
版权:原创 更新时间:1年以上

以下是 js拖拽排列排序Cookie保存效果特效代码 的示例演示效果:

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
html, body{width:100%;max-height:100%;padding:0px;margin:0px;}
.root{width:868px;margin: 0 auto;}
.root *{/*此属性FF的说*/-moz-user-select:none;}
.move{border:#CCCCCC 1px solid;width:200px;height:aotu;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;display:none;}
.title_b, .title_c{float:left;width:30px;font-size:9px;color:#CCCCCC;}
.content{height:100px;border-top:#CCCCCC 1px solid;background-color:#F7F7F7;font-size:12px;line-height:100px;}
.CDrag_temp_div{border:#CCCCCC 1px dashed;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;}

<script type="text/javascript">
var Class = {
create: function () {
   return function () {
    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
var $A = function (a) {
return a ? Array.apply(null, a) : new Array;
var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
Object.extend = function (a, b) {
for (var i in b) a[i] = b[i];
return a;
Object.extend(Object, {
addEvent : function (a, b, c, d) {
   if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent(b[0], c);
   else a.addEventListener(b[1] || b[0].replace(/^on/, ""), c, d || false);
   return c;

delEvent : function (a, b, c, d) {
   if (a.detachEvent) a.detachEvent(b[0], c);
   else a.removeEventListener(b[1] || b[0].replace(/^on/, ""), c, d || false);
   return c;

reEvent : function () {
   return window.event ? window.event : (function (o) {
    do {
     o = o.caller;
    } while (o && !/^\[object[ A-Za-z]*Event\]$/.test(o.arguments[0]));
    return o.arguments[0];

Function.prototype.bind = function () {
var wc = this, a = $A(arguments), o = a.shift();
return function () {
   wc.apply(o, a.concat($A(arguments)));
var CDrag = Class.create();
CDrag.IE = /MSIE/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
CDrag.Table = Class.create();
CDrag.Table.prototype = {
initialize : function () {
   var wc = this;
   wc.items = []; //创建列组

add : function () {
   var wc = this, id = wc.items.length, arg = arguments;
   return wc.items[id] = new CDrag.Table.Cols(id, wc, arg[0]);
CDrag.Table.Cols = Class.create();
CDrag.Table.Cols.prototype = {

initialize : function (id, parent, element) {
   var wc = this;
   wc.items = []; //创建列组
   wc.id = id;
   wc.parent = parent;
   wc.element = element;

add : function () {
   var wc = this, id = wc.items.length, arg = arguments;
   return wc.items[id] = new CDrag.Table.Rows(id, wc, arg[0], arg[1]);

ins : function (num, row) {
   var wc = this, items = wc.items, i;
   if (row.parent == wc && row.id < num) num --; //同列向下移动的时候
   for (i = num ; i < items.length ; i ++) items[i].id ++;
   items.splice(num, 0, row);
   row.id = num, row.parent = wc;
   return row;

del : function (num) {
   var wc = this, items = wc.items, i;
   if (num >= items.length) return;
   for (i = num + 1; i < items.length ; i ++) items[i].id = i - 1;
   return items.splice(num, 1)[0];

CDrag.Table.Rows = Class.create();
CDrag.Table.Rows.prototype = {

initialize : function (id, parent, element, window) {
   var wc = this, temp;
   wc.id = id;
   wc.parent = parent;
   wc.root_id = element;
   wc.window = window;
   wc.element = wc.element_init();
   temp = wc.element.childNodes[CDrag.IE ? 0 : 1];
   wc.title = temp.childNodes[0];
   wc.reduce = temp.childNodes[1];
   wc.close = temp.childNodes[2];
   wc.content = wc.element.childNodes[CDrag.IE ? 1 : 3];
   wc.mousedown = wc.reduceFunc = wc.closeFunc = null;

element_init : function () {
   var wc = this, div = $("root_row").cloneNode(true);
   div.style.display = "block";
   return div;

load : function () {
   var wc = this, info = database.parse(wc.root_id);
   wc.title.innerHTML = info.title;
   wc.content.innerHTML = info.content;
   if (wc.window == 0) {
    wc.content.style.display = "none";
    wc.reduce.innerHTML = "放大";
   } else {
    wc.content.style.display = "block";
    wc.reduce.innerHTML = "缩小";
   wc.content.style.display = (wc.window == 0 ? "none" : "block");

