time,r = o._first;
	) n = r._next,e && r instanceof i && r.target === r.vars.onComplete || a.add(r,r._startTime - r._delay),r = n;
	return o.add(a,0),a}
,m.add = function (r,n,a,h){
	var l,_,u,p,c,f;
	if ("number" != typeof n && (n = this._parseTimeOrLabel(n,0,!0,r)),!(r instanceof t)){
	if (r instanceof Array || r && r.push && o(r)){
	for (a = a || "normal",h = h || 0,l = n,_ = r.length,u = 0;
	_ > u;
	u++) o(p = r[u]) && (p = new s({
)),this.add(p,l),"string" != typeof p && "function" != typeof p && ("sequence" === a ? l = p._startTime + p.totalDuration() / p._timeScale:"start" === a && (p._startTime -= p.delay())),l += h;
	return this._uncache(!0)}
if ("string" == typeof r) return this.addLabel(r,n);
	if ("function" != typeof r) throw "Cannot add " + r + " into the timeline;
	it is not a tween,timeline,function,or string.";
	r = i.delayedCall(0,r)}
if (e.prototype.add.call(this,r,n),(this._gc || this._time === this._duration) && !this._paused && this._duration < this.duration()) for (c = this,f = c.rawTime() > r._startTime;
	) f && c._timeline.smoothChildTiming ? c.totalTime(c._totalTime,!0):c._gc && c._enabled(!0,!1),c = c._timeline;
	return this}
,m.remove = function (e){
	if (e instanceof t) return this._remove(e,!1);
	if (e instanceof Array || e && e.push && o(e)){
	for (var i = e.length;
	--i > -1;
	) this.remove(e[i]);
	return this}
return "string" == typeof e ? this.removeLabel(e):this.kill(null,e)}
,m._remove = function (t,i){
	var s = this._last;
	return s ? this._time > s._startTime + s._totalDuration / s._timeScale && (this._time = this.duration(),this._totalTime = this._totalDuration):this._time = this._totalTime = this._duration = this._totalDuration = 0,this}
,m.append = function (t,e){
	return this.add(t,this._parseTimeOrLabel(null,e,!0,t))}
,m.insert = m.insertMultiple = function (t,e,i,s){
	return this.add(t,e || 0,i,s)}
,m.appendMultiple = function (t,e,i,s){
	return this.add(t,this._parseTimeOrLabel(null,e,!0,t),i,s)}
,m.addLabel = function (t,e){
	return this._labels[t] = this._parseTimeOrLabel(e),this}
,m.addPause = function (t,e,i,s){
	return this.call(c,["{
,m.removeLabel = function (t){
	return delete this._labels[t],this}
,m.getLabelTime = function (t){
	return null != this._labels[t] ? this._labels[t]:-1}
,m._parseTimeOrLabel = function (e,i,s,r){
	var n;
	if (r instanceof t && r.timeline === this) this.remove(r);
	else if (r && (r instanceof Array || r.push && o(r))) for (n = r.length;
	--n > -1;
	) r[n] instanceof t && r[n].timeline === this && this.remove(r[n]);
	if ("string" == typeof i) return this._parseTimeOrLabel(i,s && "number" == typeof e && null == this._labels[i] ? e - this.duration():0,s);
	if (i = i || 0,"string" != typeof e || !isNaN(e) && null == this._labels[e]) null == e && (e = this.duration());
	if (n = e.indexOf("="),-1 === n) return null == this._labels[e] ? s ? this._labels[e] = this.duration() + i:i:this._labels[e] + i;
	i = parseInt(e.charAt(n - 1) + "1",10) * Number(e.substr(n + 1)),e = n > 1 ? this._parseTimeOrLabel(e.substr(0,n - 1),0,s):this.duration()}
return Number(e) + i}
,m.seek = function (t,e){
	return this.totalTime("number" == typeof t ? t:this._parseTimeOrLabel(t),e !== !1)}
,m.stop = function (){
	return this.paused(!0)}
,m.gotoAndPlay = function (t,e){
	return this.play(t,e)}
,m.gotoAndStop = function (t,e){
	return this.pause(t,e)}
,m.render = function (t,e,i){
	this._gc && this._enabled(!0,!1);
	var s,n,a,o,u,p = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration():this._totalDuration,c = this._time,f = this._startTime,m = this._timeScale,d = this._paused;
	if (t >= p ? (this._totalTime = this._time = p,this._reversed || this._hasPausedChild() || (n = !0,o = "onComplete",0 === this._duration && (0 === t || 0 > this._rawPrevTime || this._rawPrevTime === r) && this._rawPrevTime !== t && this._first && (u = !0,this._rawPrevTime > r && (o = "onReverseComplete"))),this._rawPrevTime = this._duration || !e || t || this._rawPrevTime === t ? t:r,t = p + 1e-4):1e-7 > t ? (this._totalTime = this._time = 0,(0 !== c || 0 === this._duration && this._rawPrevTime !== r && (this._rawPrevTime > 0 || 0 > t && this._rawPrevTime >= 0)) && (o = "onReverseComplete",n = this._reversed),0 > t ? (this._active = !1,this._rawPrevTime >= 0 && this._first && (u = !0),this._rawPrevTime = t):(this._rawPrevTime = this._duration || !e || t || this._rawPrevTime === t ? t:r,t = 0,this._initted || (u = !0))):this._totalTime = this._time = this._rawPrevTime = t,this._time !== c && this._first || i || u){
	if (this._initted || (this._initted = !0),this._active || !this._paused && this._time !== c && t > 0 && (this._active = !0),0 === c && this.vars.onStart && 0 !== this._time && (e || this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope || this,this.vars.onStartParams || _)),this._time >= c) for (s = this._first;
	s && (a = s._next,!this._paused || d);
	) (s._active || s._startTime <= this._time && !s._paused && !s._gc) && (s._reversed ? s.render((s._dirty ? s.totalDuration():s._totalDuration) - (t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i):s.render((t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i)),s = a;
	else for (s = this._last;
	s && (a = s._prev,!this._paused || d);
	) (s._active || c >= s._startTime && !s._paused && !s._gc) && (s._reversed ? s.render((s._dirty ? s.totalDuration():s._totalDuration) - (t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i):s.render((t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i)),s = a;
	this._onUpdate && (e || (h.length && l(),this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this,this.vars.onUpdateParams || _))),o && (this._gc || (f === this._startTime || m !== this._timeScale) && (0 === this._time || p >= this.totalDuration()) && (n && (h.length && l(),this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren && this._enabled(!1,!1),this._active = !1),!e && this.vars[o] && this.vars[o].apply(this.vars[o + "Scope"] || this,this.vars[o + "Params"] || _)))}
,m._hasPausedChild = function (){
	for (var t = this._first;
	if (t._paused || t instanceof s && t._hasPausedChild()) return !0;
	t = t._next}
return !1}
,m.getChildren = function (t,e,s,r){
	r = r || -9999999999;
	for (var n = [],a = this._first,o = 0;
	) r > a._startTime || (a instanceof i ? e !== !1 && (n[o++] = a):(s !== !1 && (n[o++] = a),t !== !1 && (n = n.concat(a.getChildren(!0,e,s)),o = n.length))),a = a._next;
	return n}
,m.getTweensOf = function (t,e){
	var s,r,n = this._gc,a = [],o = 0;
	for (n && this._enabled(!0,!0),s = i.getTweensOf(t),r = s.length;
	--r > -1;
	) (s[r].timeline === this || e && this._contains(s[r])) && (a[o++] = s[r]);
	return n && this._enabled(!1,!0),a}
,m.recent = function (){
	return this._recent}
,m._contains = function (t){
	for (var e = t.timeline;
	if (e === this) return !0;
	e = e.timeline}
return !1}
,m.shiftChildren = function (t,e,i){
	i = i || 0;
	for (var s,r = this._first,n = this._labels;
	) r._startTime >= i && (r._startTime += t),r = r._next;
	if (e) for (s in n) n[s] >= i && (n[s] += t);
	return this._uncache(!0)}
,m._kill = function (t,e){
	if (!t && !e) return this._enabled(!1,!1);
	for (var i = e ? this.getTweensOf(e):this.getChildren(!0,!0,!1),s = i.length,r = !1;
	--s > -1;
	) i[s]._kill(t,e) && (r = !0);
	return r}
,m.clear = function (t){
	var e = this.getChildren(!1,!0,!0),i = e.length;
	for (this._time = this._totalTime = 0;
	--i > -1;
	) e[i]._enabled(!1,!1);
	return t !== !1 && (this._labels ={
,m.invalidate = function (){
	for (var e = this._first;
	) e.invalidate(),e = e._next;
	return t.prototype.invalidate.call(this)}
,m._enabled = function (t,i){
	if (t === this._gc) for (var s = this._first;
	) s._enabled(t,!0),s = s._next;
	return e.prototype._enabled.call(this,t,i)}
,m.totalTime = function (){
	this._forcingPlayhead = !0;
	var e = t.prototype.totalTime.apply(this,arguments);
	return this._forcingPlayhead = !1,e}
,m.duration = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (0 !== this.duration() && 0 !== t && this.timeScale(this._duration / t),this):(this._dirty && this.totalDuration(),this._duration)}
,m.totalDuration = function (t){
	if (!arguments.length){
	if (this._dirty){
	for (var e,i,s = 0,r = this._last,n = 999999999999;
	) e = r._prev,r._dirty && r.totalDuration(),r._startTime > n && this._sortChildren && !r._paused ? this.add(r,r._startTime - r._delay):n = r._startTime,0 > r._startTime && !r._paused && (s -= r._startTime,this._timeline.smoothChildTiming && (this._startTime += r._startTime / this._timeScale),this.shiftChildren(-r._startTime,!1,-9999999999),n = 0),i = r._startTime + r._totalDuration / r._timeScale,i > s && (s = i),r = e;
	this._duration = this._totalDuration = s,this._dirty = !1}
return this._totalDuration}
return 0 !== this.totalDuration() && 0 !== t && this.timeScale(this._totalDuration / t),this}
,m.usesFrames = function (){
	for (var e = this._timeline;
	) e = e._timeline;
	return e === t._rootFramesTimeline}
,m.rawTime = function (){
	return this._paused ? this._totalTime:(this._timeline.rawTime() - this._startTime) * this._timeScale}
,!0),_gsScope._gsDefine("TimelineMax",["TimelineLite","TweenLite","easing.Ease"],function (t,e,i){
	var s = function (e){
	t.call(this,e),this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0,this._repeatDelay = this.vars.repeatDelay || 0,this._cycle = 0,this._yoyo = this.vars.yoyo === !0,this._dirty = !0}
,r = 1e-10,n = [],a = e._internals,o = a.lazyTweens,h = a.lazyRender,l = new i(null,null,1,0),_ = s.prototype = new t;
	return _.constructor = s,_.kill()._gc = !1,s.version = "1.14.2",_.invalidate = function (){
	return this._yoyo = this.vars.yoyo === !0,this._repeat = this.vars.repeat || 0,this._repeatDelay = this.vars.repeatDelay || 0,this._uncache(!0),t.prototype.invalidate.call(this)}
,_.addCallback = function (t,i,s,r){
	return this.add(e.delayedCall(0,t,s,r),i)}
,_.removeCallback = function (t,e){
	if (t) if (null == e) this._kill(null,t);
	else for (var i = this.getTweensOf(t,!1),s = i.length,r = this._parseTimeOrLabel(e);
	--s > -1;
	) i[s]._startTime === r && i[s]._enabled(!1,!1);
	return this}
,_.tweenTo = function (t,i){
	i = i ||{
	var s,r,a,o ={
	ease:l,overwrite:i.delay ? 2:1,useFrames:this.usesFrames(),immediateRender:!1}
	for (r in i) o[r] = i[r];
	return o.time = this._parseTimeOrLabel(t),s = Math.abs(Number(o.time) - this._time) / this._timeScale || .001,a = new e(this,s,o),o.onStart = function (){
	a.target.paused(!0),a.vars.time !== a.target.time() && s === a.duration() && a.duration(Math.abs(a.vars.time - a.target.time()) / a.target._timeScale),i.onStart && i.onStart.apply(i.onStartScope || a,i.onStartParams || n)}
,_.tweenFromTo = function (t,e,i){
	i = i ||{
,t = this._parseTimeOrLabel(t),i.startAt ={
,i.immediateRender = i.immediateRender !== !1;
	var s = this.tweenTo(e,i);
	return s.duration(Math.abs(s.vars.time - t) / this._timeScale || .001)}
,_.render = function (t,e,i){
	this._gc && this._enabled(!0,!1);
	var s,a,l,_,u,p,c = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration():this._totalDuration,f = this._duration,m = this._time,d = this._totalTime,g = this._startTime,v = this._timeScale,y = this._rawPrevTime,T = this._paused,w = this._cycle;
	if (t >= c ? (this._locked || (this._totalTime = c,this._cycle = this._repeat),this._reversed || this._hasPausedChild() || (a = !0,_ = "onComplete",0 === this._duration && (0 === t || 0 > y || y === r) && y !== t && this._first && (u = !0,y > r && (_ = "onReverseComplete"))),this._rawPrevTime = this._duration || !e || t || this._rawPrevTime === t ? t:r,this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? this._time = t = 0:(this._time = f,t = f + 1e-4)):1e-7 > t ? (this._locked || (this._totalTime = this._cycle = 0),this._time = 0,(0 !== m || 0 === f && y !== r && (y > 0 || 0 > t && y >= 0) && !this._locked) && (_ = "onReverseComplete",a = this._reversed),0 > t ? (this._active = !1,y >= 0 && this._first && (u = !0),this._rawPrevTime = t):(this._rawPrevTime = f || !e || t || this._rawPrevTime === t ? t:r,t = 0,this._initted || (u = !0))):(0 === f && 0 > y && (u = !0),this._time = this._rawPrevTime = t,this._locked || (this._totalTime = t,0 !== this._repeat && (p = f + this._repeatDelay,this._cycle = this._totalTime / p >> 0,0 !== this._cycle && this._cycle === this._totalTime / p && this._cycle--,this._time = this._totalTime - this._cycle * p,this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) && (this._time = f - this._time),this._time > f ? (this._time = f,t = f + 1e-4):0 > this._time ? this._time = t = 0:t = this._time))),this._cycle !== w && !this._locked){
	var x = this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & w),b = x === (this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle)),P = this._totalTime,S = this._cycle,k = this._rawPrevTime,R = this._time;
