
版权:原创 更新时间:1年以上

以下是 js超牛马赛克方块菜单特效代码 的示例演示效果:

  • 平台:




<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css"> 
	html {
		overflow: hidden;
	body {
		position: absolute;
		margin: 0px;
		padding: 0px;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
	#screen {
		position: absolute;
		width: 891px;
		height: 550px;
		left: 50%;
		top: 50%;
		background: #111;
		overflow: hidden;
	#screen .grid {
		position: absolute;
		background: #333;
		font-size: 0px;
		overflow: hidden;
	#screen .txt {
		position: absolute;
		font-size: 14px;
		color: #fff;
		font-family: arial;
		overflow: hidden;
	#screen .menu {
		position: absolute;
		font-size: 12px;
		color: #fff;
		font-family: arial;
		overflow: hidden;
		cursor: pointer;
	#screen .menubackgroundcolor {
		opacity: 0.7;
		filter: alpha(opacity=70);
	#screen .wrapper {
		left: 2%;
		top: 2%;
		width: 96%;
		height: 96%;
		overflow: hidden;
	#screen .wrapper img {
		float: left;
		margin-right: 6px;
		margin-bottom: 0px;
	#screen h1 {
		top: 20px;
		width: 100%;
		text-align: center;
		letter-spacing: 0px;
		font-size: 2.5em;
	#screen .menucontent {
		position: absolute;
		width: 100%;
		text-align: center;
		font-size: 128px;
		letter-spacing: 0px;
		font-weight: bold;
		top: -10px;
	#screen .submenucontent {
		position: absolute;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
	#screen .submenutitle {
		position: absolute;
		top: -12px;
		font-size: 64px;
		font-weight: bold;
	#screen .submenu {
		position: absolute;
		width: 100%;
		top: 55px;
	#screen .submenuline {
		position: relative;
		height: 18px;
		font-size: 14px;
		margin-top: 1px;
	#screen .lineover {
		background: #fff;
		color: #0064a0;
		font-weight: bold;
	#loader {
		left: 50%;
		top: 50%;
		width: 50px;
		margin-left: -25px;
		margin-top: -14px;
		text-align: center;
		font-family: arial;
		font-size: 24px;
		font-weight: bold;
		color: #fff;
		background: #000;
		outline: #111 solid 3px;
		opacity: 0.6;
		filter: alpha(opacity=60);
		z-index: 1000;
	#htmlBank {
		display: none;
		visibility: hidden;
<script type="text/javascript"> 

var dp = function ()
	// private variables
	var object = {
			cell: [],
			menu: [],
			text: []
		scr, imagesPath, params, fullImage, loader,
		P, Pn, Pt, lastMenuOver, pc, backgroundImage,
		preload, mibar, nx, ny, nw, nh, sw, sh;
	/* ===== append HTML Element function ==== */
	var appendHTML = function (p)
		var i, object = document.createElement(p.tagName);   // create HTML element
		for (i in p.attributes) object[i] = p.attributes[i]; // copy attributes
		for (i in p.style) object.style[i] = p.style[i];     // copy style properties
		if (p.parentNode) p.parentNode.appendChild(object);  // insert object
		return object;
	/* ===== copy JS object ==== */
	var clone = function (obj)
		if (typeof(obj) != "object" || obj == null) return obj;
		var newObj = obj.constructor();
		for (var i in obj) newObj[i] = clone(obj[i]);
		return newObj;
	/* ==== text constructor ==== */
	var Text = function ()
		// text content
		this.div = appendHTML({
			parentNode: scr,
			tagName: "div",
				className: "txt",
				onmouseover: function () { hideLastMenu(); }
		this.css = this.div.style;
	Text.prototype =
		/* ==== start typewriter ==== */
		startTypewriter: function (t)
			this.k = 0;
			this.html = t.id ? (
				document.getElementById(t.id) ? 
