以下是 jquery益智拼图游戏特效代码 的示例演示效果:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />
<meta name="keywords" content="jQuery 拼图游戏 " />
<link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
<div id="game_object"></div>
/** * * Fifteen game jQuery plugin * * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Copyright 2012,Script Tutorials * http://www.script-tutorials.com/ */
// This is a JavaScript event. It means - once DOM is finished loading,// execute everything inside the callback function scope// This is where we initialize the game$(document).ready(function(){
// Initialize the game and create the plugin // When the squares swap places,the moving square must always appear on top var zi = 1;
// We increment z-index each time a square is shifted // The index of the empty square by default,the 16th square var EmptySquare = 16;
// Now,this is where we create the plugin and call it fifteen. $.fn.extend({
// Grab the id of the HTML element into which we are placing the game,// it is the selector - "#game_object" from $("#game_object").fifteen(175);
var gameObjectElement = '#' + $(this).attr('id');
var sqSize = square_size + 'px';
var boardSize = (square_size * 4) + 'px';
// Inject DIV into game_object,this is our game board $(gameObjectElement).html('<div id="board"></div>');
position:'absolute',width:boardSize,height:boardSize,border:'1px solid gray'}
// Populate the game board's HTML container with 15 squares for (var i = 0;
i < 16;
// A dirty way to create an arbitrary DIV and append it into HTML dynamically // Notice each square uses the same image. It just uses a different x/y offset for each square $('#board').append("<div style='left:" + ((i % 4) * square_size) + "px;
top:" + Math.floor(i / 4) * square_size + "px;
width:" + square_size + "px;
height:" + square_size + "px;
background-position:" + (-(i % 4) * square_size) + "px " + -Math.floor(i / 4) * square_size + "px '></div>");
// Empty up the 16th square,as the starting point // EmptySquare = 16 $('#board').children("div:nth-child(" + EmptySquare + ")").css({
// Attach click event to each square $('#board').children('div').click(function(){
// Move() is the function that is called when a square is clicked // Note that it is independent of the plugin itself which is described above // It takes two parameters,// 1. object handle to the square that was clicked,and // 2. the width of the square function Move(clicked_square,square_size){
// We need to locate movable tiles based on where the empty spot is,// We can only move the four surrounding squares var movable = false;
// Swap x/y between the clicked square and the currently empty square var oldx = $('#board').children("div:nth-child(" + EmptySquare + ")").css('left');
var oldy = $('#board').children("div:nth-child(" + EmptySquare + ")").css('top');
var newx = $(clicked_square).css('left');
var newy = $(clicked_square).css('top');
// The clicked square is north of the empty square if (oldx == newx && newy == (parseInt(oldy) - square_size) + 'px') movable = true;
// The clicked square is south of the empty square if (oldx == newx && newy == (parseInt(oldy) + square_size) + 'px') movable = true;
// The clicked square is west of the empty square if ((parseInt(oldx) - square_size) + 'px' == newx && newy == oldy) movable = true;
// The clicked square is east of the empty square if ((parseInt(oldx) + square_size) + 'px' == newx && newy == oldy) movable = true;
if (movable){
// Increment zindex so the new tile is always on top of all others $(clicked_square).css('z-index',zi++);
// Swap squares... Animate new square into old square position $(clicked_square).animate({
//Move old square into new square position $('#board').children("div:nth-child(" + EmptySquare + ")").css('left',newx);
$('#board').children("div:nth-child(" + EmptySquare + ")").css('top',newy);
// Ok,we're ready to initialize the game,let's do it. // Create a game with 175 by 175 squares inside "#game_object" div:$('#game_object').fifteen(175);
header{background-color:rgba(33,33,33,0.9);color:#ffffff;display:block;font:14px/1.3 Arial,sans-serif;height:50px;position:relative;}
header h2{font-size:22px;margin:0px auto;padding:10px 0;width:80%;text-align:center;}
header a,a:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#fcfcfc;}
body{background:url("../images/back_3d.jpg") no-repeat scroll top center transparent;}
#game_object{background-color:#ffffff;height:705px;margin:20px auto;position:relative;width:705px;}
#board div{background:url("../images/cat_face.jpg") no-repeat scroll 0 0 #ffffff;cursor:pointer;height:175px;line-height:175px;position:absolute;text-align:center;width:175px;/* css3 shadow */
-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 20px #555555;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 20px #555555;-ms-box-shadow:inset 0 0 20px #555555;-o-box-shadow:inset 0 0 20px #555555;box-shadow:inset 0 0 20px #555555;}