	if (this._totalTime = w * f,w > this._cycle ? x = !x:this._totalTime += f,this._time = m,this._rawPrevTime = 0 === f ? y - 1e-4:y,this._cycle = w,this._locked = !0,m = x ? 0:f,this.render(m,e,0 === f),e || this._gc || this.vars.onRepeat && this.vars.onRepeat.apply(this.vars.onRepeatScope || this,this.vars.onRepeatParams || n),b && (m = x ? f + 1e-4:-1e-4,this.render(m,!0,!1)),this._locked = !1,this._paused && !T) return;
	this._time = R,this._totalTime = P,this._cycle = S,this._rawPrevTime = k}
if (!(this._time !== m && this._first || i || u)) return d !== this._totalTime && this._onUpdate && (e || this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this,this.vars.onUpdateParams || n)),void 0;
	if (this._initted || (this._initted = !0),this._active || !this._paused && this._totalTime !== d && t > 0 && (this._active = !0),0 === d && this.vars.onStart && 0 !== this._totalTime && (e || this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope || this,this.vars.onStartParams || n)),this._time >= m) for (s = this._first;
	s && (l = s._next,!this._paused || T);
	) (s._active || s._startTime <= this._time && !s._paused && !s._gc) && (s._reversed ? s.render((s._dirty ? s.totalDuration():s._totalDuration) - (t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i):s.render((t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i)),s = l;
	else for (s = this._last;
	s && (l = s._prev,!this._paused || T);
	) (s._active || m >= s._startTime && !s._paused && !s._gc) && (s._reversed ? s.render((s._dirty ? s.totalDuration():s._totalDuration) - (t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i):s.render((t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale,e,i)),s = l;
	this._onUpdate && (e || (o.length && h(),this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this,this.vars.onUpdateParams || n))),_ && (this._locked || this._gc || (g === this._startTime || v !== this._timeScale) && (0 === this._time || c >= this.totalDuration()) && (a && (o.length && h(),this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren && this._enabled(!1,!1),this._active = !1),!e && this.vars[_] && this.vars[_].apply(this.vars[_ + "Scope"] || this,this.vars[_ + "Params"] || n)))}
,_.getActive = function (t,e,i){
	null == t && (t = !0),null == e && (e = !0),null == i && (i = !1);
	var s,r,n = [],a = this.getChildren(t,e,i),o = 0,h = a.length;
	for (s = 0;
	h > s;
	s++) r = a[s],r.isActive() && (n[o++] = r);
	return n}
,_.getLabelAfter = function (t){
	t || 0 !== t && (t = this._time);
	var e,i = this.getLabelsArray(),s = i.length;
	for (e = 0;
	s > e;
	e++) if (i[e].time > t) return i[e].name;
	return null}
,_.getLabelBefore = function (t){
	null == t && (t = this._time);
	for (var e = this.getLabelsArray(),i = e.length;
	--i > -1;
	) if (t > e[i].time) return e[i].name;
	return null}
,_.getLabelsArray = function (){
	var t,e = [],i = 0;
	for (t in this._labels) e[i++] ={
	return e.sort(function (t,e){
	return t.time - e.time}
,_.progress = function (t,e){
	return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * (this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? 1 - t:t) + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatDelay),e):this._time / this.duration()}
,_.totalProgress = function (t,e){
	return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.totalDuration() * t,e):this._totalTime / this.totalDuration()}
,_.totalDuration = function (e){
	return arguments.length ? -1 === this._repeat ? this:this.duration((e - this._repeat * this._repeatDelay) / (this._repeat + 1)):(this._dirty && (t.prototype.totalDuration.call(this),this._totalDuration = -1 === this._repeat ? 999999999999:this._duration * (this._repeat + 1) + this._repeatDelay * this._repeat),this._totalDuration)}
,_.time = function (t,e){
	return arguments.length ? (this._dirty && this.totalDuration(),t > this._duration && (t = this._duration),this._yoyo && 0 !== (1 & this._cycle) ? t = this._duration - t + this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatDelay):0 !== this._repeat && (t += this._cycle * (this._duration + this._repeatDelay)),this.totalTime(t,e)):this._time}
,_.repeat = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._repeat = t,this._uncache(!0)):this._repeat}
,_.repeatDelay = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._repeatDelay = t,this._uncache(!0)):this._repeatDelay}
,_.yoyo = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._yoyo = t,this):this._yoyo}
,_.currentLabel = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? this.seek(t,!0):this.getLabelBefore(this._time + 1e-8)}
,!0),function (){
	var t = 180 / Math.PI,e = [],i = [],s = [],r ={
,n = function (t,e,i,s){
	this.a = t,this.b = e,this.c = i,this.d = s,this.da = s - t,this.ca = i - t,this.ba = e - t}
,a = ",x,y,z,left,top,right,bottom,marginTop,marginLeft,marginRight,marginBottom,paddingLeft,paddingTop,paddingRight,paddingBottom,backgroundPosition,backgroundPosition_y,",o = function (t,e,i,s){
	var r ={
,n ={
,a ={
,o ={
,h = (t + e) / 2,l = (e + i) / 2,_ = (i + s) / 2,u = (h + l) / 2,p = (l + _) / 2,c = (p - u) / 8;
	return r.b = h + (t - h) / 4,n.b = u + c,r.c = n.a = (r.b + n.b) / 2,n.c = a.a = (u + p) / 2,a.b = p - c,o.b = _ + (s - _) / 4,a.c = o.a = (a.b + o.b) / 2,[r,n,a,o]}
,h = function (t,r,n,a,h){
	var l,_,u,p,c,f,m,d,g,v,y,T,w,x = t.length - 1,b = 0,P = t[0].a;
	for (l = 0;
	x > l;
	l++) c = t[b],_ = c.a,u = c.d,p = t[b + 1].d,h ? (y = e[l],T = i[l],w = .25 * (T + y) * r / (a ? .5:s[l] || .5),f = u - (u - _) * (a ? .5 * r:0 !== y ? w / y:0),m = u + (p - u) * (a ? .5 * r:0 !== T ? w / T:0),d = u - (f + ((m - f) * (3 * y / (y + T) + .5) / 4 || 0))):(f = u - .5 * (u - _) * r,m = u + .5 * (p - u) * r,d = u - (f + m) / 2),f += d,m += d,c.c = g = f,c.b = 0 !== l ? P:P = c.a + .6 * (c.c - c.a),c.da = u - _,c.ca = g - _,c.ba = P - _,n ? (v = o(_,P,g,u),t.splice(b,1,v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3]),b += 4):b++,P = m;
	c = t[b],c.b = P,c.c = P + .4 * (c.d - P),c.da = c.d - c.a,c.ca = c.c - c.a,c.ba = P - c.a,n && (v = o(c.a,P,c.c,c.d),t.splice(b,1,v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3]))}
,l = function (t,s,r,a){
	var o,h,l,_,u,p,c = [];
	if (a) for (t = [a].concat(t),h = t.length;
	--h > -1;
	) "string" == typeof (p = t[h][s]) && "=" === p.charAt(1) && (t[h][s] = a[s] + Number(p.charAt(0) + p.substr(2)));
	if (o = t.length - 2,0 > o) return c[0] = new n(t[0][s],0,0,t[-1 > o ? 0:1][s]),c;
	for (h = 0;
	o > h;
	h++) l = t[h][s],_ = t[h + 1][s],c[h] = new n(l,0,0,_),r && (u = t[h + 2][s],e[h] = (e[h] || 0) + (_ - l) * (_ - l),i[h] = (i[h] || 0) + (u - _) * (u - _));
	return c[h] = new n(t[h][s],0,0,t[h + 1][s]),c}
,_ = function (t,n,o,_,u,p){
	var c,f,m,d,g,v,y,T,w ={
,x = [],b = p || t[0];
	u = "string" == typeof u ? "," + u + ",":a,null == n && (n = 1);
	for (f in t[0]) x.push(f);
	if (t.length > 1){
	for (T = t[t.length - 1],y = !0,c = x.length;
	--c > -1;
	) if (f = x[c],Math.abs(b[f] - T[f]) > .05){
	y = !1;
y && (t = t.concat(),p && t.unshift(p),t.push(t[1]),p = t[t.length - 3])}
for (e.length = i.length = s.length = 0,c = x.length;
	--c > -1;
	) f = x[c],r[f] = -1 !== u.indexOf("," + f + ","),w[f] = l(t,f,r[f],p);
	for (c = e.length;
	--c > -1;
	) e[c] = Math.sqrt(e[c]),i[c] = Math.sqrt(i[c]);
	if (!_){
	for (c = x.length;
	--c > -1;
	) if (r[f]) for (m = w[x[c]],v = m.length - 1,d = 0;
	v > d;
	d++) g = m[d + 1].da / i[d] + m[d].da / e[d],s[d] = (s[d] || 0) + g * g;
	for (c = s.length;
	--c > -1;
	) s[c] = Math.sqrt(s[c])}
for (c = x.length,d = o ? 4:1;
	--c > -1;
	) f = x[c],m = w[f],h(m,n,o,_,r[f]),y && (m.splice(0,d),m.splice(m.length - d,d));
	return w}
,u = function (t,e,i){
	e = e || "soft";
	var s,r,a,o,h,l,_,u,p,c,f,m ={
,d = "cubic" === e ? 3:2,g = "soft" === e,v = [];
	if (g && i && (t = [i].concat(t)),null == t || d + 1 > t.length) throw "invalid Bezier data";
	for (p in t[0]) v.push(p);
	for (l = v.length;
	--l > -1;
	for (p = v[l],m[p] = h = [],c = 0,u = t.length,_ = 0;
	u > _;
	_++) s = null == i ? t[_][p]:"string" == typeof (f = t[_][p]) && "=" === f.charAt(1) ? i[p] + Number(f.charAt(0) + f.substr(2)):Number(f),g && _ > 1 && u - 1 > _ && (h[c++] = (s + h[c - 2]) / 2),h[c++] = s;
	for (u = c - d + 1,c = 0,_ = 0;
	u > _;
	_ += d) s = h[_],r = h[_ + 1],a = h[_ + 2],o = 2 === d ? 0:h[_ + 3],h[c++] = f = 3 === d ? new n(s,r,a,o):new n(s,(2 * r + s) / 3,(2 * r + a) / 3,a);
	h.length = c}
return m}
,p = function (t,e,i){
	for (var s,r,n,a,o,h,l,_,u,p,c,f = 1 / i,m = t.length;
	--m > -1;
	) for (p = t[m],n = p.a,a = p.d - n,o = p.c - n,h = p.b - n,s = r = 0,_ = 1;
	i >= _;
	_++) l = f * _,u = 1 - l,s = r - (r = (l * l * a + 3 * u * (l * o + u * h)) * l),c = m * i + _ - 1,e[c] = (e[c] || 0) + s * s}
,c = function (t,e){
	e = e >> 0 || 6;
	var i,s,r,n,a = [],o = [],h = 0,l = 0,_ = e - 1,u = [],c = [];
	for (i in t) p(t[i],a,e);
	for (r = a.length,s = 0;
	r > s;
	s++) h += Math.sqrt(a[s]),n = s % e,c[n] = h,n === _ && (l += h,n = s / e >> 0,u[n] = c,o[n] = l,h = 0,c = []);
,f = _gsScope._gsDefine.plugin({
	propName:"bezier",priority:-1,version:"1.3.3",API:2,global:!0,init:function (t,e,i){
	this._target = t,e instanceof Array && (e ={
),this._func ={
,this._round ={
,this._props = [],this._timeRes = null == e.timeResolution ? 6:parseInt(e.timeResolution,10);
	var s,r,n,a,o,h = e.values || [],l ={
,p = h[0],f = e.autoRotate || i.vars.orientToBezier;
	this._autoRotate = f ? f instanceof Array ? f:[["x","y","rotation",f === !0 ? 0:Number(f) || 0]]:null;
	for (s in p) this._props.push(s);
	for (n = this._props.length;
	--n > -1;
	) s = this._props[n],this._overwriteProps.push(s),r = this._func[s] = "function" == typeof t[s],l[s] = r ? t[s.indexOf("set") || "function" != typeof t["get" + s.substr(3)] ? s:"get" + s.substr(3)]():parseFloat(t[s]),o || l[s] !== h[0][s] && (o = l);
	if (this._beziers = "cubic" !== e.type && "quadratic" !== e.type && "soft" !== e.type ? _(h,isNaN(e.curviness) ? 1:e.curviness,!1,"thruBasic" === e.type,e.correlate,o):u(h,e.type,l),this._segCount = this._beziers[s].length,this._timeRes){
	var m = c(this._beziers,this._timeRes);
	this._length = m.length,this._lengths = m.lengths,this._segments = m.segments,this._l1 = this._li = this._s1 = this._si = 0,this._l2 = this._lengths[0],this._curSeg = this._segments[0],this._s2 = this._curSeg[0],this._prec = 1 / this._curSeg.length}
if (f = this._autoRotate) for (this._initialRotations = [],f[0] instanceof Array || (this._autoRotate = f = [f]),n = f.length;
	--n > -1;
	for (a = 0;
	3 > a;
	a++) s = f[n][a],this._func[s] = "function" == typeof t[s] ? t[s.indexOf("set") || "function" != typeof t["get" + s.substr(3)] ? s:"get" + s.substr(3)]:!1;
	s = f[n][2],this._initialRotations[n] = this._func[s] ? this._func[s].call(this._target):this._target[s]}
return this._startRatio = i.vars.runBackwards ? 1:0,!0}
,set:function (e){
	var i,s,r,n,a,o,h,l,_,u,p = this._segCount,c = this._func,f = this._target,m = e !== this._startRatio;
	if (this._timeRes){
	if (_ = this._lengths,u = this._curSeg,e *= this._length,r = this._li,e > this._l2 && p - 1 > r){
	for (l = p - 1;
	l > r && e >= (this._l2 = _[++r]);
	this._l1 = _[r - 1],this._li = r,this._curSeg = u = this._segments[r],this._s2 = u[this._s1 = this._si = 0]}
else if (this._l1 > e && r > 0){
	for (;
	r > 0 && (this._l1 = _[--r]) >= e;
	0 === r && this._l1 > e ? this._l1 = 0:r++,this._l2 = _[r],this._li = r,this._curSeg = u = this._segments[r],this._s1 = u[(this._si = u.length - 1) - 1] || 0,this._s2 = u[this._si]}
if (i = r,e -= this._l1,r = this._si,e > this._s2 && u.length - 1 > r){
	for (l = u.length - 1;
	l > r && e >= (this._s2 = u[++r]);
	this._s1 = u[r - 1],this._si = r}
else if (this._s1 > e && r > 0){
	for (;
	r > 0 && (this._s1 = u[--r]) >= e;
	0 === r && this._s1 > e ? this._s1 = 0:r++,this._s2 = u[r],this._si = r}
o = (r + (e - this._s1) / (this._s2 - this._s1)) * this._prec}
else i = 0 > e ? 0:e >= 1 ? p - 1:p * e >> 0,o = (e - i * (1 / p)) * p;
	for (s = 1 - o,r = this._props.length;
	--r > -1;
	) n = this._props[r],a = this._beziers[n][i],h = (o * o * a.da + 3 * s * (o * a.ca + s * a.ba)) * o + a.a,this._round[n] && (h = Math.round(h)),c[n] ? f[n](h):f[n] = h;
	if (this._autoRotate){
	var d,g,v,y,T,w,x,b = this._autoRotate;
	for (r = b.length;
	--r > -1;
	) n = b[r][2],w = b[r][3] || 0,x = b[r][4] === !0 ? 1:t,a = this._beziers[b[r][0]],d = this._beziers[b[r][1]],a && d && (a = a[i],d = d[i],g = a.a + (a.b - a.a) * o,y = a.b + (a.c - a.b) * o,g += (y - g) * o,y += (a.c + (a.d - a.c) * o - y) * o,v = d.a + (d.b - d.a) * o,T = d.b + (d.c - d.b) * o,v += (T - v) * o,T += (d.c + (d.d - d.c) * o - T) * o,h = m ? Math.atan2(T - v,y - g) * x + w:this._initialRotations[r],c[n] ? f[n](h):f[n] = h)}
),m = f.prototype;
	f.bezierThrough = _,f.cubicToQuadratic = o,f._autoCSS = !0,f.quadraticToCubic = function (t,e,i){
	return new n(t,(2 * e + t) / 3,(2 * e + i) / 3,i)}
,f._cssRegister = function (){
	var t = _gsScope._gsDefine.globals.CSSPlugin;
	if (t){
	var e = t._internals,i = e._parseToProxy,s = e._setPluginRatio,r = e.CSSPropTween;