					document.getElementById(t.id).innerHTML : t.id + " undefined"
			) : t.html + " ";
			this.html = this.html.replace(/\n/g, "");
			this.l    = this.html.length;
			this.css.visibility = "visible";
			this.css.left       = Math.round(t.x * sw) + "px";
			this.css.top        = Math.round(t.y * sh) + "px";
			this.css.width      = Math.round(t.w * sw) + "px";
			this.css.height     = Math.round(t.h * sh) + "px";
			this.div.innerHTML  = "";
			// typewriter loop
			var self = this;
			this.interval = setInterval(
				function () { self.typeLoop(); }
			, 32);
		/* ==== skip HTML tag ==== */
		skipTag: function()
			if (this.html.charAt(this.k) === "<")
				this.k += this.html.slice(this.k).indexOf(">") + 1;
		/* ==== typewriter loop ==== */
		typeLoop: function ()
			if (this.k <= this.l)
				var n = this.html.slice(this.k).indexOf(" ");
				this.k += (n >= 0) ? n : 1;
				this.div.innerHTML = this.html.slice(0, this.k++);
				this.interval = false;
	/* ==== menu constructor ==== */
	var Menu = function (n, p)
		// menu wrapper
		this.div = appendHTML({
			parentNode: scr,
			tagName: "div",
				parent: this,
				className: "menu",
				onclick: function () { this.parent.click(); },
				onmouseover: function () { this.parent.over(); }
			style: { visibility: "hidden" }
		// Color backround
		var bgc = appendHTML({
			parentNode: this.div,
			tagName: "div",
			attributes: { className: "menubackgroundcolor" },
			style: { position: "absolute" }
		this.bgc = bgc.style;
		// menu container
		this.menuDiv = appendHTML({
			parentNode: this.div,
			tagName: "div",
				parent: this,
				className: "menucontent",
				innerHTML: p.html,
				onclick: function () { this.parent.click(); },
				onmouseover: function () { this.parent.over(); }
		this.css = this.div.style;
		this.pageTarget = p.target;
		// sub menu construction
		if (p.submenu)
			this.submenuDiv = appendHTML({
				tagName: "div",
				parentNode: this.div,
				attributes: { className: "submenucontent" },
				style: { visibility: "hidden" }
			// title
			if (p.submenu.title)
					parentNode: this.submenuDiv,
					tagName: "div",
						className: "submenutitle",
						innerHTML: p.submenu.title,
						onclick: function () {
							Pt = P.text;
							return false;
			// submenu container
			this.submenuContent = appendHTML({
				parentNode: this.submenuDiv,
				tagName: "div",
				attributes: { className: "submenu" }
			// submenu lines
			this.menuitem = [];
			var i = 0, o;
			while (o = p.submenu.lines[i++])
					new Submenuitem(this, o)
	Menu.prototype =
		/* ==== menu over ==== */
		over: function ()
			if (this.pageTarget != Pn && lastMenuOver != this)
				lastMenuOver = this;
				this.menuDiv.style.visibility = "visible";
				/* ---- flash ---- */
				this.c = clone(params.flash);
				var self = this, k = 0;
				var overflash = function ()
					if (k++ < 12)
						setTimeout(overflash, 32);
					else self.fadeColor(0);
		/* ==== menu click ==== */
		click: function ()
			var t = this.pageTarget;
			if (t !== Pn && params.page[t])
				// new page
				Pn = t;
				P = params.page[t];
				Pt = P.text;
		/* ==== target move ==== */
		move: function (i)
			// targets
			this.xt = P.menuTarget[i].x;
			this.yt = P.menuTarget[i].y;
			this.ct = clone(P.menuBackgroundColor);
			// init menu dimension
			this.css.visibility = "visible";
			this.css.width      = this.bgc.width = Math.round(sw - 1) + "px";
			this.css.height     = this.bgc.height = Math.round(sh - 1) + "px";
			// content visibility
			this.menuDiv.style.visibility = (this.pageTarget === Pn) ? "visible" : "hidden";
			if (this.submenuDiv) this.displayMenuitem(false);
			// moving menu loop
			var self = this;
			this.interval = setInterval(
				function () { self.moving(); }
			, 32);
		fadeColor: function (speed)
			// transition
			if (speed)
				this.c.r += (this.ct.r - this.c.r) * speed;
				this.c.g += (this.ct.g - this.c.g) * speed;
				this.c.b += (this.ct.b - this.c.b) * speed;
			else this.c = clone(this.ct);
			// HTML background color
			this.bgc.backgroundColor = "RGB("
				+ Math.round(this.c.r) + ","
				+ Math.round(this.c.g) + ","
