以下是 jquery制作的飞行乌鸦特效代码 的示例演示效果:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
<meta name="keywords" content="JS代码,图片特效,JS广告代码,JS特效代码" />
<meta name="description" content="此代码内容为jquery制作的飞行乌鸦,属于站长常用代码" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/main.css" />
<style type="text/css">
#stage {
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
z-index: 100;
.stage {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
min-width: 900px;
height: 359px;
overflow: hidden;
#bg {
background: #aedfe5 url(images/sky1.png) 0 0 repeat-x;
#clouds {
background: transparent url(images/cloud.png) 305px 102px repeat-x;
#hill2 {
background: transparent url(images/hill2.png) 0 258px repeat-x;
#hill1 {
background: transparent url(images/hill-with-windmill.png) 0 104px repeat-x;
#bird {
background: transparent url(images/bird-forward-back.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
position: absolute;
top: 150px;
left: 65px;
width: 180px;
height: 123px;
z-index: 2000;
cursor: pointer;
<!-- IE6 fixes are found in styles/ie6.css -->
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<script src="scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="scripts/jquery-ui-1.7.2.spritely.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="scripts/jquery.spritely-0.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#logo').click(function() {
document.location.href = 'http://www.spritely.net/';
.sprite({fps: 9, no_of_frames: 3})
.spRandom({top: 50, bottom: 200, left: 300, right: 320})
$('#clouds').pan({fps: 30, speed: 0.7, dir: 'left', depth: 10});
$('#hill2').pan({fps: 30, speed: 2, dir: 'left', depth: 30});
$('#hill1').pan({fps: 30, speed: 3, dir: 'left', depth: 70});
$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spRelSpeed(8);
window.actions = {
fly_slowly_forwards: function() {
$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds')
fly_slowly_backwards: function() {
$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds')
fly_quickly_forwards: function() {
$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds')
fly_quickly_backwards: function() {
$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds')
fly_like_lightning_forwards: function() {
$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds')
fly_like_lightning_backwards: function() {
$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds')
window.page = {
hide_panels: function() {
show_panel: function(el_id) {
<div id="container">
<div id="stage" class="stage">
<div id="tap" class="stage"></div>
<div id="bg" class="stage"></div>
<div id="clouds" class="stage"></div>
<div id="hill2" class="stage"></div>
<div id="hill1" class="stage"></div>
<div id="logo">Spritely</div>
<div id="bird"></div>
<div id="mainContent">
<h1>Spritely 0.2 Examples</h1>
<div id="panels">
<p>点击下面可控制改变动画效果,你可以灵活应用制作出属于你的效果。<a href="#"></a></p>
<p> </p>
<li><a href="#" onclick="page.show_panel('#panel4')">Cool combined actions to modify a whole scene</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="page.show_panel('#panel1')">Moving background elements at fixed speeds; stopping and starting backgrounds & changing direction</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="page.show_panel('#panel2')">Moving background elements at relative speeds</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="page.show_panel('#panel3')">Changing the speed of and stopping and starting sprites; changing sprite 'states'</a></li>
<p> </p>
<div id="panel1" class="panel">
<h2>Moving background elements at fixed speeds</h2>
You can move multiple background elements together, and they will all
move at the same speed...
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spSpeed(40);">.spSpeed(40)</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spSpeed(20);">.spSpeed(20)</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spSpeed(3);">.spSpeed(3)</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spSpeed(1);">.spSpeed(1)</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spStop();">.spStop()</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spStart();">.spStart()</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spToggle();">.spToggle()</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spChangeDir('left');">.spChangeDir('left')</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spChangeDir('right');">.spChangeDir('right')</button>
<div id="panel2" class="panel">
<h2>Moving background elements at relative speeds</h2>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spRelSpeed(40);">.spRelSpeed(40)</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spRelSpeed(20);">.spRelSpeed(20)</button>
<button onclick="$('#hill1, #hill2, #clouds').spRelSpeed(3);">.spRelSpeed(3)</button>
<p> </p>
You can change the relative speed of a number of background elements at once
with the .spRelSpeed() method. However, before you do this, you must set a 'depth'
parameter for each element when you create them with the .pan() method. Please look
at the source code of this page for an example.<br /><br />
The 'depth' method is a value between 0 and 100 where 0 is the horizon (distant
objects which do not move at all) and 100 is for very close-up objects which move
very quickly:<br /><br />
<img id="depth-explained" src="images/depth-explained.jpg" border="0" />
<div id="panel3" class="panel">
<h2>Changing the speed of and stopping and starting sprites; changing sprite 'states'.</h2>