	parser:function (t,e,n,a,o,h){
	e instanceof Array && (e ={
),h = new f;
	var l,_,u,p = e.values,c = p.length - 1,m = [],d ={
	if (0 > c) return o;
	for (l = 0;
	c >= l;
	l++) u = i(t,p[l],a,o,h,c !== l),m[l] = u.end;
	for (_ in e) d[_] = e[_];
	return d.values = m,o = new r(t,"bezier",0,0,u.pt,2),o.data = u,o.plugin = h,o.setRatio = s,0 === d.autoRotate && (d.autoRotate = !0),!d.autoRotate || d.autoRotate instanceof Array || (l = d.autoRotate === !0 ? 0:Number(d.autoRotate),d.autoRotate = null != u.end.left ? [["left","top","rotation",l,!1]]:null != u.end.x ? [["x","y","rotation",l,!1]]:!1),d.autoRotate && (a._transform || a._enableTransforms(!1),u.autoRotate = a._target._gsTransform),h._onInitTween(u.proxy,d,a._tween),o}
,m._roundProps = function (t,e){
	for (var i = this._overwriteProps,s = i.length;
	--s > -1;
	) (t[i[s]] || t.bezier || t.bezierThrough) && (this._round[i[s]] = e)}
,m._kill = function (t){
	var e,i,s = this._props;
	for (e in this._beziers) if (e in t) for (delete this._beziers[e],delete this._func[e],i = s.length;
	--i > -1;
	) s[i] === e && s.splice(i,1);
	return this._super._kill.call(this,t)}
(),_gsScope._gsDefine("plugins.CSSPlugin",["plugins.TweenPlugin","TweenLite"],function (t,e){
	var i,s,r,n,a = function (){
	t.call(this,"css"),this._overwriteProps.length = 0,this.setRatio = a.prototype.setRatio}
,o ={
,h = a.prototype = new t("css");
	h.constructor = a,a.version = "1.14.2",a.API = 2,a.defaultTransformPerspective = 0,a.defaultSkewType = "compensated",h = "px",a.suffixMap ={
	var l,_,u,p,c,f,m = /(?:\d|\-\d|\.\d|\-\.\d)+/g,d = /(?:\d|\-\d|\.\d|\-\.\d|\+=\d|\-=\d|\+=.\d|\-=\.\d)+/g,g = /(?:\+=|\-=|\-|\b)[\d\-\.]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*(?:%|\b)/gi,v = /(?![+-]?\d*\.?\d+|e[+-]\d+)[^0-9]/g,y = /(?:\d|\-|\+|=|#|\.)*/
g,T = /opacity *= *([^)]*)/i,w = /opacity:([^;
	]*)/i,x = /alpha\(opacity *=.+?\)/i,b = /^(rgb|hsl)/,P = /([A-Z])/g,S = /-([a-z])/gi,k = /(^(?:url\(\"|url\())|(?:(\"\))$|\)$)/gi,R = function (t,e){
	return e.toUpperCase()}
,A = /(?:Left|Right|Width)/i,C = /(M11|M12|M21|M22)=[\d\-\.e]+/gi,O = /progid\:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Matrix\(.+?\)/i,D = /,(?=[^\)]*(?:\(|$))/gi,M = Math.PI / 180,z = 180 / Math.PI,I ={
,E = document,F = E.createElement("div"),L = E.createElement("img"),N = a._internals ={
,X = navigator.userAgent,U = function (){
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)/.exec(X) || /Trident\/.*rv:([0-9]{
)/.exec(X)) && (f = parseFloat(RegExp.$1)),i.innerHTML = "<a style='top:1px;
	'>a</a>",t = i.getElementsByTagName("a")[0],t ? /^0.55/.test(t.style.opacity):!1}
(),Y = function (t){
	return T.test("string" == typeof t ? t:(t.currentStyle ? t.currentStyle.filter:t.style.filter) || "") ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100:1}
,j = function (t){
	window.console && console.log(t)}
,B = "",q = "",V = function (t,e){
	e = e || F;
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,G = E.defaultView ? E.defaultView.getComputedStyle:function (){
,W = a.getStyle = function (t,e,i,s,r){
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,Z = N.convertToPixels = function (t,i,s,r,n){
	if ("px" === r || !r) return s;
	if ("auto" === r || !s) return 0;
	var o,h,l,_ = A.test(i),u = t,p = F.style,c = 0 > s;
	if (c && (s = -s),"%" === r && -1 !== i.indexOf("border")) o = s / 100 * (_ ? t.clientWidth:t.clientHeight);
	if (p.cssText = "border:0 solid red;
	position:" + W(t,"position") + ";
	","%" !== r && u.appendChild) p[_ ? "borderLeftWidth":"borderTopWidth"] = s + r;
	if (u = t.parentNode || E.body,h = u._gsCache,l = e.ticker.frame,h && _ && h.time === l) return h.width * s / 100;
	p[_ ? "width":"height"] = s + r}
u.appendChild(F),o = parseFloat(F[_ ? "offsetWidth":"offsetHeight"]),u.removeChild(F),_ && "%" === r && a.cacheWidths !== !1 && (h = u._gsCache = u._gsCache ||{
,h.time = l,h.width = 100 * (o / s)),0 !== o || n || (o = Z(t,i,s,r,!0))}
return c ? -o:o}
,Q = N.calculateOffset = function (t,e,i){
	if ("absolute" !== W(t,"position",i)) return 0;
	var s = "left" === e ? "Left":"Top",r = W(t,"margin" + s,i);
	return t["offset" + s] - (Z(t,e,parseFloat(r),r.replace(y,"")) || 0)}
,$ = function (t,e){
	var i,s,r ={
	if (e = e || G(t,null)) if (i = e.length) for (;
	--i > -1;
	) r[e[i].replace(S,R)] = e.getPropertyValue(e[i]);
	else for (i in e) r[i] = e[i];
	else if (e = t.currentStyle || t.style) for (i in e) "string" == typeof i && void 0 === r[i] && (r[i.replace(S,R)] = e[i]);
	return U || (r.opacity = Y(t)),s = Oe(t,e,!1),r.rotation = s.rotation,r.skewX = s.skewX,r.scaleX = s.scaleX,r.scaleY = s.scaleY,r.x = s.x,r.y = s.y,be && (r.z = s.z,r.rotationX = s.rotationX,r.rotationY = s.rotationY,r.scaleZ = s.scaleZ),r.filters && delete r.filters,r}
,H = function (t,e,i,s,r){
	var n,a,o,h ={
,l = t.style;
	for (a in i) "cssText" !== a && "length" !== a && isNaN(a) && (e[a] !== (n = i[a]) || r && r[a]) && -1 === a.indexOf("Origin") && ("number" == typeof n || "string" == typeof n) && (h[a] = "auto" !== n || "left" !== a && "top" !== a ? "" !== n && "auto" !== n && "none" !== n || "string" != typeof e[a] || "" === e[a].replace(v,"") ? n:0:Q(t,a),void 0 !== l[a] && (o = new ue(l,a,l[a],o)));
	if (s) for (a in s) "className" !== a && (h[a] = s[a]);
,K ={
,J = ["marginLeft","marginRight","marginTop","marginBottom"],te = function (t,e,i){
	var s = parseFloat("width" === e ? t.offsetWidth:t.offsetHeight),r = K[e],n = r.length;
	for (i = i || G(t,null);
	--n > -1;
	) s -= parseFloat(W(t,"padding" + r[n],i,!0)) || 0,s -= parseFloat(W(t,"border" + r[n] + "Width",i,!0)) || 0;
	return s}
,ee = function (t,e){
	(null == t || "" === t || "auto" === t || "auto auto" === t) && (t = "0 0");
	var i = t.split(" "),s = -1 !== t.indexOf("left") ? "0%":-1 !== t.indexOf("right") ? "100%":i[0],r = -1 !== t.indexOf("top") ? "0%":-1 !== t.indexOf("bottom") ? "100%":i[1];
	return null == r ? r = "0":"center" === r && (r = "50%"),("center" === s || isNaN(parseFloat(s)) && -1 === (s + "").indexOf("=")) && (s = "50%"),e && (e.oxp = -1 !== s.indexOf("%"),e.oyp = -1 !== r.indexOf("%"),e.oxr = "=" === s.charAt(1),e.oyr = "=" === r.charAt(1),e.ox = parseFloat(s.replace(v,"")),e.oy = parseFloat(r.replace(v,""))),s + " " + r + (i.length > 2 ? " " + i[2]:"")}
,ie = function (t,e){
	return "string" == typeof t && "=" === t.charAt(1) ? parseInt(t.charAt(0) + "1",10) * parseFloat(t.substr(2)):parseFloat(t) - parseFloat(e)}
,se = function (t,e){
	return null == t ? e:"string" == typeof t && "=" === t.charAt(1) ? parseInt(t.charAt(0) + "1",10) * parseFloat(t.substr(2)) + e:parseFloat(t)}
,re = function (t,e,i,s){
	var r,n,a,o,h = 1e-6;
	return null == t ? o = e:"number" == typeof t ? o = t:(r = 360,n = t.split("_"),a = Number(n[0].replace(v,"")) * (-1 === t.indexOf("rad") ? 1:z) - ("=" === t.charAt(1) ? 0:e),n.length && (s && (s[i] = e + a),-1 !== t.indexOf("short") && (a %= r,a !== a % (r / 2) && (a = 0 > a ? a + r:a - r)),-1 !== t.indexOf("_cw") && 0 > a ? a = (a + 9999999999 * r) % r - (0 | a / r) * r:-1 !== t.indexOf("ccw") && a > 0 && (a = (a - 9999999999 * r) % r - (0 | a / r) * r)),o = e + a),h > o && o > -h && (o = 0),o}
,ne ={
,ae = function (t,e,i){
	return t = 0 > t ? t + 1:t > 1 ? t - 1:t,0 | 255 * (1 > 6 * t ? e + 6 * (i - e) * t:.5 > t ? i:2 > 3 * t ? e + 6 * (i - e) * (2 / 3 - t):e) + .5}
,oe = a.parseColor = function (t){
	var e,i,s,r,n,a;
	return t && "" !== t ? "number" == typeof t ? [t >> 16,255 & t >> 8,255 & t]:("," === t.charAt(t.length - 1) && (t = t.substr(0,t.length - 1)),ne[t] ? ne[t]:"#" === t.charAt(0) ? (4 === t.length && (e = t.charAt(1),i = t.charAt(2),s = t.charAt(3),t = "#" + e + e + i + i + s + s),t = parseInt(t.substr(1),16),[t >> 16,255 & t >> 8,255 & t]):"hsl" === t.substr(0,3) ? (t = t.match(m),r = Number(t[0]) % 360 / 360,n = Number(t[1]) / 100,a = Number(t[2]) / 100,i = .5 >= a ? a * (n + 1):a + n - a * n,e = 2 * a - i,t.length > 3 && (t[3] = Number(t[3])),t[0] = ae(r + 1 / 3,e,i),t[1] = ae(r,e,i),t[2] = ae(r - 1 / 3,e,i),t):(t = t.match(m) || ne.transparent,t[0] = Number(t[0]),t[1] = Number(t[1]),t[2] = Number(t[2]),t.length > 3 && (t[3] = Number(t[3])),t)):ne.black}
,he = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#.+?\\b";
	for (h in ne) he += "|" + h + "\\b";
	he = RegExp(he + ")","gi");
	var le = function (t,e,i,s){
	if (null == t) return function (t){
	return t}
	var r,n = e ? (t.match(he) || [""])[0]:"",a = t.split(n).join("").match(g) || [],o = t.substr(0,t.indexOf(a[0])),h = ")" === t.charAt(t.length - 1) ? ")":"",l = -1 !== t.indexOf(" ") ? " ":",",_ = a.length,u = _ > 0 ? a[0].replace(m,""):"";
	return _ ? r = e ? function (t){
	var e,p,c,f;
	if ("number" == typeof t) t += u;
	else if (s && D.test(t)){
	for (f = t.replace(D,"|").split("|"),c = 0;
	f.length > c;
	c++) f[c] = r(f[c]);
	return f.join(",")}
if (e = (t.match(he) || [n])[0],p = t.split(e).join("").match(g) || [],c = p.length,_ > c--) for (;
	_ > ++c;
	) p[c] = i ? p[0 | (c - 1) / 2]:a[c];
	return o + p.join(l) + l + e + h + (-1 !== t.indexOf("inset") ? " inset":"")}
:function (t){
	var e,n,p;
	if ("number" == typeof t) t += u;
	else if (s && D.test(t)){
	for (n = t.replace(D,"|").split("|"),p = 0;
	n.length > p;
	p++) n[p] = r(n[p]);
	return n.join(",")}
if (e = t.match(g) || [],p = e.length,_ > p--) for (;
	_ > ++p;
	) e[p] = i ? e[0 | (p - 1) / 2]:a[p];
	return o + e.join(l) + h}
:function (t){
	return t}
,_e = function (t){
	return t = t.split(","),function (e,i,s,r,n,a,o){
	var h,l = (i + "").split(" ");
	for (o ={
,h = 0;
	4 > h;
	h++) o[t[h]] = l[h] = l[h] || l[(h - 1) / 2 >> 0];
	return r.parse(e,o,n,a)}
,ue = (N._setPluginRatio = function (t){
	for (var e,i,s,r,n = this.data,a = n.proxy,o = n.firstMPT,h = 1e-6;
	) e = a[o.v],o.r ? e = Math.round(e):h > e && e > -h && (e = 0),o.t[o.p] = e,o = o._next;
	if (n.autoRotate && (n.autoRotate.rotation = a.rotation),1 === t) for (o = n.firstMPT;
	if (i = o.t,i.type){
	if (1 === i.type){
	for (r = i.xs0 + i.s + i.xs1,s = 1;
	i.l > s;
	s++) r += i["xn" + s] + i["xs" + (s + 1)];
	i.e = r}
else i.e = i.s + i.xs0;
	o = o._next}
,function (t,e,i,s,r){
	this.t = t,this.p = e,this.v = i,this.r = r,s && (s._prev = this,this._next = s)}
),pe = (N._parseToProxy = function (t,e,i,s,r,n){
	var a,o,h,l,_,u = s,p ={
,c ={
,f = i._transform,m = I;
	for (i._transform = null,I = e,s = _ = i.parse(t,e,s,r),I = m,n && (i._transform = f,u && (u._prev = null,u._prev && (u._prev._next = null)));
	s && s !== u;
	if (1 >= s.type && (o = s.p,c[o] = s.s + s.c,p[o] = s.s,n || (l = new ue(s,"s",o,l,s.r),s.c = 0),1 === s.type)) for (a = s.l;
	--a > 0;
	) h = "xn" + a,o = s.p + "_" + h,c[o] = s.data[h],p[o] = s[h],n || (l = new ue(s,h,o,l,s.rxp[h]));
	s = s._next}
,N.CSSPropTween = function (t,e,s,r,a,o,h,l,_,u,p){
	this.t = t,this.p = e,this.s = s,this.c = r,this.n = h || e,t instanceof pe || n.push(this.n),this.r = l,this.type = o || 0,_ && (this.pr = _,i = !0),this.b = void 0 === u ? s:u,this.e = void 0 === p ? s + r:p,a && (this._next = a,a._prev = this)}
),ce = a.parseComplex = function (t,e,i,s,r,n,a,o,h,_){
	i = i || n || "",a = new pe(t,e,0,0,a,_ ? 2:1,null,!1,o,i,s),s += "";
	var u,p,c,f,g,v,y,T,w,x,P,S,k = i.split(",").join(",").split(" "),R = s.split(",").join(",").split(" "),A = k.length,C = l !== !1;
	for ((-1 !== s.indexOf(",") || -1 !== i.indexOf(",")) && (k = k.join(" ").replace(D,",").split(" "),R = R.join(" ").replace(D,",").split(" "),A = k.length),A !== R.length && (k = (n || "").split(" "),A = k.length),a.plugin = h,a.setRatio = _,u = 0;
	A > u;
	u++) if (f = k[u],g = R[u],T = parseFloat(f),T || 0 === T) a.appendXtra("",T,ie(g,T),g.replace(d,""),C && -1 !== g.indexOf("px"),!0);
	else if (r && ("#" === f.charAt(0) || ne[f] || b.test(f))) S = "," === g.charAt(g.length - 1) ? "),":")",f = oe(f),g = oe(g),w = f.length + g.length > 6,w && !U && 0 === g[3] ? (a["xs" + a.l] += a.l ? " transparent":"transparent",a.e = a.e.split(R[u]).join("transparent")):(U || (w = !1),a.appendXtra(w ? "rgba(":"rgb(",f[0],g[0] - f[0],",",!0,!0).appendXtra("",f[1],g[1] - f[1],",",!0).appendXtra("",f[2],g[2] - f[2],w ? ",":S,!0),w && (f = 4 > f.length ? 1:f[3],a.appendXtra("",f,(4 > g.length ? 1:g[3]) - f,S,!1)));
	else if (v = f.match(m)){
	if (y = g.match(d),!y || y.length !== v.length) return a;
	for (c = 0,p = 0;
	v.length > p;
	p++) P = v[p],x = f.indexOf(P,c),a.appendXtra(f.substr(c,x - c),Number(P),ie(y[p],P),"",C && "px" === f.substr(x + P.length,2),0 === p),c = x + P.length;
	a["xs" + a.l] += f.substr(c)}
else a["xs" + a.l] += a.l ? " " + f:f;
	if (-1 !== s.indexOf("=") && a.data){
	for (S = a.xs0 + a.data.s,u = 1;
	a.l > u;
	u++) S += a["xs" + u] + a.data["xn" + u];
	a.e = S + a["xs" + u]}
return a.l || (a.type = -1,a.xs0 = a.e),a.xfirst || a}
,fe = 9;
	for (h = pe.prototype,h.l = h.pr = 0;
	--fe > 0;
	) h["xn" + fe] = 0,h["xs" + fe] = "";
	h.xs0 = "",h._next = h._prev = h.xfirst = h.data = h.plugin = h.setRatio = h.rxp = null,h.appendXtra = function (t,e,i,s,r,n){