				+ Math.round(this.c.b) + ")";
		/* ==== move ==== */
		moving: function ()
			// distance to target
			var speed = 0;
			var dx = this.xt - this.x;
			var dy = this.yt - this.y;
			if (Math.abs(dx) > 0.01 || Math.abs(dy) > 0.01)
				// inc position
				this.x += dx * .2;
				this.y += dy * .2;
				speed = 0.1;
				// init values
				this.x = this.xt;
				this.y = this.yt;
				// stop animation
				// submenu
				if (this.submenuDiv && this.pageTarget === Pn)
					// display submenu
					this.menuDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
			// update HTML
			this.css.left = Math.round(this.x * sw) + "px";
			this.css.top  = Math.round(this.y * sh) + "px";
		/* ---- show menu items ---- */
		displayMenuitem: function (visible)
			var i = 0, o, menuitem = this.menuitem;
			while (o = menuitem[i++]) o.div.style.visibility = "hidden";
			this.submenuDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
			if (visible)
				i = 0;
				this.submenuEnabled = true;
				var self = this;
				var displayMenuitem = function ()
					var o = menuitem[i++];
					if (o && self.submenuEnabled)
						o.div.style.visibility = "visible";
						// complementary bar colors
						o.bar.style.background = "RGB(" +
							Math.round((256 - P.menuBackgroundColor.r) * 0.25) + "," + 
							Math.round((256 - P.menuBackgroundColor.g) * 0.25) + "," + 
							Math.round((256 - P.menuBackgroundColor.b) * 0.25) + ")";
						setTimeout(displayMenuitem, 64);
				setTimeout(displayMenuitem, 256);
				this.submenuDiv.style.visibility = "visible";
			} else this.submenuEnabled = false;
	/* ==== sub menu item constructor ==== */
	var Submenuitem = function (parent, p)
		this.parent = parent;
		this.text = p.text;
		this.k = 100;
		this.fullImage = p.fullImage;
		this.div = appendHTML({
			tagName: "div",
			parentNode: parent.submenuContent,
				className: "submenuline",
				parent: this,
				onclick:     function () { this.parent.click(); },
				onmouseover: function () { this.parent.over(); }
		this.bar = appendHTML({
			tagName: "div",
			parentNode: this.div,
				position: "absolute",
				width: "100%",
				height: "100%",
				left: "100%"
		this.txt = appendHTML({
			tagName: "div",
			parentNode: this.div,
				innerHTML: p.html
				position: "absolute",
				marginLeft: "10px"
	/* ---- menu items functions ---- */
	Submenuitem.prototype =
		/* ---- select ---- */
		click: function ()
			Pt = this.text;	
			if (this.fullImage)
				// display full image
				fullImage = this.fullImage;
			// update text
			else nextText();
		/* ---- bar left ---- */
		over: function ()
			mibar = this;
			var i = 0, o;
			while (o = this.parent.menuitem[i++]) if (o != this && !o.r) o.out();
			var self = this;
			this.r = false;
			var barLeft = function ()
				if (self === mibar)
					self.bar.style.left = Math.round(self.k *= .25) + "%";
					if (Math.round(self.k) > 0) setTimeout(barLeft, 32);
		/* ---- bar right ---- */
		out: function ()
			if (this.k < 100)
				if (this.k < 1) this.k = 1;
				var self = this;
				this.r = true;
				var barRight = function ()
					self.bar.style.left = Math.round(self.k *= 2) + "%";
					if (Math.round(self.k) < 100) setTimeout(barRight, 32);
	/* ==== cell constructor ==== */
	var Cell = function (n, x, y)
		this.n  = n;
		this.x0 = x;
		this.y0 = y;
		// next directions
		this.dir = [
			(x - 1 >= 0 ? n - ny : n), 
			(x + 1 < nx - 1 ? n + ny : n), 
			(y - 1 >= 0 ? n - 1 : n), 
			(y + 1 < ny - 1 ? n + 1 : n)
		// fade in-out div
		this.opc = appendHTML({
			parentNode: scr,
			tagName: "div",
				onmouseover: function () { hideLastMenu(); }
				position: "absolute",
				filter: "alpha(opacity=100)",
				opacity: 1,
				background: "#000",
				left:   Math.round(x * sw) + "px",
				top:    Math.round(y * sh) + "px",
				width:  Math.round(sw - 1) + "px",
				height: Math.round(sh - 1) + "px"
		// white flash div
		this.fla = appendHTML({
			parentNode: scr,
			tagName: "div",
				position: "absolute",
				background: "#fff",
				visibility: "hidden",
				left:   Math.round(x * sw) + "px",
				top:    Math.round(y * sh) + "px",
				width:  Math.round(sw - 1) + "px",