<button onclick="$('#bird').fps(24);">.fps(24)</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').fps(12);">.fps(12)</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').fps(6);">.fps(6)</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').spStop();">.spStop()</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').spStop(true);">.spStop(true) (returns to frame 1)</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').spStart();">.spStart()</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').spToggle();">.spToggle()</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').spState(1);">.spState(1)</button>
<button onclick="$('#bird').spState(2);">.spState(2)</button>
<p> </p>
To change a sprite's 'state', you need an image with multiple rows, where
each row is a 'state' (1, 2, 3, etc.) and each row contains multiple frames,
like the following image:<br /><br />
<img src="images/bird-forward-back.png" border="0" />
<div id="panel4" class="panel">
<h2>Combining actions to modify a whole scene</h2>
<button onclick="actions.fly_slowly_forwards();">actions.fly_slowly_forwards();</button>
<button onclick="actions.fly_quickly_forwards();">actions.fly_quickly_forwards();</button>
<button onclick="actions.fly_like_lightning_forwards();">actions.fly_like_lightning_forwards();</button><br />
<button onclick="actions.fly_slowly_backwards();">actions.fly_slowly_backwards();</button>
<button onclick="actions.fly_quickly_backwards();">actions.fly_quickly_backwards();</button>
<button onclick="actions.fly_like_lightning_backwards();">actions.fly_like_lightning_backwards();</button>
<p>Take a look at the source code to see how this is done. It's amazingly easy to do.</p>
/* * jQuery spritely 0.2 beta * http://spritely.net/ * * Documentation:* http://spritely.net/documentation/ * * Copyright 2010,Peter Chater,Artlogic Media Ltd,http://www.artlogic.net/ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * * Change history:* Version 0.2 beta * - added isDraggable method (requires jquery-ui) $('#sprite').sprite().isDraggable({
alert('Ouch! You dropped me!')}
* - sprites may be set to play a limited number of frames when instantiated,e.g. $('#sprite').sprite({
) * - sprite speed may be controlled at any point by setting the frames-per-second $('#sprite').fps(20);
* - sprites with multiple rows of frames may have there 'state' changed,e.g. to make the second row of frames * active,use:$('#sprite').spState(2);
- to return to the first row,use $('#sprite').spState(1);
* - background element speed may be controlled at any point with .spSpeed(),e.g. $('#bg1').spSpeed(10) * - background elements may be set to a depth where 100 is the viewer (up close) and 0 is the horizon,e.g.:* $('#bg1').pan({
* $('#bg2').pan({
* relative speed of backgrounds may now be set in a single action with $('#bg1,#bg2').spRelSpeed(20);
* which will make elements closer to the horizon (lower depths) move slower than closer elements (higher depths) */
$._spritely ={
// shared methods and variables used by spritely pluginanimate:function(options){
var el = $(options.el);
var el_id = el.attr('id');
options = $.extend(options,$._spritely.instances[el_id] ||{
if (options.play_frames && !$._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames']){
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] = options.play_frames + 1;
if (options.type == 'sprite' && options.fps){
var frames;
var animate = function(el){
var w = options.width,h = options.height;
if (!frames){
frames = [];
total = 0for (var i = 0;
i < options.no_of_frames;
i ++){
frames[frames.length] = (0 - total);
total += w;
if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] >= frames.length - 1){
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] = 0;
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame'] + 1;
var yPos = $._spritely.getBgY(el);
el.css('background-position',frames[$._spritely.instances[el_id]['current_frame']] + 'px ' + yPos);
if (options.bounce && options.bounce[0] > 0 && options.bounce[1] > 0){
var ud = options.bounce[0];
// up-downvar lr = options.bounce[1];
// left-rightvar ms = options.bounce[2];
// millisecondsel.animate({
top:'+=' + ud + 'px',left:'-=' + lr + 'px'}
top:'-=' + ud + 'px',left:'+=' + lr + 'px'}
if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] && $._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] > 0){
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] --;
if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] == 0){
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] = -1;
else if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['remaining_frames'] != -1){
else if (options.type == 'pan'){
if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped']){
if (options.dir == 'left'){
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] = ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] - (options.speed || 1)) || 0;
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] = ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] + (options.speed || 1)) || 0;
var bp_top = $._spritely.getBgY(el);
$(el).css('background-position',$._spritely.instances[el_id]['l'] + 'px ' + bp_top);
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['options'] = options;
,parseInt(1000 / options.fps));
return parseInt(rand_no = Math.floor((higher - (lower - 1)) * Math.random()) + lower);
if ($.browser.msie){
// fixme - the background-position property does not work// correctly in IE so we have to hack it here... Not ideal// especially as $.browser is depricatedvar bgY = $(el).css('background-position-y') || '0';
var bgY = ($(el).css('background-position') || ' ').split(' ')[1];
return bgY;