	var a = this,o = a.l;
	return a["xs" + o] += n && o ? " " + t:t || "",i || 0 === o || a.plugin ? (a.l++,a.type = a.setRatio ? 2:1,a["xs" + a.l] = s || "",o > 0 ? (a.data["xn" + o] = e + i,a.rxp["xn" + o] = r,a["xn" + o] = e,a.plugin || (a.xfirst = new pe(a,"xn" + o,e,i,a.xfirst || a,0,a.n,r,a.pr),a.xfirst.xs0 = 0),a):(a.data ={
	s:e + i}
,a.rxp ={
,a.s = e,a.c = i,a.r = r,a)):(a["xs" + o] += e + (s || ""),a)}
	var me = function (t,e){
	e = e ||{
,this.p = e.prefix ? V(t) || t:t,o[t] = o[this.p] = this,this.format = e.formatter || le(e.defaultValue,e.color,e.collapsible,e.multi),e.parser && (this.parse = e.parser),this.clrs = e.color,this.multi = e.multi,this.keyword = e.keyword,this.dflt = e.defaultValue,this.pr = e.priority || 0}
,de = N._registerComplexSpecialProp = function (t,e,i){
	"object" != typeof e && (e ={
	var s,r,n = t.split(","),a = e.defaultValue;
	for (i = i || [a],s = 0;
	n.length > s;
	s++) e.prefix = 0 === s && e.prefix,e.defaultValue = i[s] || a,r = new me(n[s],e)}
,ge = function (t){
	if (!o[t]){
	var e = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1) + "Plugin";
	parser:function (t,i,s,r,n,a,h){
	var l = (_gsScope.GreenSockGlobals || _gsScope).com.greensock.plugins[e];
	return l ? (l._cssRegister(),o[s].parse(t,i,s,r,n,a,h)):(j("Error:" + e + " js file not loaded."),n)}
	h = me.prototype,h.parseComplex = function (t,e,i,s,r,n){
	var a,o,h,l,_,u,p = this.keyword;
	if (this.multi && (D.test(i) || D.test(e) ? (o = e.replace(D,"|").split("|"),h = i.replace(D,"|").split("|")):p && (o = [e],h = [i])),h){
	for (l = h.length > o.length ? h.length:o.length,a = 0;
	l > a;
	a++) e = o[a] = o[a] || this.dflt,i = h[a] = h[a] || this.dflt,p && (_ = e.indexOf(p),u = i.indexOf(p),_ !== u && (i = -1 === u ? h:o,i[a] += " " + p));
	e = o.join(","),i = h.join(",")}
return ce(t,this.p,e,i,this.clrs,this.dflt,s,this.pr,r,n)}
,h.parse = function (t,e,i,s,n,a){
	return this.parseComplex(t.style,this.format(W(t,this.p,r,!1,this.dflt)),this.format(e),n,a)}
,a.registerSpecialProp = function (t,e,i){
	parser:function (t,s,r,n,a,o){
	var h = new pe(t,r,0,0,a,2,r,!1,i);
	return h.plugin = o,h.setRatio = e(t,s,n._tween,r),h}
	var ve,ye = "scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ,x,y,z,skewX,skewY,rotation,rotationX,rotationY,perspective,xPercent,yPercent".split(","),Te = V("transform"),we = B + "transform",xe = V("transformOrigin"),be = null !== V("perspective"),Pe = N.Transform = function (){
	this.skewY = 0}
,Se = window.SVGElement,ke = function (t,e,i){
	var s,r = E.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",t),n = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g;
	for (s in i) r.setAttributeNS(null,s.replace(n,"$1-$2").toLowerCase(),i[s]);
	return e.appendChild(r),r}
,Re = document.documentElement,Ae = function (){
	var t,e,i,s = f || /Android/i.test(X) && !window.chrome;
	return E.createElementNS && !s && (t = ke("svg",Re),e = ke("rect",t,{
),i = e.getBoundingClientRect().left,e.style[xe] = "50% 50%",e.style[Te] = "scale(0.5,0.5)",s = i === e.getBoundingClientRect().left,Re.removeChild(t)),s}
(),Ce = function (t,e,i){
	var s = t.getBBox();
	e = ee(e).split(" "),i.xOrigin = (-1 !== e[0].indexOf("%") ? parseFloat(e[0]) / 100 * s.width:parseFloat(e[0])) + s.x,i.yOrigin = (-1 !== e[1].indexOf("%") ? parseFloat(e[1]) / 100 * s.height:parseFloat(e[1])) + s.y}
,Oe = N.getTransform = function (t,e,i,s){
	if (t._gsTransform && i && !s) return t._gsTransform;
	var n,o,h,l,_,u,p,c,f,m,d,g,v,y = i ? t._gsTransform || new Pe:new Pe,T = 0 > y.scaleX,w = 2e-5,x = 1e5,b = 179.99,P = b * M,S = be ? parseFloat(W(t,xe,e,!1,"0 0 0").split(" ")[2]) || y.zOrigin || 0:0,k = parseFloat(a.defaultTransformPerspective) || 0;
	if (Te ? n = W(t,we,e,!0):t.currentStyle && (n = t.currentStyle.filter.match(C),n = n && 4 === n.length ? [n[0].substr(4),Number(n[2].substr(4)),Number(n[1].substr(4)),n[3].substr(4),y.x || 0,y.y || 0].join(","):""),n && "none" !== n && "matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0)" !== n){
	for (o = (n || "").match(/(?:\-|\b)[\d\-\.e]+\b/gi) || [],h = o.length;
	--h > -1;
	) l = Number(o[h]),o[h] = (_ = l - (l |= 0)) ? (0 | _ * x + (0 > _ ? -.5:.5)) / x + l:l;
	if (16 === o.length){
	var R = o[8],A = o[9],O = o[10],D = o[12],I = o[13],E = o[14];
	if (y.zOrigin && (E = -y.zOrigin,D = R * E - o[12],I = A * E - o[13],E = O * E + y.zOrigin - o[14]),!i || s || null == y.rotationX){
	var F,L,N,X,U,Y,j,B = o[0],q = o[1],V = o[2],G = o[3],Z = o[4],Q = o[5],$ = o[6],H = o[7],K = o[11],J = Math.atan2($,O),te = -P > J || J > P;
	y.rotationX = J * z,J && (X = Math.cos(-J),U = Math.sin(-J),F = Z * X + R * U,L = Q * X + A * U,N = $ * X + O * U,R = Z * -U + R * X,A = Q * -U + A * X,O = $ * -U + O * X,K = H * -U + K * X,Z = F,Q = L,$ = N),J = Math.atan2(R,B),y.rotationY = J * z,J && (Y = -P > J || J > P,X = Math.cos(-J),U = Math.sin(-J),F = B * X - R * U,L = q * X - A * U,N = V * X - O * U,A = q * U + A * X,O = V * U + O * X,K = G * U + K * X,B = F,q = L,V = N),J = Math.atan2(q,Q),y.rotation = J * z,J && (j = -P > J || J > P,X = Math.cos(-J),U = Math.sin(-J),B = B * X + Z * U,L = q * X + Q * U,Q = q * -U + Q * X,$ = V * -U + $ * X,q = L),j && te ? y.rotation = y.rotationX = 0:j && Y ? y.rotation = y.rotationY = 0:Y && te && (y.rotationY = y.rotationX = 0),y.scaleX = (0 | Math.sqrt(B * B + q * q) * x + .5) / x,y.scaleY = (0 | Math.sqrt(Q * Q + A * A) * x + .5) / x,y.scaleZ = (0 | Math.sqrt($ * $ + O * O) * x + .5) / x,y.skewX = 0,y.perspective = K ? 1 / (0 > K ? -K:K):0,y.x = D,y.y = I,y.z = E}
else if (!(be && !s && o.length && y.x === o[4] && y.y === o[5] && (y.rotationX || y.rotationY) || void 0 !== y.x && "none" === W(t,"display",e))){
	var ee = o.length >= 6,ie = ee ? o[0]:1,se = o[1] || 0,re = o[2] || 0,ne = ee ? o[3]:1;
	y.x = o[4] || 0,y.y = o[5] || 0,u = Math.sqrt(ie * ie + se * se),p = Math.sqrt(ne * ne + re * re),c = ie || se ? Math.atan2(se,ie) * z:y.rotation || 0,f = re || ne ? Math.atan2(re,ne) * z + c:y.skewX || 0,m = u - Math.abs(y.scaleX || 0),d = p - Math.abs(y.scaleY || 0),Math.abs(f) > 90 && 270 > Math.abs(f) && (T ? (u *= -1,f += 0 >= c ? 180:-180,c += 0 >= c ? 180:-180):(p *= -1,f += 0 >= f ? 180:-180)),g = (c - y.rotation) % 180,v = (f - y.skewX) % 180,(void 0 === y.skewX || m > w || -w > m || d > w || -w > d || g > -b && b > g && false | g * x || v > -b && b > v && false | v * x) && (y.scaleX = u,y.scaleY = p,y.rotation = c,y.skewX = f),be && (y.rotationX = y.rotationY = y.z = 0,y.perspective = k,y.scaleZ = 1)}
y.zOrigin = S;
	for (h in y) w > y[h] && y[h] > -w && (y[h] = 0)}
else y ={
	return i && (t._gsTransform = y),y.svg = Se && t instanceof Se && t.parentNode instanceof Se,y.svg && (Ce(t,W(t,xe,r,!1,"50% 50%") + "",y),ve = a.useSVGTransformAttr || Ae),y.xPercent = y.yPercent = 0,y}
,De = function (t){
	var e,i,s = this.data,r = -s.rotation * M,n = r + s.skewX * M,a = 1e5,o = (0 | Math.cos(r) * s.scaleX * a) / a,h = (0 | Math.sin(r) * s.scaleX * a) / a,l = (0 | Math.sin(n) * -s.scaleY * a) / a,_ = (0 | Math.cos(n) * s.scaleY * a) / a,u = this.t.style,p = this.t.currentStyle;
	if (p){
	i = h,h = -l,l = -i,e = p.filter,u.filter = "";
	var c,m,d = this.t.offsetWidth,g = this.t.offsetHeight,v = "absolute" !== p.position,w = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + o + ",M12=" + h + ",M21=" + l + ",M22=" + _,x = s.x + d * s.xPercent / 100,b = s.y + g * s.yPercent / 100;
	if (null != s.ox && (c = (s.oxp ? .01 * d * s.ox:s.ox) - d / 2,m = (s.oyp ? .01 * g * s.oy:s.oy) - g / 2,x += c - (c * o + m * h),b += m - (c * l + m * _)),v ? (c = d / 2,m = g / 2,w += ",Dx=" + (c - (c * o + m * h) + x) + ",Dy=" + (m - (c * l + m * _) + b) + ")"):w += ",sizingMethod='auto expand')",u.filter = -1 !== e.indexOf("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(") ? e.replace(O,w):w + " " + e,(0 === t || 1 === t) && 1 === o && 0 === h && 0 === l && 1 === _ && (v && -1 === w.indexOf("Dx=0,Dy=0") || T.test(e) && 100 !== parseFloat(RegExp.$1) || -1 === e.indexOf("gradient(" && e.indexOf("Alpha")) && u.removeAttribute("filter")),!v){
	var P,S,k,R = 8 > f ? 1:-1;
	for (c = s.ieOffsetX || 0,m = s.ieOffsetY || 0,s.ieOffsetX = Math.round((d - ((0 > o ? -o:o) * d + (0 > h ? -h:h) * g)) / 2 + x),s.ieOffsetY = Math.round((g - ((0 > _ ? -_:_) * g + (0 > l ? -l:l) * d)) / 2 + b),fe = 0;
	4 > fe;
	fe++) S = J[fe],P = p[S],i = -1 !== P.indexOf("px") ? parseFloat(P):Z(this.t,S,parseFloat(P),P.replace(y,"")) || 0,k = i !== s[S] ? 2 > fe ? -s.ieOffsetX:-s.ieOffsetY:2 > fe ? c - s.ieOffsetX:m - s.ieOffsetY,u[S] = (s[S] = Math.round(i - k * (0 === fe || 2 === fe ? 1:R))) + "px"}
,Me = N.set3DTransformRatio = function (t){
	var e,i,s,r,n,a,o,h,l,_,u,c,f,m,d,g,v,y,T,w,x,b,P,S = this.data,k = this.t.style,R = S.rotation * M,A = S.scaleX,C = S.scaleY,O = S.scaleZ,D = S.x,z = S.y,I = S.z,E = S.perspective;
	if (!(1 !== t && 0 !== t || "auto" !== S.force3D || S.rotationY || S.rotationX || 1 !== O || E || I)) return ze.call(this,t),void 0;
	if (p){
	var F = 1e-4;
	F > A && A > -F && (A = O = 2e-5),F > C && C > -F && (C = O = 2e-5),!E || S.z || S.rotationX || S.rotationY || (E = 0)}
if (R || S.skewX) y = Math.cos(R),T = Math.sin(R),e = y,n = T,S.skewX && (R -= S.skewX * M,y = Math.cos(R),T = Math.sin(R),"simple" === S.skewType && (w = Math.tan(S.skewX * M),w = Math.sqrt(1 + w * w),y *= w,T *= w)),i = -T,a = y;
	if (!(S.rotationY || S.rotationX || 1 !== O || E || S.svg)) return k[Te] = (S.xPercent || S.yPercent ? "translate(" + S.xPercent + "%," + S.yPercent + "%) translate3d(":"translate3d(") + D + "px," + z + "px," + I + "px)" + (1 !== A || 1 !== C ? " scale(" + A + "," + C + ")":""),void 0;
	e = a = 1,i = n = 0}
u = 1,s = r = o = h = l = _ = c = f = m = 0,d = E ? -1 / E:0,g = S.zOrigin,v = 1e5,R = S.rotationY * M,R && (y = Math.cos(R),T = Math.sin(R),l = u * -T,f = d * -T,s = e * T,o = n * T,u *= y,d *= y,e *= y,n *= y),R = S.rotationX * M,R && (y = Math.cos(R),T = Math.sin(R),w = i * y + s * T,x = a * y + o * T,b = _ * y + u * T,P = m * y + d * T,s = i * -T + s * y,o = a * -T + o * y,u = _ * -T + u * y,d = m * -T + d * y,i = w,a = x,_ = b,m = P),1 !== O && (s *= O,o *= O,u *= O,d *= O),1 !== C && (i *= C,a *= C,_ *= C,m *= C),1 !== A && (e *= A,n *= A,l *= A,f *= A),g && (c -= g,r = s * c,h = o * c,c = u * c + g),S.svg && (r += S.xOrigin - (S.xOrigin * e + S.yOrigin * i),h += S.yOrigin - (S.xOrigin * n + S.yOrigin * a)),r = (w = (r += D) - (r |= 0)) ? (0 | w * v + (0 > w ? -.5:.5)) / v + r:r,h = (w = (h += z) - (h |= 0)) ? (0 | w * v + (0 > w ? -.5:.5)) / v + h:h,c = (w = (c += I) - (c |= 0)) ? (0 | w * v + (0 > w ? -.5:.5)) / v + c:c,k[Te] = (S.xPercent || S.yPercent ? "translate(" + S.xPercent + "%," + S.yPercent + "%) matrix3d(":"matrix3d(") + [(0 | e * v) / v,(0 | n * v) / v,(0 | l * v) / v,(0 | f * v) / v,(0 | i * v) / v,(0 | a * v) / v,(0 | _ * v) / v,(0 | m * v) / v,(0 | s * v) / v,(0 | o * v) / v,(0 | u * v) / v,(0 | d * v) / v,r,h,c,E ? 1 + -c / E:1].join(",") + ")"}
,ze = N.set2DTransformRatio = function (t){
	var e,i,s,r,n,a,o,h,l,_,u,p = this.data,c = this.t,f = c.style,m = p.x,d = p.y;
	return !(p.rotationX || p.rotationY || p.z || p.force3D === !0 || "auto" === p.force3D && 1 !== t && 0 !== t) || p.svg && ve || !be ? (r = p.scaleX,n = p.scaleY,p.rotation || p.skewX || p.svg ? (e = p.rotation * M,i = e - p.skewX * M,s = 1e5,a = Math.cos(e) * r,o = Math.sin(e) * r,h = Math.sin(i) * -n,l = Math.cos(i) * n,p.svg && (m += p.xOrigin - (p.xOrigin * a + p.yOrigin * h),d += p.yOrigin - (p.xOrigin * o + p.yOrigin * l),u = 1e-6,u > m && m > -u && (m = 0),u > d && d > -u && (d = 0)),_ = (0 | a * s) / s + "," + (0 | o * s) / s + "," + (0 | h * s) / s + "," + (0 | l * s) / s + "," + m + "," + d + ")",p.svg && ve ? c.setAttribute("transform","matrix(" + _):f[Te] = (p.xPercent || p.yPercent ? "translate(" + p.xPercent + "%," + p.yPercent + "%) matrix(":"matrix(") + _):f[Te] = (p.xPercent || p.yPercent ? "translate(" + p.xPercent + "%," + p.yPercent + "%) matrix(":"matrix(") + r + ",0,0," + n + "," + m + "," + d + ")",void 0):(this.setRatio = Me,Me.call(this,t),void 0)}
	parser:function (t,e,i,s,n,o,h){
	if (s._transform) return n;
	var l,_,u,p,c,f,m,d = s._transform = Oe(t,r,!0,h.parseTransform),g = t.style,v = 1e-6,y = ye.length,T = h,w ={
	if ("string" == typeof T.transform && Te) u = F.style,u[Te] = T.transform,u.display = "block",u.position = "absolute",E.body.appendChild(F),l = Oe(F,null,!1),E.body.removeChild(F);
	else if ("object" == typeof T){
	if (l ={
	scaleX:se(null != T.scaleX ? T.scaleX:T.scale,d.scaleX),scaleY:se(null != T.scaleY ? T.scaleY:T.scale,d.scaleY),scaleZ:se(T.scaleZ,d.scaleZ),x:se(T.x,d.x),y:se(T.y,d.y),z:se(T.z,d.z),xPercent:se(T.xPercent,d.xPercent),yPercent:se(T.yPercent,d.yPercent),perspective:se(T.transformPerspective,d.perspective)}
,m = T.directionalRotation,null != m) if ("object" == typeof m) for (u in m) T[u] = m[u];
	else T.rotation = m;