				height: Math.round(sh - 1) + "px"
		// grid horizontal
		if (x == 0 && y > 0)
			this.hor = appendHTML({
				parentNode: scr,
				tagName: "div",
				attributes: { className: "grid" },
					top: Math.round(y * sh - 1) + "px",
					width: nw + "px",
					height: "1px"
		// grid vertical
		if (y == 0 && x > 0)
			this.ver = appendHTML({
				parentNode: scr,
				tagName: "div",
				attributes: { className: "grid" },
					left: Math.round(x * sw - 1) + "px",
					width: "1px",
					height: nh + "px"

	Cell.prototype =
		/* ==== crossbrowser opacity function ==== */
		opacity: function (alpha)
			if (this.opc.filters && this.opc.filters.alpha)
				// redefine function for IE<9
				Cell.prototype.opacity = function (alpha)
					this.opc.filters.alpha.opacity = Math.round(alpha);
				// redefine function for CSS3
				Cell.prototype.opacity = function (alpha)
					this.opc.style.opacity = alpha * 0.01;
		/* ==== display image ==== */
		displayCell: function ()
			// mark cell as displayed
			this.displayed = true;
			// flash
			this.fla.style.visibility = "visible";
			// fading loop
			var self = this;
			this.interval = setInterval(
				function () { self.displayCellLoop(); }
			, 32);
		/* ==== display cell loop ==== */
		displayCellLoop: function ()
			var o;
			if (this.alpha !== this.alphaTarget)
				// opacity
				this.alpha += this.step;
				// find next cell
				if (this.alpha === this.nextCell)
					var i = 0,
						s = false;
					while (i++ < 8)
						o = object.cell[
							this.dir[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]
						// cell is available
						if (!o.displayed)
							s = true;
					if (!s)
						// find new starting point
						o = startingCell();
						if (o !== false) o.displayCell(); // next cell
						else this.startNext = true; // the end
				// stop flash
				if (this.alpha === this.endFlash) this.fla.style.visibility = "hidden";
				if (this.startNext && this.alpha === this.nextStep)
					// start typeWriter
					if (this.txt && (this.id || this.html)) object.text[pc].startTypewriter(this);
					// next phase
					if (P.text[pc] && !fullImage) nextText();
				// stop animation loop
				this.interval = false;
				this.fla.style.visibility = "hidden";
	/* ==== return random available cell ==== */
	var startingCell = function ()
		var o, i = 0, avail = [];
		while (o = object.cell[i++]) if (!o.displayed) avail.push(o);
		if (!avail.length) return false; // no available cell
			// return random available cell
			return avail[
				Math.floor(Math.random() * avail.length)
	/* ==== initialize cells ==== */
	var initCell = function (p, fx, txt)
		var i = 0, o;
		while (o = object.cell[i++])
			// is Cell active
			if (o.x0 >= p.x && o.x0 <= (p.x + p.w - 1) && 
				o.y0 >= p.y && o.y0 <= (p.y + p.h - 1))
				// copy variables
				o.displayed = false;
				o.startNext = false;
				o.id = false;
				o.txt = txt;
				for (var j in p)  o[j] = p[j];
				for (var k in fx) o[k] = fx[k];
	/* ==== reset text ==== */
	var resetText = function ()
		// reset text containers
		pc = 0;
		var i = 0, o;
		while (o = object.text[i++])
			o.div.innerHTML = "";
			o.css.visibility = "hidden";
		// reset opacity
		i = 0;
		while (o = object.cell[i++])
			o.t = true;
	/* ==== display next bloc text ==== */
	var nextText = function ()
		var o = Pt[pc++];
		if (o)
			initCell(o, params.fadeout, true);
			o = startingCell();
			o.displayed = true;
	/* ==== menu mouse out ==== */
	var hideLastMenu = function ()
		if (lastMenuOver)
			lastMenuOver.menuDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
			lastMenuOver = false;
	/* ==== reset setIntervals ==== */
	var resetLoops = function ()
		if (preload) {
			preload = false;
		var i, j, k, o;
		for (j in object)
			k = object[j];
			i = 0;
			while (o = k[i++])
				if (o.interval)
					// stop loop
					o.interval = false;
					// stop flash
					if (o.fla) o.fla.style.visibility = "hidden";

	/* ==== images display sequence ==== */
	var displayPage = function ()
		var i, j, m, o;
		// reset
		lastMenuOver = false;
		if (!fullImage)
			// move Menus
			i = 0;
			while (o = object.menu[i]) o.move(i++);