CDrag.prototype = {

initialize : function () {
   var wc = this;
   wc.table = new CDrag.Table; //建立表格对象
   wc.iFunc = wc.eFunc = null;
   wc.obj = { on : { a : null, b : "" }, row : null, left : 0, top : 0 };
   wc.temp = { row : null, div : document.createElement("div") };
   wc.temp.div.setAttribute(CDrag.IE ? "className" : "class", "CDrag_temp_div");
   wc.temp.div.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";

reMouse : function (a) {
   var e = Object.reEvent();
   return {
    x : document.documentElement.scrollLeft + e.clientX,
    y : document.documentElement.scrollTop + e.clientY

rePosition : function (o) {
   var $x = $y = 0;
   do {
    $x += o.offsetLeft;
    $y += o.offsetTop;
   } while ((o = o.offsetParent)); // && o.tagName != "BODY"
   return { x : $x, y : $y };

sMove : function (o) {
   var wc = this;
   if (wc.iFunc || wc.eFinc) return;
   var mouse = wc.reMouse(), obj = wc.obj, temp = wc.temp, div = o.element, position = wc.rePosition(div);
   obj.row = o;
   obj.on.b = "me";
   obj.left = mouse.x - position.x;
   obj.top = mouse.y - position.y;
   temp.row = document.body.appendChild(div.cloneNode(true)); //复制预拖拽对象
   with (temp.row.style) {
    position = "absolute";
    left = mouse.x - obj.left + "px";
    top = mouse.y - obj.top + "px";
    zIndex = 100;
    opacity = "0.3";
    filter = "alpha(opacity:30)";
   with (temp.div.style) {
    height = div.clientHeight + "px";
    width = div.clientWidth + "px";
   div.parentNode.replaceChild(temp.div, div);
   wc.iFunc = Object.addEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iMove.bind(wc));
   wc.eFunc = Object.addEvent(document, ["onmouseup"], wc.eMove.bind(wc));
   document.onselectstart = new Function("return false");

iMove : function () {
   var wc = this, mouse = wc.reMouse(), cols = wc.table.items, obj = wc.obj, temp = wc.temp,
    row = obj.row, div = temp.row, t_position, t_cols, t_rows, i, j;
   with (div.style) {
    left = mouse.x - obj.left + "px";
    top = mouse.y - obj.top + "px";
   for (i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i ++) {
    t_cols = cols[i];
    t_position = wc.rePosition(t_cols.element);
    if (t_position.x < mouse.x && t_position.x + t_cols.element.offsetWidth > mouse.x) {
     if (t_cols.items.length > 0) { //如果此列行数大于0
      if (wc.rePosition(t_cols.items[0].element).y + 20 > mouse.y) {
       obj.on.a = t_cols.items[0];
       obj.on.b = "up";
       obj.on.a.element.parentNode.insertBefore(temp.div, obj.on.a.element);
      } else if (t_cols.items.length > 1 && t_cols.items[0] == row &&
       wc.rePosition(t_cols.items[1].element).y + 20 > mouse.y) {
       obj.on.b = "me";
       t_cols.items[1].element.parentNode.insertBefore(temp.div, t_cols.items[1].element);
      } else {
       for (j = t_cols.items.length - 1 ; j > -1 ; j --) {
        t_rows = t_cols.items[j];
        if (t_rows == obj.row) {
         if (t_cols.items.length == 1) {
          obj.on.b = "me";
        if (wc.rePosition(t_rows.element).y < mouse.y) {
         if (t_rows.id + 1 < t_cols.items.length && t_cols.items[t_rows.id + 1] != obj.row) {
          t_cols.items[t_rows.id + 1].element.parentNode.
           insertBefore(temp.div, t_cols.items[t_rows.id + 1].element);
          obj.on.a = t_rows;
          obj.on.b = "down";
         } else if (t_rows.id + 2 < t_cols.items.length) {
          t_cols.items[t_rows.id + 2].element.parentNode.
           insertBefore(temp.div, t_cols.items[t_rows.id + 2].element);
          obj.on.b = "me";
         } else {
          obj.on.a = t_rows;
          obj.on.b = "down";
     } else {
      obj.on.a = t_cols;
      obj.on.b = "new";

eMove : function () {
   var wc = this, obj = wc.obj, temp = wc.temp, row = obj.row, div = row.element, o_cols, n_cols, number;
   if (obj.on.b != "me") {
    number = (obj.on.b == "down" ? obj.on.a.id + 1 : 0);
    n_cols = (obj.on.b != "new" ? obj.on.a.parent : obj.on.a);
    o_cols = obj.row.parent;
    n_cols.ins(number, o_cols.del(obj.row.id));
   temp.div.parentNode.replaceChild(div, temp.div);
   delete temp.row;
   Object.delEvent(document, ["onmousemove"], wc.iFunc);
   Object.delEvent(document, ["onmouseup"], wc.eFunc);
   document.onselectstart = wc.iFunc = wc.eFunc = null;

add : function (o) {
   var wc = this;
   o.mousedown = Object.addEvent(o.title, ["onmousedown"], wc.sMove.bind(wc, o));
   o.reduceFunc = Object.addEvent(o.reduce, ["onclick"], wc.reduce.bind(wc, o));
   o.closeFunc = Object.addEvent(o.close, ["onclick"], wc.close.bind(wc, o));

close : function (o) {
   var wc = this, parent = o.parent;
   Object.delEvent(o.close, ["onclick"], o.closeFunc);
   Object.delEvent(o.reduce, ["onclick"], o.reduceFunc);
   Object.delEvent(o.title, ["onmousedown"], o.mousedown);
   o.closeFunc = o.reduceFunc = o.mousedown = null;
   delete o;