	"string" == typeof T.x && -1 !== T.x.indexOf("%") && (l.x = 0,l.xPercent = se(T.x,d.xPercent)),"string" == typeof T.y && -1 !== T.y.indexOf("%") && (l.y = 0,l.yPercent = se(T.y,d.yPercent)),l.rotation = re("rotation" in T ? T.rotation:"shortRotation" in T ? T.shortRotation + "_short":"rotationZ" in T ? T.rotationZ:d.rotation,d.rotation,"rotation",w),be && (l.rotationX = re("rotationX" in T ? T.rotationX:"shortRotationX" in T ? T.shortRotationX + "_short":d.rotationX || 0,d.rotationX,"rotationX",w),l.rotationY = re("rotationY" in T ? T.rotationY:"shortRotationY" in T ? T.shortRotationY + "_short":d.rotationY || 0,d.rotationY,"rotationY",w)),l.skewX = null == T.skewX ? d.skewX:re(T.skewX,d.skewX),l.skewY = null == T.skewY ? d.skewY:re(T.skewY,d.skewY),(_ = l.skewY - d.skewY) && (l.skewX += _,l.rotation += _)}
for (be && null != T.force3D && (d.force3D = T.force3D,f = !0),d.skewType = T.skewType || d.skewType || a.defaultSkewType,c = d.force3D || d.z || d.rotationX || d.rotationY || l.z || l.rotationX || l.rotationY || l.perspective,c || null == T.scale || (l.scaleZ = 1);
	--y > -1;
	) i = ye[y],p = l[i] - d[i],(p > v || -v > p || null != T[i] || null != I[i]) && (f = !0,n = new pe(d,i,d[i],p,n),i in w && (n.e = w[i]),n.xs0 = 0,n.plugin = o,s._overwriteProps.push(n.n));
	return p = T.transformOrigin,p && d.svg && (Ce(t,p,l),n = new pe(d,"xOrigin",d.xOrigin,l.xOrigin - d.xOrigin,n,-1,"transformOrigin"),n.b = d.xOrigin,n.e = n.xs0 = l.xOrigin,n = new pe(d,"yOrigin",d.yOrigin,l.yOrigin - d.yOrigin,n,-1,"transformOrigin"),n.b = d.yOrigin,n.e = n.xs0 = l.yOrigin,p = "0px 0px"),(p || be && c && d.zOrigin) && (Te ? (f = !0,i = xe,p = (p || W(t,i,r,!1,"50% 50%")) + "",n = new pe(g,i,0,0,n,-1,"transformOrigin"),n.b = g[i],n.plugin = o,be ? (u = d.zOrigin,p = p.split(" "),d.zOrigin = (p.length > 2 && (0 === u || "0px" !== p[2]) ? parseFloat(p[2]):u) || 0,n.xs0 = n.e = p[0] + " " + (p[1] || "50%") + " 0px",n = new pe(d,"zOrigin",0,0,n,-1,n.n),n.b = u,n.xs0 = n.e = d.zOrigin):n.xs0 = n.e = p):ee(p + "",d)),f && (s._transformType = d.svg && ve || !c && 3 !== this._transformType ? 2:3),n}
	defaultValue:"0px 0px 0px 0px #999",prefix:!0,color:!0,multi:!0,keyword:"inset"}
	defaultValue:"0px",parser:function (t,e,i,n,a){
	e = this.format(e);
	var o,h,l,_,u,p,c,f,m,d,g,v,y,T,w,x,b = ["borderTopLeftRadius","borderTopRightRadius","borderBottomRightRadius","borderBottomLeftRadius"],P = t.style;
	for (m = parseFloat(t.offsetWidth),d = parseFloat(t.offsetHeight),o = e.split(" "),h = 0;
	b.length > h;
	h++) this.p.indexOf("border") && (b[h] = V(b[h])),u = _ = W(t,b[h],r,!1,"0px"),-1 !== u.indexOf(" ") && (_ = u.split(" "),u = _[0],_ = _[1]),p = l = o[h],c = parseFloat(u),v = u.substr((c + "").length),y = "=" === p.charAt(1),y ? (f = parseInt(p.charAt(0) + "1",10),p = p.substr(2),f *= parseFloat(p),g = p.substr((f + "").length - (0 > f ? 1:0)) || ""):(f = parseFloat(p),g = p.substr((f + "").length)),"" === g && (g = s[i] || v),g !== v && (T = Z(t,"borderLeft",c,v),w = Z(t,"borderTop",c,v),"%" === g ? (u = 100 * (T / m) + "%",_ = 100 * (w / d) + "%"):"em" === g ? (x = Z(t,"borderLeft",1,"em"),u = T / x + "em",_ = w / x + "em"):(u = T + "px",_ = w + "px"),y && (p = parseFloat(u) + f + g,l = parseFloat(_) + f + g)),a = ce(P,b[h],u + " " + _,p + " " + l,!1,"0px",a);
	return a}
,prefix:!0,formatter:le("0px 0px 0px 0px",!1,!0)}
	defaultValue:"0 0",parser:function (t,e,i,s,n,a){
	var o,h,l,_,u,p,c = "background-position",m = r || G(t,null),d = this.format((m ? f ? m.getPropertyValue(c + "-x") + " " + m.getPropertyValue(c + "-y"):m.getPropertyValue(c):t.currentStyle.backgroundPositionX + " " + t.currentStyle.backgroundPositionY) || "0 0"),g = this.format(e);
	if (-1 !== d.indexOf("%") != (-1 !== g.indexOf("%")) && (p = W(t,"backgroundImage").replace(k,""),p && "none" !== p)){
	for (o = d.split(" "),h = g.split(" "),L.setAttribute("src",p),l = 2;
	--l > -1;
	) d = o[l],_ = -1 !== d.indexOf("%"),_ !== (-1 !== h[l].indexOf("%")) && (u = 0 === l ? t.offsetWidth - L.width:t.offsetHeight - L.height,o[l] = _ ? parseFloat(d) / 100 * u + "px":100 * (parseFloat(d) / u) + "%");
	d = o.join(" ")}
return this.parseComplex(t.style,d,g,n,a)}
	defaultValue:"0 0",formatter:ee}
	defaultValue:"50% 50%",prefix:!0}
	defaultValue:"rect(0px,0px,0px,0px)",parser:function (t,e,i,s,n,a){
	var o,h,l;
	return 9 > f ? (h = t.currentStyle,l = 8 > f ? " ":",",o = "rect(" + h.clipTop + l + h.clipRight + l + h.clipBottom + l + h.clipLeft + ")",e = this.format(e).split(",").join(l)):(o = this.format(W(t,this.p,r,!1,this.dflt)),e = this.format(e)),this.parseComplex(t.style,o,e,n,a)}
	defaultValue:"0px 0px 0px #999",color:!0,multi:!0}
	parser:function (t,e,i,s,r){
	return r}
	defaultValue:"0px solid #000",parser:function (t,e,i,s,n,a){
	return this.parseComplex(t.style,this.format(W(t,"borderTopWidth",r,!1,"0px") + " " + W(t,"borderTopStyle",r,!1,"solid") + " " + W(t,"borderTopColor",r,!1,"#000")),this.format(e),n,a)}
,color:!0,formatter:function (t){
	var e = t.split(" ");
	return e[0] + " " + (e[1] || "solid") + " " + (t.match(he) || ["#000"])[0]}
	parser:function (t,e,i,s,r){
	var n = t.style,a = "cssFloat" in n ? "cssFloat":"styleFloat";
	return new pe(n,a,0,0,r,-1,i,!1,0,n[a],e)}
	var Ie = function (t){
	var e,i = this.t,s = i.filter || W(this.data,"filter") || "",r = 0 | this.s + this.c * t;
	100 === r && (-1 === s.indexOf("atrix(") && -1 === s.indexOf("radient(") && -1 === s.indexOf("oader(") ? (i.removeAttribute("filter"),e = !W(this.data,"filter")):(i.filter = s.replace(x,""),e = !0)),e || (this.xn1 && (i.filter = s = s || "alpha(opacity=" + r + ")"),-1 === s.indexOf("pacity") ? 0 === r && this.xn1 || (i.filter = s + " alpha(opacity=" + r + ")"):i.filter = s.replace(T,"opacity=" + r))}
	defaultValue:"1",parser:function (t,e,i,s,n,a){
	var o = parseFloat(W(t,"opacity",r,!1,"1")),h = t.style,l = "autoAlpha" === i;
	return "string" == typeof e && "=" === e.charAt(1) && (e = ("-" === e.charAt(0) ? -1:1) * parseFloat(e.substr(2)) + o),l && 1 === o && "hidden" === W(t,"visibility",r) && 0 !== e && (o = 0),U ? n = new pe(h,"opacity",o,e - o,n):(n = new pe(h,"opacity",100 * o,100 * (e - o),n),n.xn1 = l ? 1:0,h.zoom = 1,n.type = 2,n.b = "alpha(opacity=" + n.s + ")",n.e = "alpha(opacity=" + (n.s + n.c) + ")",n.data = t,n.plugin = a,n.setRatio = Ie),l && (n = new pe(h,"visibility",0,0,n,-1,null,!1,0,0 !== o ? "inherit":"hidden",0 === e ? "hidden":"inherit"),n.xs0 = "inherit",s._overwriteProps.push(n.n),s._overwriteProps.push(i)),n}
	var Ee = function (t,e){
	e && (t.removeProperty ? ("ms" === e.substr(0,2) && (e = "M" + e.substr(1)),t.removeProperty(e.replace(P,"-$1").toLowerCase())):t.removeAttribute(e))}
,Fe = function (t){
	if (this.t._gsClassPT = this,1 === t || 0 === t){
	this.t.setAttribute("class",0 === t ? this.b:this.e);
	for (var e = this.data,i = this.t.style;
	) e.v ? i[e.p] = e.v:Ee(i,e.p),e = e._next;
	1 === t && this.t._gsClassPT === this && (this.t._gsClassPT = null)}
else this.t.getAttribute("class") !== this.e && this.t.setAttribute("class",this.e)}
	parser:function (t,e,s,n,a,o,h){
	var l,_,u,p,c,f = t.getAttribute("class") || "",m = t.style.cssText;
	if (a = n._classNamePT = new pe(t,s,0,0,a,2),a.setRatio = Fe,a.pr = -11,i = !0,a.b = f,_ = $(t,r),u = t._gsClassPT){
	for (p ={
,c = u.data;
	) p[c.p] = 1,c = c._next;
return t._gsClassPT = a,a.e = "=" !== e.charAt(1) ? e:f.replace(RegExp("\\s*\\b" + e.substr(2) + "\\b"),"") + ("+" === e.charAt(0) ? " " + e.substr(2):""),n._tween._duration && (t.setAttribute("class",a.e),l = H(t,_,$(t),h,p),t.setAttribute("class",f),a.data = l.firstMPT,t.style.cssText = m,a = a.xfirst = n.parse(t,l.difs,a,o)),a}
	var Le = function (t){
	if ((1 === t || 0 === t) && this.data._totalTime === this.data._totalDuration && "isFromStart" !== this.data.data){
	var e,i,s,r,n = this.t.style,a = o.transform.parse;
	if ("all" === this.e) n.cssText = "",r = !0;
	else for (e = this.e.split(" ").join("").split(","),s = e.length;
	--s > -1;
	) i = e[s],o[i] && (o[i].parse === a ? r = !0:i = "transformOrigin" === i ? xe:o[i].p),Ee(n,i);
	r && (Ee(n,Te),this.t._gsTransform && delete this.t._gsTransform)}
	for (de("clearProps",{
	parser:function (t,e,s,r,n){
	return n = new pe(t,s,0,0,n,2),n.setRatio = Le,n.e = e,n.pr = -10,n.data = r._tween,i = !0,n}
),h = "bezier,throwProps,physicsProps,physics2D".split(","),fe = h.length;
	) ge(h[fe]);
	h = a.prototype,h._firstPT = null,h._onInitTween = function (t,e,o){
	if (!t.nodeType) return !1;
	this._target = t,this._tween = o,this._vars = e,l = e.autoRound,i = !1,s = e.suffixMap || a.suffixMap,r = G(t,""),n = this._overwriteProps;
	var h,p,f,m,d,g,v,y,T,x = t.style;
	if (_ && "" === x.zIndex && (h = W(t,"zIndex",r),("auto" === h || "" === h) && this._addLazySet(x,"zIndex",0)),"string" == typeof e && (m = x.cssText,h = $(t,r),x.cssText = m + ";
	" + e,h = H(t,h,$(t)).difs,!U && w.test(e) && (h.opacity = parseFloat(RegExp.$1)),e = h,x.cssText = m),this._firstPT = p = this.parse(t,e,null),this._transformType){
	for (T = 3 === this._transformType,Te ? u && (_ = !0,"" === x.zIndex && (v = W(t,"zIndex",r),("auto" === v || "" === v) && this._addLazySet(x,"zIndex",0)),c && this._addLazySet(x,"WebkitBackfaceVisibility",this._vars.WebkitBackfaceVisibility || (T ? "visible":"hidden"))):x.zoom = 1,f = p;
	f && f._next;
	) f = f._next;
	y = new pe(t,"transform",0,0,null,2),this._linkCSSP(y,null,f),y.setRatio = T && be ? Me:Te ? ze:De,y.data = this._transform || Oe(t,r,!0),n.pop()}
if (i){
	for (;
	for (g = p._next,f = m;
	f && f.pr > p.pr;
	) f = f._next;
	(p._prev = f ? f._prev:d) ? p._prev._next = p:m = p,(p._next = f) ? f._prev = p:d = p,p = g}
this._firstPT = m}
return !0}
,h.parse = function (t,e,i,n){
	var a,h,_,u,p,c,f,m,d,g,v = t.style;
	for (a in e) c = e[a],h = o[a],h ? i = h.parse(t,c,a,this,i,n,e):(p = W(t,a,r) + "",d = "string" == typeof c,"color" === a || "fill" === a || "stroke" === a || -1 !== a.indexOf("Color") || d && b.test(c) ? (d || (c = oe(c),c = (c.length > 3 ? "rgba(":"rgb(") + c.join(",") + ")"),i = ce(v,a,p,c,!0,"transparent",i,0,n)):!d || -1 === c.indexOf(" ") && -1 === c.indexOf(",") ? (_ = parseFloat(p),f = _ || 0 === _ ? p.substr((_ + "").length):"",("" === p || "auto" === p) && ("width" === a || "height" === a ? (_ = te(t,a,r),f = "px"):"left" === a || "top" === a ? (_ = Q(t,a,r),f = "px"):(_ = "opacity" !== a ? 0:1,f = "")),g = d && "=" === c.charAt(1),g ? (u = parseInt(c.charAt(0) + "1",10),c = c.substr(2),u *= parseFloat(c),m = c.replace(y,"")):(u = parseFloat(c),m = d ? c.substr((u + "").length) || "":""),"" === m && (m = a in s ? s[a]:f),c = u || 0 === u ? (g ? u + _:u) + m:e[a],f !== m && "" !== m && (u || 0 === u) && _ && (_ = Z(t,a,_,f),"%" === m ? (_ /= Z(t,a,100,"%") / 100,e.strictUnits !== !0 && (p = _ + "%")):"em" === m ? _ /= Z(t,a,1,"em"):"px" !== m && (u = Z(t,a,u,m),m = "px"),g && (u || 0 === u) && (c = u + _ + m)),g && (u += _),!_ && 0 !== _ || !u && 0 !== u ? void 0 !== v[a] && (c || "NaN" != c + "" && null != c) ? (i = new pe(v,a,u || _ || 0,0,i,-1,a,!1,0,p,c),i.xs0 = "none" !== c || "display" !== a && -1 === a.indexOf("Style") ? c:p):j("invalid " + a + " tween value:" + e[a]):(i = new pe(v,a,_,u - _,i,0,a,l !== !1 && ("px" === m || "zIndex" === a),0,p,c),i.xs0 = m)):i = ce(v,a,p,c,!0,null,i,0,n)),n && i && !i.plugin && (i.plugin = n);
	return i}
,h.setRatio = function (t){
	var e,i,s,r = this._firstPT,n = 1e-6;
	if (1 !== t || this._tween._time !== this._tween._duration && 0 !== this._tween._time) if (t || this._tween._time !== this._tween._duration && 0 !== this._tween._time || this._tween._rawPrevTime === -1e-6) for (;
	if (e = r.c * t + r.s,r.r ? e = Math.round(e):n > e && e > -n && (e = 0),r.type) if (1 === r.type) if (s = r.l,2 === s) r.t[r.p] = r.xs0 + e + r.xs1 + r.xn1 + r.xs2;
	else if (3 === s) r.t[r.p] = r.xs0 + e + r.xs1 + r.xn1 + r.xs2 + r.xn2 + r.xs3;
	else if (4 === s) r.t[r.p] = r.xs0 + e + r.xs1 + r.xn1 + r.xs2 + r.xn2 + r.xs3 + r.xn3 + r.xs4;
	else if (5 === s) r.t[r.p] = r.xs0 + e + r.xs1 + r.xn1 + r.xs2 + r.xn2 + r.xs3 + r.xn3 + r.xs4 + r.xn4 + r.xs5;
	for (i = r.xs0 + e + r.xs1,s = 1;
	r.l > s;
	s++) i += r["xn" + s] + r["xs" + (s + 1)];
	r.t[r.p] = i}
else-1 === r.type ? r.t[r.p] = r.xs0:r.setRatio && r.setRatio(t);
	else r.t[r.p] = e + r.xs0;
	r = r._next}
else for (;
	) 2 !== r.type ? r.t[r.p] = r.b:r.setRatio(t),r = r._next;
	else for (;
	) 2 !== r.type ? r.t[r.p] = r.e:r.setRatio(t),r = r._next}
,h._enableTransforms = function (t){
	this._transform = this._transform || Oe(this._target,r,!0),this._transformType = this._transform.svg && ve || !t && 3 !== this._transformType ? 2:3}
	var Ne = function (){
	this.t[this.p] = this.e,this.data._linkCSSP(this,this._next,null,!0)}
	h._addLazySet = function (t,e,i){
	var s = this._firstPT = new pe(t,e,0,0,this._firstPT,2);
	s.e = i,s.setRatio = Ne,s.data = this}
,h._linkCSSP = function (t,e,i,s){