			// background images
			var img = P.backgroundImage;
			// full Image
			var img = fullImage;
			// hide Menus
			i = 0;
			while (o = object.menu[i++]) o.css.left = "-1000px";
		// preload image
		var timeout    = params.timeout;
		var preloadImg = new Image();
		preloadImg.src = imagesPath + img;
		/* ---- loading function ---- */
		var preloading = function ()
			if ((preloadImg.complete && preloadImg.width) || timeout === 0)
				// load complete - hide loader
				loader.innerHTML = "";
				loader.style.visibility = "hidden";
				// hide image
				var i = 0, o;
				while (o = object.cell[i++])
					if (fullImage)
						// close full image
						o.opc.style.cursor = "pointer";
						o.opc.onclick = function ()
							fullImage = false;
							Pt = P.text;
						o.opc.style.cursor = "default";
						o.opc.onclick = null;
				// display background image
				var css = backgroundImage.style;
				if (timeout > 0)
					backgroundImage.src = imagesPath + img;
					css.left = Math.round((nw - preloadImg.width) * 0.5) + "px";
					css.top  = Math.round((nh - preloadImg.height) * 0.5) + "px";
					css.visibility = "visible";
				else css.visibility = "hidden";
				setTimeout(function() {
					// display image			
							x: 0,
							y: 0,
							w: nx,
							h: ny
						params.fadein, false
					// random starting point
					o = startingCell();
					o.displayed = true;
				}, 64);
				// waiting
				if (timeout < params.timeout - 3)
					// display ajax loader
					loader.style.visibility = "visible";
					loader.innerHTML = (params.timeout - timeout - 3);
				preload = setTimeout(preloading, 64);
	/* ==== screen dimensions ==== */
	var resize = function ()
		nw = scr.offsetWidth;
		nh = scr.offsetHeight;
		sw = Math.round(nw / nx);
		sh = Math.round(nh / ny);
	/* ==== init script ==== */
	var init = function (p)
		var k, i, j, o;
		params = p;
		scr = document.getElementById(p.containerID);
		nx = p.gridX;
		ny = p.gridY;
		imagesPath = p.imagesPath;
		Pn = 0;
		P  = p.page[Pn];
		Pt = P.text;
		// create background image
		backgroundImage = appendHTML({
			parentNode: scr,
			tagName: "img",
				position: "absolute",
				visibility: "hidden"
		// ajax loader
		loader = appendHTML({
			parentNode: scr,
			tagName: "div",
			attributes: { id: "loader" },
			style: { visibility: "hidden" }
		// create cells
		k = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < nx; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < ny; j++)
					new Cell(k++, i, j)
		// create txt objects
		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
				new Text()
		// create menu objects
		i = 0;
		while (o = p.menu[i])
				new Menu(i++, o)
		// load first page
			function () { displayPage(); }
		, 250);
	return {
		// initialize script
		init : init 

<div id="screen"></div>

<div id="htmlBank">
	<div id="txt1">
		<div class="wrapper">
		<img src="images/graphicID_2684_grey.jpg">B&uuml;dol&ouml;s mutaragran thamar so, ad dobiko gididols utans tak, lit enegen&uuml;koms esovob j&auml;fikol-li iv. L&auml;n kilas menam&ouml;dotis tu, dalilom&ouml;v osaunikob ukravom ati fa, domi fred da s&ouml;l. Ifi higok pac&ouml;det&ouml;n vo, ela c&ouml;dale eperon ofalons lo, b&uuml; blin&ouml;n fasilikum matedafideda bod. 
		<br><br><img src="images/graphicID_2664_grey.jpg">
		&Auml;nu bodeds votiki d&ouml;, fan&ouml;n ritan ted&ouml;n de oka. Begom dalilom&ouml;v stul dag ob. Ko enegen&uuml;koms lelifikam maket maf, efe binob esufob l&uuml;gons ok, l&ouml;p givoti odunob-li lo. Degol&ouml;n vinig sus v&uuml;, el denu j&ouml;niko kohorti k&ouml;m. Klaatu barada nikt&oacute;.
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			Mem sagol-li sukubons me, &auml;s&auml; l&uuml; geton louni sapans. Olen&uuml;kobs-li vomi &uuml;n bel, vi binols&ouml;s pospear&uuml;kons vin. No cuk daniel hid&uuml;nana, zif ba mutaragran vitidab&auml;liped&ouml;mi. Bem si dugans goldi onegeton, bumotis b&uuml;dedis ot jol. Ati z&uuml; binom&ouml;d loveflano ut&ouml;pio, cil se badik binob ipubon. Oki tu jutedans nend&ouml;fiks pasat, iv oba diabis iacobus sagol&ouml;s, obi ab alphaeus klop&ouml;n mana.