if ($.browser.msie){
// see note,abovevar bgX = $(el).css('background-position-x') || '0';
var bgX = ($(el).css('background-position') || ' ').split(' ')[0];
return bgX;
var options = $.extend({
,options ||{
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
if (!$._spritely.instances){
$._spritely.instances ={
if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id]){
$._spritely.instances[el_id] ={
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['type'] = options.type;
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['depth'] = options.depth;
options.el = this;
options.width = options.width || $(this).width() || 100;
options.height = options.height || $(this).height() || 100;
var get_rate = function(){
return parseInt(1000 / options.fps);
if (!options.do_once){
return this;
// so we can chain events}
var options = $.extend({
type:'sprite',bounce:[0,0,1000] // up-down,left-right,milliseconds}
,options ||{
return $(this).spritely(options);
var options = $.extend({
type:'pan',dir:'left',continuous:true,speed:1 // 1 pixel per frame}
,options ||{
return $(this).spritely(options);
var options = $.extend({
el_to_move:null,type:'moveToTap',ms:1000,// millisecondsdo_once:true}
,options ||{
if (options.el_to_move){
if ($._spritely.activeSprite){
if (window.Touch){
// iphone method see http://cubiq.org/remove-onclick-delay-on-webkit-for-iphone/9 or http://www.nimblekit.com/tutorials.html for clues...$(this)[0].ontouchstart = function(e){
var el_to_move = $._spritely.activeSprite;
var touch = e.touches[0];
var t = touch.pageY - (el_to_move.height() / 2);
var l = touch.pageX - (el_to_move.width() / 2);
top:t + 'px',left:l + 'px'}
var el_to_move = $._spritely.activeSprite;
var w = el_to_move.width();
var h = el_to_move.height();
var l = e.pageX - (w / 2);
var t = e.pageY - (h / 2);
top:t + 'px',left:l + 'px'}
return this;
if (!$(this).draggable){
alert('To use the isDraggable method you need to load jquery-ui.js');
return this;
var options = $.extend({
,options ||{
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
$._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions = options;
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
$._spritely.instances[el_id].stop_random = true;
if ($._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions.start){
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
$._spritely.instances[el_id].stop_random = false;
if ($._spritely.instances[el_id].isDraggableOptions.stop){
return this;
// the active sprite$._spritely.activeSprite = this;
return this;
// make this the active script if clicked...var el = $(this);
if (window.Touch){
// iphone method see http://cubiq.org/remove-onclick-delay-on-webkit-for-iphone/9 or http://www.nimblekit.com/tutorials.html for clues...el[0].ontouchstart = function(e){
$._spritely.activeSprite = el;
$._spritely.activeSprite = el;
return this;
var options = $.extend({
,options ||{
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
if (!$._spritely.instances[el_id].stop_random){
var r = $._spritely.randomIntBetween;
var t = r(options.top,options.bottom);
var l = r(options.left,options.right);
$('#' + el_id).animate({
top:t + 'px',left:l + 'px'}
$('#' + el_id).spRandom(options);
,options.speed + options.pause)return this;
// remove an element from its current position in the DOM and// position it absolutely,appended to the body tag.return this.each(function(){
var el = $(this);
var pos = el.position();
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
$._spritely.instances[el_id][prop_name] = prop_value;
return this;
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
return $._spritely.instances[el_id][prop_name];
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['_last_fps'] = $(this).spGet('fps');
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped'] = true;
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped_f1'] = bool;
if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['type'] == 'sprite'){
if (bool){
// set background image position to 0var bp_top = $._spritely.getBgY($(this));
$(this).css('background-position','0 ' + bp_top);
return this;
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
var fps = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_last_fps'] || 12;
$._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped'] = false;
if ($._spritely.instances[el_id]['type'] == 'sprite'){
return this;
var el_id = $(this).attr('id');
var stopped = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped'] || false;
var stopped_f1 = $._spritely.instances[el_id]['_stopped_f1'] || false;
if (stopped){
return this;
return this;
return this;
var rel_depth = $(this).spGet('depth') / 100;
$(this).spSet('speed',speed * rel_depth);
return this;
return this;
// change state of a sprite,where state is the vertical// position of the background image (e.g. frames row)var yPos = ((n - 1) * $(this).height()) + 'px';
var xPos = $._spritely.getBgX($(this));
var bp = xPos + ' -' + yPos;
return this;
// Stop IE6 re-loading background images continuouslytry{
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h4{font-size:1.07em;line-height:1.1em;margin:8px 0 15px 0;}
h5{font-size:1.07em;line-height:1.1em;margin:8px 0 15px 0;}
a img{border:0;}
pre{background:#efefef;border:1px solid silver;margin:10px 0;padding:10px;font-family:'Courier New',Courier,monospace;}
#logo{background:url(../images/spritely_logo.png) 0 0 no-repeat;width:378px;height:121px;position:absolute;top:7px;left:30px;z-index:1900;text-indent:-9999px;}
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