	return t && (e && (e._prev = t),t._next && (t._next._prev = t._prev),t._prev ? t._prev._next = t._next:this._firstPT === t && (this._firstPT = t._next,s = !0),i ? i._next = t:s || null !== this._firstPT || (this._firstPT = t),t._next = e,t._prev = i),t}
,h._kill = function (e){
	var i,s,r,n = e;
	if (e.autoAlpha || e.alpha){
	n ={
	for (s in e) n[s] = e[s];
	n.opacity = 1,n.autoAlpha && (n.visibility = 1)}
return e.className && (i = this._classNamePT) && (r = i.xfirst,r && r._prev ? this._linkCSSP(r._prev,i._next,r._prev._prev):r === this._firstPT && (this._firstPT = i._next),i._next && this._linkCSSP(i._next,i._next._next,r._prev),this._classNamePT = null),t.prototype._kill.call(this,n)}
	var Xe = function (t,e,i){
	var s,r,n,a;
	if (t.slice) for (r = t.length;
	--r > -1;
	) Xe(t[r],e,i);
	else for (s = t.childNodes,r = s.length;
	--r > -1;
	) n = s[r],a = n.type,n.style && (e.push($(n)),i && i.push(n)),1 !== a && 9 !== a && 11 !== a || !n.childNodes.length || Xe(n,e,i)}
	return a.cascadeTo = function (t,i,s){
	var r,n,a,o = e.to(t,i,s),h = [o],l = [],_ = [],u = [],p = e._internals.reservedProps;
	for (t = o._targets || o.target,Xe(t,l,u),o.render(i,!0),Xe(t,_),o.render(0,!0),o._enabled(!0),r = u.length;
	--r > -1;
	) if (n = H(u[r],l[r],_[r]),n.firstMPT){
	n = n.difs;
	for (a in s) p[a] && (n[a] = s[a]);
return h}
,!0),function (){
	var t = _gsScope._gsDefine.plugin({
	propName:"roundProps",priority:-1,API:2,init:function (t,e,i){
	return this._tween = i,!0}
),e = t.prototype;
	e._onInitAllProps = function (){
	for (var t,e,i,s = this._tween,r = s.vars.roundProps instanceof Array ? s.vars.roundProps:s.vars.roundProps.split(","),n = r.length,a ={
,o = s._propLookup.roundProps;
	--n > -1;
	) a[r[n]] = 1;
	for (n = r.length;
	--n > -1;
	) for (t = r[n],e = s._firstPT;
	) i = e._next,e.pg ? e.t._roundProps(a,!0):e.n === t && (this._add(e.t,t,e.s,e.c),i && (i._prev = e._prev),e._prev ? e._prev._next = i:s._firstPT === e && (s._firstPT = i),e._next = e._prev = null,s._propLookup[t] = o),e = i;
	return !1}
,e._add = function (t,e,i,s){
	this._addTween(t,e,i,i + s,e,!0),this._overwriteProps.push(e)}
	propName:"attr",API:2,version:"0.3.3",init:function (t,e){
	var i,s,r;
	if ("function" != typeof t.setAttribute) return !1;
	this._target = t,this._proxy ={
,this._start ={
,this._end ={
	for (i in e) this._start[i] = this._proxy[i] = s = t.getAttribute(i),r = this._addTween(this._proxy,i,parseFloat(s),e[i],i),this._end[i] = r ? r.s + r.c:e[i],this._overwriteProps.push(i);
	return !0}
,set:function (t){
	for (var e,i = this._overwriteProps,s = i.length,r = 1 === t ? this._end:t ? this._proxy:this._start;
	--s > -1;
	) e = i[s],this._target.setAttribute(e,r[e] + "")}
	propName:"directionalRotation",version:"0.2.1",API:2,init:function (t,e){
	"object" != typeof e && (e ={
),this.finals ={
	var i,s,r,n,a,o,h = e.useRadians === !0 ? 2 * Math.PI:360,l = 1e-6;
	for (i in e) "useRadians" !== i && (o = (e[i] + "").split("_"),s = o[0],r = parseFloat("function" != typeof t[i] ? t[i]:t[i.indexOf("set") || "function" != typeof t["get" + i.substr(3)] ? i:"get" + i.substr(3)]()),n = this.finals[i] = "string" == typeof s && "=" === s.charAt(1) ? r + parseInt(s.charAt(0) + "1",10) * Number(s.substr(2)):Number(s) || 0,a = n - r,o.length && (s = o.join("_"),-1 !== s.indexOf("short") && (a %= h,a !== a % (h / 2) && (a = 0 > a ? a + h:a - h)),-1 !== s.indexOf("_cw") && 0 > a ? a = (a + 9999999999 * h) % h - (0 | a / h) * h:-1 !== s.indexOf("ccw") && a > 0 && (a = (a - 9999999999 * h) % h - (0 | a / h) * h)),(a > l || -l > a) && (this._addTween(t,i,r,r + a,i),this._overwriteProps.push(i)));
	return !0}
,set:function (t){
	var e;
	if (1 !== t) this._super.setRatio.call(this,t);
	else for (e = this._firstPT;
	) e.f ? e.t[e.p](this.finals[e.p]):e.t[e.p] = this.finals[e.p],e = e._next}
)._autoCSS = !0,_gsScope._gsDefine("easing.Back",["easing.Ease"],function (t){
	var e,i,s,r = _gsScope.GreenSockGlobals || _gsScope,n = r.com.greensock,a = 2 * Math.PI,o = Math.PI / 2,h = n._class,l = function (e,i){
	var s = h("easing." + e,function (){
,!0),r = s.prototype = new t;
	return r.constructor = s,r.getRatio = i,s}
,_ = t.register || function (){
,u = function (t,e,i,s){
	var r = h("easing." + t,{
	easeOut:new e,easeIn:new i,easeInOut:new s}
	return _(r,t),r}
,p = function (t,e,i){
	this.t = t,this.v = e,i && (this.next = i,i.prev = this,this.c = i.v - e,this.gap = i.t - t)}
,c = function (e,i){
	var s = h("easing." + e,function (t){
	this._p1 = t || 0 === t ? t:1.70158,this._p2 = 1.525 * this._p1}
,!0),r = s.prototype = new t;
	return r.constructor = s,r.getRatio = i,r.config = function (t){
	return new s(t)}
,f = u("Back",c("BackOut",function (t){
	return (t -= 1) * t * ((this._p1 + 1) * t + this._p1) + 1}
),c("BackIn",function (t){
	return t * t * ((this._p1 + 1) * t - this._p1)}
),c("BackInOut",function (t){
	return 1 > (t *= 2) ? .5 * t * t * ((this._p2 + 1) * t - this._p2):.5 * ((t -= 2) * t * ((this._p2 + 1) * t + this._p2) + 2)}
)),m = h("easing.SlowMo",function (t,e,i){
	e = e || 0 === e ? e:.7,null == t ? t = .7:t > 1 && (t = 1),this._p = 1 !== t ? e:0,this._p1 = (1 - t) / 2,this._p2 = t,this._p3 = this._p1 + this._p2,this._calcEnd = i === !0}
,!0),d = m.prototype = new t;
	return d.constructor = m,d.getRatio = function (t){
	var e = t + (.5 - t) * this._p;
	return this._p1 > t ? this._calcEnd ? 1 - (t = 1 - t / this._p1) * t:e - (t = 1 - t / this._p1) * t * t * t * e:t > this._p3 ? this._calcEnd ? 1 - (t = (t - this._p3) / this._p1) * t:e + (t - e) * (t = (t - this._p3) / this._p1) * t * t * t:this._calcEnd ? 1:e}
,m.ease = new m(.7,.7),d.config = m.config = function (t,e,i){
	return new m(t,e,i)}
,e = h("easing.SteppedEase",function (t){
	t = t || 1,this._p1 = 1 / t,this._p2 = t + 1}
,!0),d = e.prototype = new t,d.constructor = e,d.getRatio = function (t){
	return 0 > t ? t = 0:t >= 1 && (t = .999999999),(this._p2 * t >> 0) * this._p1}
,d.config = e.config = function (t){
	return new e(t)}
,i = h("easing.RoughEase",function (e){
	e = e ||{
	for (var i,s,r,n,a,o,h = e.taper || "none",l = [],_ = 0,u = 0 | (e.points || 20),c = u,f = e.randomize !== !1,m = e.clamp === !0,d = e.template instanceof t ? e.template:null,g = "number" == typeof e.strength ? .4 * e.strength:.4;
	--c > -1;
	) i = f ? Math.random():1 / u * c,s = d ? d.getRatio(i):i,"none" === h ? r = g:"out" === h ? (n = 1 - i,r = n * n * g):"in" === h ? r = i * i * g:.5 > i ? (n = 2 * i,r = .5 * n * n * g):(n = 2 * (1 - i),r = .5 * n * n * g),f ? s += Math.random() * r - .5 * r:c % 2 ? s += .5 * r:s -= .5 * r,m && (s > 1 ? s = 1:0 > s && (s = 0)),l[_++] ={
	for (l.sort(function (t,e){
	return t.x - e.x}
),o = new p(1,1,null),c = u;
	--c > -1;
	) a = l[c],o = new p(a.x,a.y,o);
	this._prev = new p(0,0,0 !== o.t ? o:o.next)}
,!0),d = i.prototype = new t,d.constructor = i,d.getRatio = function (t){
	var e = this._prev;
	if (t > e.t){
	for (;
	e.next && t >= e.t;
	) e = e.next;
	e = e.prev}
else for (;
	e.prev && e.t >= t;
	) e = e.prev;
	return this._prev = e,e.v + (t - e.t) / e.gap * e.c}
,d.config = function (t){
	return new i(t)}
,i.ease = new i,u("Bounce",l("BounceOut",function (t){
	return 1 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * t * t:2 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75:2.5 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375:7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375}
),l("BounceIn",function (t){
	return 1 / 2.75 > (t = 1 - t) ? 1 - 7.5625 * t * t:2 / 2.75 > t ? 1 - (7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75):2.5 / 2.75 > t ? 1 - (7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375):1 - (7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375)}
),l("BounceInOut",function (t){
	var e = .5 > t;
	return t = e ? 1 - 2 * t:2 * t - 1,t = 1 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * t * t:2 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75:2.5 / 2.75 > t ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375:7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375,e ? .5 * (1 - t):.5 * t + .5}
)),u("Circ",l("CircOut",function (t){
	return Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 1) * t)}
),l("CircIn",function (t){
	return -(Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1)}
),l("CircInOut",function (t){
	return 1 > (t *= 2) ? -.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1):.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1)}
)),s = function (e,i,s){
	var r = h("easing." + e,function (t,e){
	this._p1 = t || 1,this._p2 = e || s,this._p3 = this._p2 / a * (Math.asin(1 / this._p1) || 0)}
,!0),n = r.prototype = new t;
	return n.constructor = r,n.getRatio = i,n.config = function (t,e){
	return new r(t,e)}
,u("Elastic",s("ElasticOut",function (t){
	return this._p1 * Math.pow(2,-10 * t) * Math.sin((t - this._p3) * a / this._p2) + 1}
,.3),s("ElasticIn",function (t){
	return -(this._p1 * Math.pow(2,10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - this._p3) * a / this._p2))}
,.3),s("ElasticInOut",function (t){
	return 1 > (t *= 2) ? -.5 * this._p1 * Math.pow(2,10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - this._p3) * a / this._p2):.5 * this._p1 * Math.pow(2,-10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - this._p3) * a / this._p2) + 1}
,.45)),u("Expo",l("ExpoOut",function (t){
	return 1 - Math.pow(2,-10 * t)}
),l("ExpoIn",function (t){
	return Math.pow(2,10 * (t - 1)) - .001}
),l("ExpoInOut",function (t){
	return 1 > (t *= 2) ? .5 * Math.pow(2,10 * (t - 1)):.5 * (2 - Math.pow(2,-10 * (t - 1)))}
)),u("Sine",l("SineOut",function (t){
	return Math.sin(t * o)}
),l("SineIn",function (t){
	return -Math.cos(t * o) + 1}
),l("SineInOut",function (t){
	return -.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1)}
	find:function (e){
	return t.map[e]}
),_gsScope._gsDefine && _gsScope._gsQueue.pop()(),function (t,e){
	"use strict";
	var i = t.GreenSockGlobals = t.GreenSockGlobals || t;
	if (!i.TweenLite){
	var s,r,n,a,o,h = function (t){
	var e,s = t.split("."),r = i;
	for (e = 0;
	s.length > e;
	e++) r[s[e]] = r = r[s[e]] ||{
	return r}
,l = h("com.greensock"),_ = 1e-10,u = function (t){
	var e,i = [],s = t.length;
	for (e = 0;
	e !== s;
	return i}
,p = function (){
,c = function (){
	var t = Object.prototype.toString,e = t.call([]);
	return function (i){
	return null != i && (i instanceof Array || "object" == typeof i && !!i.push && t.call(i) === e)}
(),f ={
,m = function (s,r,n,a){
	this.sc = f[s] ? f[s].sc:[],f[s] = this,this.gsClass = null,this.func = n;
	var o = [];
	this.check = function (l){
	for (var _,u,p,c,d = r.length,g = d;
	--d > -1;
	) (_ = f[r[d]] || new m(r[d],[])).gsClass ? (o[d] = _.gsClass,g--):l && _.sc.push(this);
	if (0 === g && n) for (u = ("com.greensock." + s).split("."),p = u.pop(),c = h(u.join("."))[p] = this.gsClass = n.apply(n,o),a && (i[p] = c,"function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define((t.GreenSockAMDPath ? t.GreenSockAMDPath + "/":"") + s.split(".").pop(),[],function (){
	return c}
):s === e && "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = c)),d = 0;
	this.sc.length > d;
	d++) this.sc[d].check()}
,d = t._gsDefine = function (t,e,i,s){
	return new m(t,e,i,s)}
,g = l._class = function (t,e,i){
	return e = e || function (){
,d(t,[],function (){
	return e}
	d.globals = i;
	var v = [0,0,1,1],y = [],T = g("easing.Ease",function (t,e,i,s){
	this._func = t,this._type = i || 0,this._power = s || 0,this._params = e ? v.concat(e):v}
,!0),w = T.map ={
,x = T.register = function (t,e,i,s){
	for (var r,n,a,o,h = e.split(","),_ = h.length,u = (i || "easeIn,easeOut,easeInOut").split(",");
	--_ > -1;
	) for (n = h[_],r = s ? g("easing." + n,null,!0):l.easing[n] ||{
,a = u.length;
	--a > -1;
	) o = u[a],w[n + "." + o] = w[o + n] = r[o] = t.getRatio ? t:t[o] || new t}
	for (n = T.prototype,n._calcEnd = !1,n.getRatio = function (t){
	if (this._func) return this._params[0] = t,this._func.apply(null,this._params);
	var e = this._type,i = this._power,s = 1 === e ? 1 - t:2 === e ? t:.5 > t ? 2 * t:2 * (1 - t);
	return 1 === i ? s *= s:2 === i ? s *= s * s:3 === i ? s *= s * s * s:4 === i && (s *= s * s * s * s),1 === e ? 1 - s:2 === e ? s:.5 > t ? s / 2:1 - s / 2}
,s = ["Linear","Quad","Cubic","Quart","Quint,Strong"],r = s.length;
	--r > -1;
	) n = s[r] + ",Power" + r,x(new T(null,null,1,r),n,"easeOut",!0),x(new T(null,null,2,r),n,"easeIn" + (0 === r ? ",easeNone":"")),x(new T(null,null,3,r),n,"easeInOut");
	w.linear = l.easing.Linear.easeIn,w.swing = l.easing.Quad.easeInOut;
	var b = g("events.EventDispatcher",function (t){
	this._listeners ={
,this._eventTarget = t || this}
	n = b.prototype,n.addEventListener = function (t,e,i,s,r){
	r = r || 0;
	var n,h,l = this._listeners[t],_ = 0;
	for (null == l && (this._listeners[t] = l = []),h = l.length;
	--h > -1;
	) n = l[h],n.c === e && n.s === i ? l.splice(h,1):0 === _ && r > n.pr && (_ = h + 1);
),this !== a || o || a.wake()}
,n.removeEventListener = function (t,e){
	var i,s = this._listeners[t];
	if (s) for (i = s.length;
	--i > -1;