			<img src="images/12.jpg">
			Yan ologons os&auml;mikebobs ma, jepa mans nineve b&uuml; yeb. Jep is b&uuml;dedis paglidols&ouml;d telis, ofi faemik fluks verat &uuml;f. &Auml;s&auml; d&ouml; bibiinolavanes fluks volut, domi pardols telis ab naf. &Uuml;n v&ouml;d geton verat, padakip&ouml;n tim&uuml;l ve&uuml;tikosi one de. K&ouml;m b&uuml;dol&ouml;s kapa l&uuml;daut z&uuml;, mid ga litik taledi verati, is flukis ukravom sap. So kana&auml;nik kl&ouml;fa nem&ouml;gik osi, me osavom urias tim. Fa esufob klifs ini, du d&uuml;n&ouml;n klin&uuml;kols b&uuml;&auml;, petrus p&ouml;pe temak&auml;d bu dag.
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			<img src="images/graphicID_3018_grey.jpg">
			Us bodi eleig&auml;dol l&auml;g&uuml;pt&auml;n tem, ix b&uuml;dedis kilas lanan oms. Po gal&auml;danefa neodons n&auml;m&auml;dikum div, g&ouml; dotols&ouml;v esasenols p&ouml;pa eli. L&auml;tikan sevob t&auml;len it iui, cif kildeg m&ouml;bemi s&uuml;mon el. B&uuml; ililoms kitimo lekl&auml;ra ele, ome l&auml; bibinolavanas elovegivol, fulons olikis temunods g&ouml; tab. Kinikis-li lebeg at bos, d&uuml;nanes klin&uuml;kols mid it. Ek&auml;lols ioatham pardols se &auml;nu, klin&uuml;kols lad&auml;ls tils dat v&uuml;. Beg vo isufof prodi, klotem p&ouml;ti temunods omi ba, gospul taledi v&ouml;naoloveikod ye p&ouml;p.
			<img src="images/graphicID_1199_grey.jpg">
			Ini meb&ouml;n zitevon &ouml;n. Pl&auml; lo kudols-li oglidols tal&auml;ntis, ga d&ouml;botis kime kohorti igo, do ofs jabata panemof-li. Tem benodi guverale pel&ouml;p&uuml;kols se, lio ya lad&auml;ls not&uuml;kols&ouml;d, vom ko neflenis p&ouml;pa suf&auml;l&ouml;n. Iv maf ekobikons godi lecenols&ouml;d, mem se padeid&ouml;n pardols. Ta folmilanas telid nek, num t&auml; atanes disi pardols. Bil k&uuml; aminadab foginan pejonedon, sui edabinon latik temi ed, bu get lecedons luslugols tim&uuml;.
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			<img src="images/graphicID_1185_grey.jpg">
			Caiphas p&ouml;pe sof&auml;lik ek li&ouml;, &uuml;n lif telans zibi. Iboidom latik pamojedon ye kas, flukis mutols sid n&ouml;. Me fred penegen&uuml;koms vi&auml;n bod, di dek&ouml;mom&ouml;d d&uuml;n&ouml;n fenig plu. Fluks obl&auml;fom zunon-li et pl&auml;, us fenols foginani kela nen. Sep se ledutoti magot prodi, fo sal binob geran, vio m&ouml; finots paf&ouml;lon suf&auml;l&ouml;n.
			<img src="images/graphicID_2564_grey.jpg">
			At esasenols olik p&ouml;pe son, foi letuvatam temak&auml;d vi&auml;n k&uuml;. Binols&ouml;s figabim soelik mot p&ouml;. Fluk&ouml;n klotem s&ouml;kol&ouml;d no iui, bel bi geted&ouml;n pakrod&ouml;n ukravom. Ut guverale lebeg olifon mal, k&uuml; alphaeus givoti l&ouml;f.	
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			<img src="images/graphicID_3215_grey.jpg">
			P&ouml;fans vinig sui vo, ods flit&auml;ms vipi volut bi. No ata maita nem&ouml;gik tim&uuml;l, ni binobs klop&ouml;n ok&auml;lom nos. Ols me klop posavon sejedon, ai l&auml;g&uuml;pt&auml;n ted&ouml;n uno&auml;dol j&uuml;s. Ya futi okoedoms vilon ofs, ya beg blods podesumon.		</div>
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