html5 svg人物跑步动画效果代码

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以下是 html5 svg人物跑步动画效果代码 的示例演示效果:

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html5 svg人物跑步动画效果代码


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				 M 217.8,126.9 C 208.4,120.7 202.2,122 190.6,126.9 179,131.9 168.3,136.3 166.1,141.2 163.8,146.1 149.1,175.6 147.3,176.5 145.5,177.4 140.6,181.9 137,187.7 133.5,193.5 129.4,204.2 137,201.9 144.6,199.7 145.1,195.7 149.5,190.8 154,185.9 153.1,182.8 157.6,177.8 162,172.9 168,152.4 175.3,149.3 182.6,146.1 192,141.7 200,142.6 208,143.5 227.2,133.2 217.8,126.9 z;
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				 M 218.5,123.7 C 209.8,126.5 214.4,132.6 219.2,148 222.9,160 233.8,175 239,173.5 245.7,171.7 263.3,160.7 266,157.8 270.7,153 272,149.4 277.8,145.8 285.3,141.2 284.8,136.4 285.3,128.3 285.6,123.9 274.5,131.7 268.7,135.2 262.9,138.6 265.3,146.3 259.3,150 251.5,154.7 244.5,159.5 239,160.8 237.6,161.2 238.5,161.1 234.7,144.7 232,133.3 226.5,121.7 218.5,123.7 z;
				 M 226.3,128.7 C 224.7,136.1 231.5,140.3 245.3,142.1 257.8,143.7 274.9,153.1 278.9,149.4 284,144.7 294.7,126.9 295.8,123.2 297.8,116.8 297.4,113 300.9,107.1 305.5,99.62 302.9,95.6 299.7,88.14 297.9,84.06 291.6,96.02 287.9,101.8 284.3,107.4 290,113.3 286.3,119.2 281.5,127 278.9,129.6 274.7,133.3 273.5,134.3 269.4,136.1 253,129.5 242.4,124.8 231.2,118.5 226.3,128.7 z;
				 M 220.4,144 C 220.3,150.5 226,153.3 248.7,158.7 271.3,164 281,164.3 283,162.5 285,160.7 289.3,152 292,135.7 294.7,119.3 293.3,118.3 294.3,115 295.3,111.7 299,99.33 298,94.33 297,89.33 290,80.34 288.7,83.33 287.3,86.33 283,109.3 283.7,117.7 284.3,126 281.3,132 277.7,139.7 271.5,152.8 271.3,150.7 256.7,143.7 225.3,128.7 220.4,140 220.4,144 z;
				 M 217.5,140.5 C 215.2,146.5 218.5,150.9 237.1,164.9 255,178.3 261,179.9 263.6,178.9 266.1,177.9 271.9,173 281.3,159.4 289.1,148 292.8,154.2 294.9,151.5 297.1,148.7 305.8,135.5 306.7,130.4 307.5,125.4 304.1,114.5 301.8,116.8 283.2,137.1 282.4,129.9 279.2,148.8 275.5,153.6 272.6,154.8 268.4,156.6 254.9,162.9 260.1,159.6 251.9,151 245.1,143.6 224.4,123.9 217.5,140.5 z;
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				 M 214.3,126.7 C 208.2,128.8 204.3,137.8 199.2,158.4 193.9,180.2 195.5,187.7 196.5,190.3 197.5,192.8 203.3,203.5 212.8,222 219.1,234.3 217.3,237.3 217,240.8 216.8,244.3 223.1,252.3 227.8,257.5 231.1,261.3 240.5,261.2 240.5,257.9 232.8,234.5 242.8,244.4 226.7,228 223.3,222.9 219.1,204.2 217.3,200 208.6,181.1 206.5,176.9 215,162.7 221.9,153.6 237.8,119.1 214.3,126.7 z;   
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				 M 198.1,209.3 C 187.3,210 178.3,210.7 178,218 177.7,225.3 185,236.6 200,236.3 215,236 235.3,236.6 245.7,236.3 256,236 257.3,236 256,239 254.7,242 251.3,253.3 250,268.3 248.7,283.3 252.7,303 253.3,310 254,317 251,326.7 261,324.3 271,322 280.7,318.7 289.3,311.7 298,304.7 298.2,301 298.2,301 298.2,301 283,306 276.7,306.7 270.3,307.3 259.5,307 259.3,304.3 259,301.7 258.3,288.3 265.3,269 272.3,249.7 275.7,240.7 277.3,234.7 279,228.7 280.7,222 268,218.7 255.3,215.3 238.4,212 220.4,211 202.3,210 205.3,208.9 198.1,209.3 z;
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				 M 194.5,207.3 C 184.2,203.9 180.7,206.7 180.3,214 180,221.3 181.3,217.4 176.7,231.7 174.3,239 170.9,258.4 167.2,272.1 165.6,278 165.6,278.1 162.1,284.1 159.2,289.2 146.5,287.3 136,295.8 123.9,305.5 110.1,318.5 103.5,322.6 97.52,326.3 86.77,319 89.25,329 91.88,339.5 91.74,360.5 102.4,363.6 110.6,366 118.5,365 118.5,365 118.5,365 105.5,358 106.2,348.4 107.1,336.1 107.1,331.5 110,328.6 112.9,325.8 129.8,314.3 154.7,307.2 167.9,303.4 173.7,303.8 178.3,297.6 182.7,291.7 187.7,279.6 192,269.1 200.4,248.5 206.6,238.9 205.7,224.2 204.7,209.1 203.3,210.1 194.5,207.3 z;
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				 M 210.5,222.4 C 208,215.3 200.9,215.9 197.2,214.9 190.2,212.9 186.4,213.8 182.5,218.6 177.7,224.6 180.4,226.6 181.7,240 182.7,250.5 183.8,259.1 184.9,269.9 185.5,275.7 179.1,268.5 172.4,266.8 157.3,263.1 145.2,261.8 136.6,259.9 129.7,258.3 127.7,249.2 121.6,256.7 114.7,265.1 113.7,271.1 108.2,278.8 101.1,288.7 95.01,291.5 95.01,291.5 95.01,291.5 105.6,291.8 112.5,285.1 123,274.9 123.3,272.6 131,267.9 134.1,265.9 143.5,269.1 168.6,282.4 183,290 189.1,298.9 196,295.4 200.8,293 203.6,284.3 205.5,278.6 210,265.3 210.3,259.9 211.7,249.9 214.1,231.7 212.9,229.3 210.5,222.4 z;
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