	) if (s[i].c === e) return s.splice(i,1),void 0}
,n.dispatchEvent = function (t){
	var e,i,s,r = this._listeners[t];
	if (r) for (e = r.length,i = this._eventTarget;
	--e > -1;
	) s = r[e],s && (s.up ? s.c.call(s.s || i,{
):s.c.call(s.s || i))}
	var P = t.requestAnimationFrame,S = t.cancelAnimationFrame,k = Date.now || function (){
	return (new Date).getTime()}
,R = k();
	for (s = ["ms","moz","webkit","o"],r = s.length;
	--r > -1 && !P;
	) P = t[s[r] + "RequestAnimationFrame"],S = t[s[r] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || t[s[r] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
	g("Ticker",function (t,e){
	var i,s,r,n,h,l = this,u = k(),c = e !== !1 && P,f = 500,m = 33,d = function (t){
	var e,a,o = k() - R;
	o > f && (u += o - m),R += o,l.time = (R - u) / 1e3,e = l.time - h,(!i || e > 0 || t === !0) && (l.frame++,h += e + (e >= n ? .004:n - e),a = !0),t !== !0 && (r = s(d)),a && l.dispatchEvent("tick")}
	b.call(l),l.time = l.frame = 0,l.tick = function (){
,l.lagSmoothing = function (t,e){
	f = t || 1 / _,m = Math.min(e,f,0)}
,l.sleep = function (){
	null != r && (c && S ? S(r):clearTimeout(r),s = p,r = null,l === a && (o = !1))}
,l.wake = function (){
	null !== r ? l.sleep():l.frame > 10 && (R = k() - f + 5),s = 0 === i ? p:c && P ? P:function (t){
	return setTimeout(t,0 | 1e3 * (h - l.time) + 1)}
,l === a && (o = !0),d(2)}
,l.fps = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (i = t,n = 1 / (i || 60),h = this.time + n,l.wake(),void 0):i}
,l.useRAF = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (l.sleep(),c = t,l.fps(i),void 0):c}
,l.fps(t),setTimeout(function (){
	c && (!r || 5 > l.frame) && l.useRAF(!1)}
),n = l.Ticker.prototype = new l.events.EventDispatcher,n.constructor = l.Ticker;
	var A = g("core.Animation",function (t,e){
	if (this.vars = e = e ||{
,this._duration = this._totalDuration = t || 0,this._delay = Number(e.delay) || 0,this._timeScale = 1,this._active = e.immediateRender === !0,this.data = e.data,this._reversed = e.reversed === !0,B){
	o || a.wake();
	var i = this.vars.useFrames ? j:B;
	i.add(this,i._time),this.vars.paused && this.paused(!0)}
	a = A.ticker = new l.Ticker,n = A.prototype,n._dirty = n._gc = n._initted = n._paused = !1,n._totalTime = n._time = 0,n._rawPrevTime = -1,n._next = n._last = n._onUpdate = n._timeline = n.timeline = null,n._paused = !1;
	var C = function (){
	o && k() - R > 2e3 && a.wake(),setTimeout(C,2e3)}
	C(),n.play = function (t,e){
	return null != t && this.seek(t,e),this.reversed(!1).paused(!1)}
,n.pause = function (t,e){
	return null != t && this.seek(t,e),this.paused(!0)}
,n.resume = function (t,e){
	return null != t && this.seek(t,e),this.paused(!1)}
,n.seek = function (t,e){
	return this.totalTime(Number(t),e !== !1)}
,n.restart = function (t,e){
	return this.reversed(!1).paused(!1).totalTime(t ? -this._delay:0,e !== !1,!0)}
,n.reverse = function (t,e){
	return null != t && this.seek(t || this.totalDuration(),e),this.reversed(!0).paused(!1)}
,n.render = function (){
,n.invalidate = function (){
	return this._time = this._totalTime = 0,this._initted = this._gc = !1,this._rawPrevTime = -1,(this._gc || !this.timeline) && this._enabled(!0),this}
,n.isActive = function (){
	var t,e = this._timeline,i = this._startTime;
	return !e || !this._gc && !this._paused && e.isActive() && (t = e.rawTime()) >= i && i + this.totalDuration() / this._timeScale > t}
,n._enabled = function (t,e){
	return o || a.wake(),this._gc = !t,this._active = this.isActive(),e !== !0 && (t && !this.timeline ? this._timeline.add(this,this._startTime - this._delay):!t && this.timeline && this._timeline._remove(this,!0)),!1}
,n._kill = function (){
	return this._enabled(!1,!1)}
,n.kill = function (t,e){
	return this._kill(t,e),this}
,n._uncache = function (t){
	for (var e = t ? this:this.timeline;
	) e._dirty = !0,e = e.timeline;
	return this}
,n._swapSelfInParams = function (t){
	for (var e = t.length,i = t.concat();
	--e > -1;
	) "{
" === t[e] && (i[e] = this);
	return i}
,n.eventCallback = function (t,e,i,s){
	if ("on" === (t || "").substr(0,2)){
	var r = this.vars;
	if (1 === arguments.length) return r[t];
	null == e ? delete r[t]:(r[t] = e,r[t + "Params"] = c(i) && -1 !== i.join("").indexOf("{
") ? this._swapSelfInParams(i):i,r[t + "Scope"] = s),"onUpdate" === t && (this._onUpdate = e)}
return this}
,n.delay = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._timeline.smoothChildTiming && this.startTime(this._startTime + t - this._delay),this._delay = t,this):this._delay}
,n.duration = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (this._duration = this._totalDuration = t,this._uncache(!0),this._timeline.smoothChildTiming && this._time > 0 && this._time < this._duration && 0 !== t && this.totalTime(this._totalTime * (t / this._duration),!0),this):(this._dirty = !1,this._duration)}
,n.totalDuration = function (t){
	return this._dirty = !1,arguments.length ? this.duration(t):this._totalDuration}
,n.time = function (t,e){
	return arguments.length ? (this._dirty && this.totalDuration(),this.totalTime(t > this._duration ? this._duration:t,e)):this._time}
,n.totalTime = function (t,e,i){
	if (o || a.wake(),!arguments.length) return this._totalTime;
	if (this._timeline){
	if (0 > t && !i && (t += this.totalDuration()),this._timeline.smoothChildTiming){
	this._dirty && this.totalDuration();
	var s = this._totalDuration,r = this._timeline;
	if (t > s && !i && (t = s),this._startTime = (this._paused ? this._pauseTime:r._time) - (this._reversed ? s - t:t) / this._timeScale,r._dirty || this._uncache(!1),r._timeline) for (;
	) r._timeline._time !== (r._startTime + r._totalTime) / r._timeScale && r.totalTime(r._totalTime,!0),r = r._timeline}
this._gc && this._enabled(!0,!1),(this._totalTime !== t || 0 === this._duration) && (this.render(t,e,!1),I.length && q())}
return this}
,n.progress = n.totalProgress = function (t,e){
	return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * t,e):this._time / this.duration()}
,n.startTime = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (t !== this._startTime && (this._startTime = t,this.timeline && this.timeline._sortChildren && this.timeline.add(this,t - this._delay)),this):this._startTime}
,n.endTime = function (t){
	return this._startTime + (0 != t ? this.totalDuration():this.duration()) / this._timeScale}
,n.timeScale = function (t){
	if (!arguments.length) return this._timeScale;
	if (t = t || _,this._timeline && this._timeline.smoothChildTiming){
	var e = this._pauseTime,i = e || 0 === e ? e:this._timeline.totalTime();
	this._startTime = i - (i - this._startTime) * this._timeScale / t}
return this._timeScale = t,this._uncache(!1)}
,n.reversed = function (t){
	return arguments.length ? (t != this._reversed && (this._reversed = t,this.totalTime(this._timeline && !this._timeline.smoothChildTiming ? this.totalDuration() - this._totalTime:this._totalTime,!0)),this):this._reversed}
,n.paused = function (t){
	if (!arguments.length) return this._paused;
	if (t != this._paused && this._timeline){
	o || t || a.wake();
	var e = this._timeline,i = e.rawTime(),s = i - this._pauseTime;
	!t && e.smoothChildTiming && (this._startTime += s,this._uncache(!1)),this._pauseTime = t ? i:null,this._paused = t,this._active = this.isActive(),!t && 0 !== s && this._initted && this.duration() && this.render(e.smoothChildTiming ? this._totalTime:(i - this._startTime) / this._timeScale,!0,!0)}
return this._gc && !t && this._enabled(!0,!1),this}
	var O = g("core.SimpleTimeline",function (t){
	A.call(this,0,t),this.autoRemoveChildren = this.smoothChildTiming = !0}
	n = O.prototype = new A,n.constructor = O,n.kill()._gc = !1,n._first = n._last = n._recent = null,n._sortChildren = !1,n.add = n.insert = function (t,e){
	var i,s;
	if (t._startTime = Number(e || 0) + t._delay,t._paused && this !== t._timeline && (t._pauseTime = t._startTime + (this.rawTime() - t._startTime) / t._timeScale),t.timeline && t.timeline._remove(t,!0),t.timeline = t._timeline = this,t._gc && t._enabled(!0,!0),i = this._last,this._sortChildren) for (s = t._startTime;
	i && i._startTime > s;
	) i = i._prev;
	return i ? (t._next = i._next,i._next = t):(t._next = this._first,this._first = t),t._next ? t._next._prev = t:this._last = t,t._prev = i,this._recent = t,this._timeline && this._uncache(!0),this}
,n._remove = function (t,e){
	return t.timeline === this && (e || t._enabled(!1,!0),t._prev ? t._prev._next = t._next:this._first === t && (this._first = t._next),t._next ? t._next._prev = t._prev:this._last === t && (this._last = t._prev),t._next = t._prev = t.timeline = null,t === this._recent && (this._recent = this._last),this._timeline && this._uncache(!0)),this}
,n.render = function (t,e,i){
	var s,r = this._first;
	for (this._totalTime = this._time = this._rawPrevTime = t;
	) s = r._next,(r._active || t >= r._startTime && !r._paused) && (r._reversed ? r.render((r._dirty ? r.totalDuration():r._totalDuration) - (t - r._startTime) * r._timeScale,e,i):r.render((t - r._startTime) * r._timeScale,e,i)),r = s}
,n.rawTime = function (){
	return o || a.wake(),this._totalTime}
	var D = g("TweenLite",function (e,i,s){
	if (A.call(this,i,s),this.render = D.prototype.render,null == e) throw "Cannot tween a null target.";
	this.target = e = "string" != typeof e ? e:D.selector(e) || e;
	var r,n,a,o = e.jquery || e.length && e !== t && e[0] && (e[0] === t || e[0].nodeType && e[0].style && !e.nodeType),h = this.vars.overwrite;
	if (this._overwrite = h = null == h ? Y[D.defaultOverwrite]:"number" == typeof h ? h >> 0:Y[h],(o || e instanceof Array || e.push && c(e)) && "number" != typeof e[0]) for (this._targets = a = u(e),this._propLookup = [],this._siblings = [],r = 0;
	a.length > r;
	r++) n = a[r],n ? "string" != typeof n ? n.length && n !== t && n[0] && (n[0] === t || n[0].nodeType && n[0].style && !n.nodeType) ? (a.splice(r--,1),this._targets = a = a.concat(u(n))):(this._siblings[r] = V(n,this,!1),1 === h && this._siblings[r].length > 1 && W(n,this,null,1,this._siblings[r])):(n = a[r--] = D.selector(n),"string" == typeof n && a.splice(r + 1,1)):a.splice(r--,1);
	else this._propLookup ={
,this._siblings = V(e,this,!1),1 === h && this._siblings.length > 1 && W(e,this,null,1,this._siblings);
	(this.vars.immediateRender || 0 === i && 0 === this._delay && this.vars.immediateRender !== !1) && (this._time = -_,this.render(-this._delay))}
,!0),M = function (e){
	return e && e.length && e !== t && e[0] && (e[0] === t || e[0].nodeType && e[0].style && !e.nodeType)}
,z = function (t,e){
	var i,s ={
	for (i in t) U[i] || i in e && "transform" !== i && "x" !== i && "y" !== i && "width" !== i && "height" !== i && "className" !== i && "border" !== i || !(!L[i] || L[i] && L[i]._autoCSS) || (s[i] = t[i],delete t[i]);
	t.css = s}
	n = D.prototype = new A,n.constructor = D,n.kill()._gc = !1,n.ratio = 0,n._firstPT = n._targets = n._overwrittenProps = n._startAt = null,n._notifyPluginsOfEnabled = n._lazy = !1,D.version = "1.14.2",D.defaultEase = n._ease = new T(null,null,1,1),D.defaultOverwrite = "auto",D.ticker = a,D.autoSleep = !0,D.lagSmoothing = function (t,e){
,D.selector = t.$ || t.jQuery || function (e){
	var i = t.$ || t.jQuery;
	return i ? (D.selector = i,i(e)):"undefined" == typeof document ? e:document.querySelectorAll ? document.querySelectorAll(e):document.getElementById("#" === e.charAt(0) ? e.substr(1):e)}
	var I = [],E ={
,F = D._internals ={
,L = D._plugins ={
,N = F.tweenLookup ={
,X = 0,U = F.reservedProps ={
,Y ={
,j = A._rootFramesTimeline = new O,B = A._rootTimeline = new O,q = F.lazyRender = function (){
	var t,e = I.length;
	for (E ={
	--e > -1;
	) t = I[e],t && t._lazy !== !1 && (t.render(t._lazy[0],t._lazy[1],!0),t._lazy = !1);
	I.length = 0}
	B._startTime = a.time,j._startTime = a.frame,B._active = j._active = !0,setTimeout(q,1),A._updateRoot = D.render = function (){
	var t,e,i;
	if (I.length && q(),B.render((a.time - B._startTime) * B._timeScale,!1,!1),j.render((a.frame - j._startTime) * j._timeScale,!1,!1),I.length && q(),!(a.frame % 120)){
	for (i in N){
	for (e = N[i].tweens,t = e.length;
	--t > -1;
	) e[t]._gc && e.splice(t,1);
	0 === e.length && delete N[i]}
if (i = B._first,(!i || i._paused) && D.autoSleep && !j._first && 1 === a._listeners.tick.length){
	for (;
	i && i._paused;
	) i = i._next;
	i || a.sleep()}
	var V = function (t,e,i){
	var s,r,n = t._gsTweenID;
	if (N[n || (t._gsTweenID = n = "t" + X++)] || (N[n] ={
),e && (s = N[n].tweens,s[r = s.length] = e,i)) for (;
	--r > -1;
	) s[r] === e && s.splice(r,1);
	return N[n].tweens}
,G = function (t,e,i,s){
	var r,n,a = t.vars.onOverwrite;
	return a && (r = a(t,e,i,s)),a = D.onOverwrite,a && (n = a(t,e,i,s)),r !== !1 && n !== !1}
,W = function (t,e,i,s,r){
	var n,a,o,h;
	if (1 === s || s >= 4){
	for (h = r.length,n = 0;
	h > n;
	n++) if ((o = r[n]) !== e) o._gc || G(o,e) && o._enabled(!1,!1) && (a = !0);
	else if (5 === s) break;
	return a}
var l,u = e._startTime + _,p = [],c = 0,f = 0 === e._duration;