reduce : function (o) {
   var wc = this;
   if ((o.window = (o.window == 1 ? 0 : 1))) {
    o.content.style.display = "block";
    o.reduce.innerHTML = "缩小";
   } else {
    o.content.style.display = "none";
    o.reduce.innerHTML = "放大";

set_cookie : function () {
   var wc = this, cols = wc.table.items, date = new Date, a = [], b = [], i, j, r;
   date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
   for (i = 0 ; i < cols.length ; i ++) {
    for (r = cols[i].items, j = 0 ; j < r.length ; j ++)
     b[b.length] = "{id:'" + r[j].root_id + "',window:" + r[j].window + "}";
    a[a.length] = "cols:'" + cols[i].element.id + "',rows:[" + b.splice(0, b.length).join(",") + "]";
   document.cookie = "CDrag=" + escape("[{" + a.join("},{") + "}]") + ";expires=" + date.toGMTString();

del_cookie : function () {
   var date;
   if (/(CDrag=[^;]+(?:;|$))/.test(document.cookie)) {
    date = new Date;
    date.setTime(date.getTime() - 1);
    document.cookie = "CDrag=" + RegExp.$1 + ";expires=" + date.toGMTString();

parse : function (o) {
   try {
    var wc = this, table = wc.table, cols, rows, div, i, j;
    for (i = 0 ; i < o.length ; i ++) {
     div = $(o[i].cols), cols = table.add(div);
     for (j = 0 ; j < o[i].rows.length ; j ++)
      wc.add(cols.add(o[i].rows[j].id, o[i].rows[j].window));
   } catch (exp) {

Object.addEvent(window, ["onload"], function () {
var wc = new CDrag,
   json = /CDrag=([^;]+)(?:;|$)/.test(document.cookie) ? eval('(' + unescape(RegExp.$1) + ')') : [
   { cols : "m_1", rows : [
    { id : "m_1_1", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_1_2", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_1_3", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_1_4", window : 1 }
   ] },
   { cols : "m_2", rows : [
    { id : "m_2_1", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_2_2", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_2_3", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_2_4", window : 1 }
   ] },
   { cols : "m_3", rows : [
    { id : "m_3_1", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_3_2", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_3_3", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_3_4", window : 1 }
   ] },
   { cols : "m_4", rows : [
    { id : "m_4_1", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_4_2", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_4_3", window : 1 },
    { id : "m_4_4", window : 1 }
   ] }

$("DEL_CDrag").onclick = (function (wc) {
   return function () {
wc = null;
var database = {
json : [
   { id : "m_1_1", title : "第一列的第一个的说", content : "第一列的第一个的说" },
   { id : "m_1_2", title : "第一列的第二个的说", content : "第一列的第二个的说" },
   { id : "m_1_3", title : "第一列的第三个的说", content : "第一列的第三个的说" },
   { id : "m_1_4", title : "第一列的第四个的说", content : "第一列的第四个的说" },
   { id : "m_2_1", title : "第二列的第一个的说", content : "第二列的第一个的说" },
   { id : "m_2_2", title : "第二列的第二个的说", content : "第二列的第二个的说" },
   { id : "m_2_3", title : "第二列的第三个的说", content : "第二列的第三个的说" },
   { id : "m_2_4", title : "第二列的第四个的说", content : "第二列的第四个的说" },
   { id : "m_3_1", title : "第三列的第一个的说", content : "第三列的第一个的说" },
   { id : "m_3_2", title : "第三列的第二个的说", content : "第三列的第二个的说" },
   { id : "m_3_3", title : "第三列的第三个的说", content : "第三列的第三个的说" },
   { id : "m_3_4", title : "第三列的第四个的说", content : "第三列的第四个的说" },
   { id : "m_4_1", title : "第四列的第一个的说", content : "第四列的第一个的说" },
   { id : "m_4_2", title : "第四列的第二个的说", content : "第四列的第二个的说" },
   { id : "m_4_3", title : "第四列的第三个的说", content : "第四列的第三个的说" },
   { id : "m_4_4", title : "第四列的第四个的说", content : "第四列的第四个的说" }

parse : function (id) {
   var wc = this, json = wc.json, i;
   for (i in json) {
    if (json[i].id == id)
     return { title : json[i].title, content : json[i].content };

<br />
<div><a id="DEL_CDrag" href="javascript:void(0);">[清除记录]</a></div>

<div class="move" id="root_row">
	<div class="title"><div class="title_a">&nbsp;</div><div class="title_b">缩小</div><div class="title_c">关闭</div></div>
	<div class="content"></div>

<div class="root">

	<div class="cell" id="m_1">
		<div class="line">&nbsp;</div>

	<div class="cell r_nbsp">&nbsp;</div>

	<div class="cell" id="m_2">
		<div class="line">&nbsp;</div>

	<div class="cell r_nbsp">&nbsp;</div>

	<div class="cell" id="m_3">
		<div class="line">&nbsp;</div>

	<div class="cell r_nbsp">&nbsp;</div>

	<div class="cell" id="m_4">
		<div class="line">&nbsp;</div>
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Html JS 其它特效1
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jQuery头像裁剪插件cropbox js代码
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jQuery头像裁剪插件cropbox js代码
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