about me, me, me
I suppose this is where I write about myself.
Hi! My name is Melissa Hie. I am currently residing in Los Angeles, and I am a recent Computer Science graduate from UCLA (Class of '07). I am not too fond of my major, but I admit it is an interesting field and has given me valuable experiences I would not possess otherwise. My real passion lies in web and graphic designing.

In my free time, I enjoy watching TV shows. Lots and lots of it. My all time favorite is The X-Files, which I have been watching literally half my life! Other honorable mentions are Battlestar Galactica and House MD. I like playing videogames, and occasionally trying to speak Japanese (actually, it's my minor in college). I also enjoy reading books, but I like webcomics even better! My favorite comics are XKCD and The Perry Bible Fellowship. These guys are brilliant.
Eva Care Group

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my past portfolio site | click on the image to close

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work, work.
some stuff I've done
click on the thumbnails for full-view of each site
Eva Care Group
contact me!
ways to reach me

please contact me through email: melissa (at) melissahie (.) com
Note: I am currently available for freelancing, but would also welcome a full-time job opportunity. If you are interested please contact me with details (preferably something more than just the generic "I have a project you might be interested in..."). I've found that I work best when I actually connect with the people I work for :)

Copyright © 2007 by Melissa Hie | All Rights Reserved
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Phi Sigma Rho Rush Flyer

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Phi Sigma Rho Rush Flyer

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Print Design
my printed works
Phi Sigma Rho Rush Flyer
Phi Sigma Rho Rush Flyer
  • Advanced knowledge in (X)HTML, CSS
  • Comfortable with hand-coding (X)HTML and CSS from scratch
  • Working knowledge of PHP and MySQL
  • Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop
  • Dedicated, fast learner, detail oriented
  • Languages: English (proficient), Indonesian (proficient), Japanese (intermediate)