	for (n = r.length;
	--n > -1;
	) (o = r[n]) === e || o._gc || o._paused || (o._timeline !== e._timeline ? (l = l || Z(e,0,f),0 === Z(o,l,f) && (p[c++] = o)):u >= o._startTime && o._startTime + o.totalDuration() / o._timeScale > u && ((f || !o._initted) && 2e-10 >= u - o._startTime || (p[c++] = o)));
	for (n = c;
	--n > -1;
	) if (o = p[n],2 === s && o._kill(i,t,e) && (a = !0),2 !== s || !o._firstPT && o._initted){
	if (2 !== s && !G(o,e)) continue;
	o._enabled(!1,!1) && (a = !0)}
return a}
,Z = function (t,e,i){
	for (var s = t._timeline,r = s._timeScale,n = t._startTime;
	if (n += s._startTime,r *= s._timeScale,s._paused) return -100;
	s = s._timeline}
return n /= r,n > e ? n - e:i && n === e || !t._initted && 2 * _ > n - e ? _:(n += t.totalDuration() / t._timeScale / r) > e + _ ? 0:n - e - _}
	n._init = function (){
	var t,e,i,s,r,n = this.vars,a = this._overwrittenProps,o = this._duration,h = !!n.immediateRender,l = n.ease;
	if (n.startAt){
	this._startAt && (this._startAt.render(-1,!0),this._startAt.kill()),r ={
	for (s in n.startAt) r[s] = n.startAt[s];
	if (r.overwrite = !1,r.immediateRender = !0,r.lazy = h && n.lazy !== !1,r.startAt = r.delay = null,this._startAt = D.to(this.target,0,r),h) if (this._time > 0) this._startAt = null;
	else if (0 !== o) return}
else if (n.runBackwards && 0 !== o) if (this._startAt) this._startAt.render(-1,!0),this._startAt.kill(),this._startAt = null;
	0 !== this._time && (h = !1),i ={
	for (s in n) U[s] && "autoCSS" !== s || (i[s] = n[s]);
	if (i.overwrite = 0,i.data = "isFromStart",i.lazy = h && n.lazy !== !1,i.immediateRender = h,this._startAt = D.to(this.target,0,i),h){
	if (0 === this._time) return}
else this._startAt._init(),this._startAt._enabled(!1),this.vars.immediateRender && (this._startAt = null)}
if (this._ease = l = l ? l instanceof T ? l:"function" == typeof l ? new T(l,n.easeParams):w[l] || D.defaultEase:D.defaultEase,n.easeParams instanceof Array && l.config && (this._ease = l.config.apply(l,n.easeParams)),this._easeType = this._ease._type,this._easePower = this._ease._power,this._firstPT = null,this._targets) for (t = this._targets.length;
	--t > -1;
	) this._initProps(this._targets[t],this._propLookup[t] ={
,this._siblings[t],a ? a[t]:null) && (e = !0);
	else e = this._initProps(this.target,this._propLookup,this._siblings,a);
	if (e && D._onPluginEvent("_onInitAllProps",this),a && (this._firstPT || "function" != typeof this.target && this._enabled(!1,!1)),n.runBackwards) for (i = this._firstPT;
	) i.s += i.c,i.c = -i.c,i = i._next;
	this._onUpdate = n.onUpdate,this._initted = !0}
,n._initProps = function (e,i,s,r){
	var n,a,o,h,l,_;
	if (null == e) return !1;
	E[e._gsTweenID] && q(),this.vars.css || e.style && e !== t && e.nodeType && L.css && this.vars.autoCSS !== !1 && z(this.vars,e);
	for (n in this.vars){
	if (_ = this.vars[n],U[n]) _ && (_ instanceof Array || _.push && c(_)) && -1 !== _.join("").indexOf("{
") && (this.vars[n] = _ = this._swapSelfInParams(_,this));
	else if (L[n] && (h = new L[n])._onInitTween(e,this.vars[n],this)){
	for (this._firstPT = l ={
,a = h._overwriteProps.length;
	--a > -1;
	) i[h._overwriteProps[a]] = this._firstPT;
	(h._priority || h._onInitAllProps) && (o = !0),(h._onDisable || h._onEnable) && (this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled = !0)}
else this._firstPT = i[n] = l ={
	_next:this._firstPT,t:e,p:n,f:"function" == typeof e[n],n:n,pg:!1,pr:0}
,l.s = l.f ? e[n.indexOf("set") || "function" != typeof e["get" + n.substr(3)] ? n:"get" + n.substr(3)]():parseFloat(e[n]),l.c = "string" == typeof _ && "=" === _.charAt(1) ? parseInt(_.charAt(0) + "1",10) * Number(_.substr(2)):Number(_) - l.s || 0;
	l && l._next && (l._next._prev = l)}
return r && this._kill(r,e) ? this._initProps(e,i,s,r):this._overwrite > 1 && this._firstPT && s.length > 1 && W(e,this,i,this._overwrite,s) ? (this._kill(i,e),this._initProps(e,i,s,r)):(this._firstPT && (this.vars.lazy !== !1 && this._duration || this.vars.lazy && !this._duration) && (E[e._gsTweenID] = !0),o)}
,n.render = function (t,e,i){
	var s,r,n,a,o = this._time,h = this._duration,l = this._rawPrevTime;
	if (t >= h) this._totalTime = this._time = h,this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(1):1,this._reversed || (s = !0,r = "onComplete"),0 === h && (this._initted || !this.vars.lazy || i) && (this._startTime === this._timeline._duration && (t = 0),(0 === t || 0 > l || l === _) && l !== t && (i = !0,l > _ && (r = "onReverseComplete")),this._rawPrevTime = a = !e || t || l === t ? t:_);
	else if (1e-7 > t) this._totalTime = this._time = 0,this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(0):0,(0 !== o || 0 === h && l > 0 && l !== _) && (r = "onReverseComplete",s = this._reversed),0 > t && (this._active = !1,0 === h && (this._initted || !this.vars.lazy || i) && (l >= 0 && (i = !0),this._rawPrevTime = a = !e || t || l === t ? t:_)),this._initted || (i = !0);
	else if (this._totalTime = this._time = t,this._easeType){
	var u = t / h,p = this._easeType,c = this._easePower;
	(1 === p || 3 === p && u >= .5) && (u = 1 - u),3 === p && (u *= 2),1 === c ? u *= u:2 === c ? u *= u * u:3 === c ? u *= u * u * u:4 === c && (u *= u * u * u * u),this.ratio = 1 === p ? 1 - u:2 === p ? u:.5 > t / h ? u / 2:1 - u / 2}
else this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(t / h);
	if (this._time !== o || i){
	if (!this._initted){
	if (this._init(),!this._initted || this._gc) return;
	if (!i && this._firstPT && (this.vars.lazy !== !1 && this._duration || this.vars.lazy && !this._duration)) return this._time = this._totalTime = o,this._rawPrevTime = l,I.push(this),this._lazy = [t,e],void 0;
	this._time && !s ? this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(this._time / h):s && this._ease._calcEnd && (this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(0 === this._time ? 0:1))}
for (this._lazy !== !1 && (this._lazy = !1),this._active || !this._paused && this._time !== o && t >= 0 && (this._active = !0),0 === o && (this._startAt && (t >= 0 ? this._startAt.render(t,e,i):r || (r = "_dummyGS")),this.vars.onStart && (0 !== this._time || 0 === h) && (e || this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope || this,this.vars.onStartParams || y))),n = this._firstPT;
	) n.f ? n.t[n.p](n.c * this.ratio + n.s):n.t[n.p] = n.c * this.ratio + n.s,n = n._next;
	this._onUpdate && (0 > t && this._startAt && t !== -1e-4 && this._startAt.render(t,e,i),e || (this._time !== o || s) && this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this,this.vars.onUpdateParams || y)),r && (!this._gc || i) && (0 > t && this._startAt && !this._onUpdate && t !== -1e-4 && this._startAt.render(t,e,i),s && (this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren && this._enabled(!1,!1),this._active = !1),!e && this.vars[r] && this.vars[r].apply(this.vars[r + "Scope"] || this,this.vars[r + "Params"] || y),0 === h && this._rawPrevTime === _ && a !== _ && (this._rawPrevTime = 0))}
,n._kill = function (t,e,i){
	if ("all" === t && (t = null),null == t && (null == e || e === this.target)) return this._lazy = !1,this._enabled(!1,!1);
	e = "string" != typeof e ? e || this._targets || this.target:D.selector(e) || e;
	var s,r,n,a,o,h,l,_,u;
	if ((c(e) || M(e)) && "number" != typeof e[0]) for (s = e.length;
	--s > -1;
	) this._kill(t,e[s]) && (h = !0);
	if (this._targets){
	for (s = this._targets.length;
	--s > -1;
	) if (e === this._targets[s]){
	o = this._propLookup[s] ||{
,this._overwrittenProps = this._overwrittenProps || [],r = this._overwrittenProps[s] = t ? this._overwrittenProps[s] ||{
	if (e !== this.target) return !1;
	o = this._propLookup,r = this._overwrittenProps = t ? this._overwrittenProps ||{
if (o){
	if (l = t || o,_ = t !== r && "all" !== r && t !== o && ("object" != typeof t || !t._tempKill),i && (D.onOverwrite || this.vars.onOverwrite)){
	for (n in l) o[n] && (u || (u = []),u.push(n));
	if (!G(this,i,e,u)) return !1}
for (n in l) (a = o[n]) && (a.pg && a.t._kill(l) && (h = !0),a.pg && 0 !== a.t._overwriteProps.length || (a._prev ? a._prev._next = a._next:a === this._firstPT && (this._firstPT = a._next),a._next && (a._next._prev = a._prev),a._next = a._prev = null),delete o[n]),_ && (r[n] = 1);
	!this._firstPT && this._initted && this._enabled(!1,!1)}
return h}
,n.invalidate = function (){
	return this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled && D._onPluginEvent("_onDisable",this),this._firstPT = this._overwrittenProps = this._startAt = this._onUpdate = null,this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled = this._active = this._lazy = !1,this._propLookup = this._targets ?{
:[],A.prototype.invalidate.call(this),this.vars.immediateRender && (this._time = -_,this.render(-this._delay)),this}
,n._enabled = function (t,e){
	if (o || a.wake(),t && this._gc){
	var i,s = this._targets;
	if (s) for (i = s.length;
	--i > -1;
	) this._siblings[i] = V(s[i],this,!0);
	else this._siblings = V(this.target,this,!0)}
return A.prototype._enabled.call(this,t,e),this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled && this._firstPT ? D._onPluginEvent(t ? "_onEnable":"_onDisable",this):!1}
,D.to = function (t,e,i){
	return new D(t,e,i)}
,D.from = function (t,e,i){
	return i.runBackwards = !0,i.immediateRender = 0 != i.immediateRender,new D(t,e,i)}
,D.fromTo = function (t,e,i,s){
	return s.startAt = i,s.immediateRender = 0 != s.immediateRender && 0 != i.immediateRender,new D(t,e,s)}
,D.delayedCall = function (t,e,i,s,r){
	return new D(e,0,{
,D.set = function (t,e){
	return new D(t,0,e)}
,D.getTweensOf = function (t,e){
	if (null == t) return [];
	t = "string" != typeof t ? t:D.selector(t) || t;
	var i,s,r,n;
	if ((c(t) || M(t)) && "number" != typeof t[0]){
	for (i = t.length,s = [];
	--i > -1;
	) s = s.concat(D.getTweensOf(t[i],e));
	for (i = s.length;
	--i > -1;
	) for (n = s[i],r = i;
	--r > -1;
	) n === s[r] && s.splice(i,1)}
else for (s = V(t).concat(),i = s.length;
	--i > -1;
	) (s[i]._gc || e && !s[i].isActive()) && s.splice(i,1);
	return s}
,D.killTweensOf = D.killDelayedCallsTo = function (t,e,i){
	"object" == typeof e && (i = e,e = !1);
	for (var s = D.getTweensOf(t,e),r = s.length;
	--r > -1;
	) s[r]._kill(i,t)}
	var Q = g("plugins.TweenPlugin",function (t,e){
	this._overwriteProps = (t || "").split(","),this._propName = this._overwriteProps[0],this._priority = e || 0,this._super = Q.prototype}
	if (n = Q.prototype,Q.version = "1.10.1",Q.API = 2,n._firstPT = null,n._addTween = function (t,e,i,s,r,n){
	var a,o;
	return null != s && (a = "number" == typeof s || "=" !== s.charAt(1) ? Number(s) - i:parseInt(s.charAt(0) + "1",10) * Number(s.substr(2))) ? (this._firstPT = o ={
	_next:this._firstPT,t:t,p:e,s:i,c:a,f:"function" == typeof t[e],n:r || e,r:n}
,o._next && (o._next._prev = o),o):void 0}
,n.setRatio = function (t){
	for (var e,i = this._firstPT,s = 1e-6;
	) e = i.c * t + i.s,i.r ? e = Math.round(e):s > e && e > -s && (e = 0),i.f ? i.t[i.p](e):i.t[i.p] = e,i = i._next}
,n._kill = function (t){
	var e,i = this._overwriteProps,s = this._firstPT;
	if (null != t[this._propName]) this._overwriteProps = [];
	else for (e = i.length;
	--e > -1;
	) null != t[i[e]] && i.splice(e,1);
	for (;
	) null != t[s.n] && (s._next && (s._next._prev = s._prev),s._prev ? (s._prev._next = s._next,s._prev = null):this._firstPT === s && (this._firstPT = s._next)),s = s._next;
	return !1}
,n._roundProps = function (t,e){
	for (var i = this._firstPT;
	) (t[this._propName] || null != i.n && t[i.n.split(this._propName + "_").join("")]) && (i.r = e),i = i._next}
,D._onPluginEvent = function (t,e){
	var i,s,r,n,a,o = e._firstPT;
	if ("_onInitAllProps" === t){
	for (;
	for (a = o._next,s = r;
	s && s.pr > o.pr;
	) s = s._next;
	(o._prev = s ? s._prev:n) ? o._prev._next = o:r = o,(o._next = s) ? s._prev = o:n = o,o = a}
o = e._firstPT = r}
for (;
	) o.pg && "function" == typeof o.t[t] && o.t[t]() && (i = !0),o = o._next;
	return i}
,Q.activate = function (t){
	for (var e = t.length;
	--e > -1;
	) t[e].API === Q.API && (L[(new t[e])._propName] = t[e]);
	return !0}
,d.plugin = function (t){
	if (!(t && t.propName && t.init && t.API)) throw "illegal plugin definition.";
	var e,i = t.propName,s = t.priority || 0,r = t.overwriteProps,n ={
,a = g("plugins." + i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.substr(1) + "Plugin",function (){
	Q.call(this,i,s),this._overwriteProps = r || []}
,t.global === !0),o = a.prototype = new Q(i);
	o.constructor = a,a.API = t.API;
	for (e in n) "function" == typeof t[e] && (o[n[e]] = t[e]);
	return a.version = t.version,Q.activate([a]),a}
,s = t._gsQueue){
	for (r = 0;
	s.length > r;
	r++) s[r]();
	for (n in f) f[n].func || t.console.log("GSAP encountered missing dependency:com.greensock." + n)}
o = !1}
("undefined" != typeof module && module.exports && "undefined" != typeof global ? global:this || window,"TweenMax");
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